My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1941: Catastrophe is imminent

Dare or not?

Su Jin hardly ever thought of these two thoughts. When the Zihuan Empress struggled to shout out the word "Dare", the result was doomed!

"Your big world is aloft, your strong men can act recklessly, you can despise me, you can laugh at me, but when doing this, be prepared to be beaten to death!"


After Su Jin finished speaking, the sound of his throat bone being crushed appeared at the same time, and then he pointed like a knife, a horizontally cut, beautiful head fluttered, and he was caught!

The headless body of the Zihuan Empress fell on the ground and hit the bank of the Yangliu River!

The shock is unparalleled.

Su Jin shot and killed the two great emperors, it was simply not too fast, it can be described by the rush of crushing!

This result has never occurred to all the Chinese cultivators!

Above Huaxia City, Su Jin held an emperor skull in one hand, like an iron-blooded war god, with sharp tiger eyes and firm face, making everyone look up--

"Kill!" Huaxia City let out a deafening cheer.

"The two great emperors were beheaded like lightning with bare hands, and they were still completed without being a ghost king. Tianzi Su seemed to have completed a reborn transformation recently!" A monk became excited.

"I don't dare to think about it! We still planned to let him escape. I didn't expect the two emperors to be beheaded so easily!"

"We are just the lowest level of the big world, and we are frantically mocked by the monks in the world. With Su Tianzi, who would dare to despise us!"

"He is the hero of the world in my mind~~~" There was a little fan girl, blushing, and her excitement was beyond words.


Su Jin’s iron-blooded methods shocked all the cultivators in Huaxia City. The entire five domains were suppressed, and many cultivators were more or less, and they had met when they were underestimated, but now--


Below, the Ksitigarbha King had an accident on the handsome face for the first time.

"A few days ago, if Su Jin had the current strength, the old dragon would not die." Miss Meng sighed quietly.

"This is fate."

The Ksitigarbha king thought for a while, "A disaster is at hand, and our underground mansion should also be prepared to meet the enemy. The tomb of the Qingshuang Immortal Emperor has been found outside the boundary and it will be opened in the last few days."

"Then we now--" Miss Meng asked in a daze.

The Ksitigarbha king looked more at Su Jin in the void, and passed a message to him, and then asked Meng Girl to wait for the divine residence, communicated with Taixu Shipai, and returned to the underground palace.

In the void, Su Jin carried two emperor skulls, his face changed slightly.

The tomb of Emperor Qingshuang, opened recently!

Who found it?

Who is going to open a tomb?

Su Jin disappeared from the void, appeared at the west gate of the city, and placed two emperor skulls on the tower!

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, no one came, Su Jin thought that China City was safe, and hurriedly turned into a white light, the Yuan Ling communicated with the stone, and returned to the body of the ghost ship.

neither knows--

The Master of Star Picking is now in a state of confusion, as if there are millions of ants biting in his heart. Like some great powers in the China Great World, he also feels that the ‘Sky Dragon Realm’ is imminent!

In the palace, on the tiger chair. The leader of the star picker suddenly sat on it weakly.

Wuliangtian, the three great emperors, were directly beheaded by Su Jin! When Lan Dao Zun learned the news, he dared not show up, and directly reported back to the "Blessed Heaven" report, disregarding the Heavenly Dragon Realm!

"Master, what should I do? Su Tianzi's brother, his anger is almost gone..." The two believers were still lying on the ground, shaking and asking.

The star picker looked at the two men with unusually ugly faces, and asked angrily: "Who made you so cruel!"

"It's not what you said, as long as you don't kill...Anything will do?" a cultist said, hesitated.

"Get out! Save him quickly, if he is dead, your whole family must die! Let him survive, so he can be entertained!"

The leader of the star picker swung a bottle of Baodan from the sleeve of his robe and slammed it on the forehead of one of the followers, and threw the two out.


It didn't take long for the treasure pill given to feed the Lord of the Barbarian Country, the Emperor Shaoman!

The Emperor Shaoman was tied to the blood-red stone pillar, and many Starcatchers did not dare to put him down. Before the air intake had not vented quickly, for fear that he would die if moved.

The dragon body trembled slightly, and the Emperor Shaoman opened his mouth slightly. He woke up from Yoyo, his face finally had a slight complexion, but his lips were still white!

"Hit me, keep hitting—"

The Emperor Shaoman grinned. He was extremely tired and said weakly: "My brother is a Buddha of life and death, and he is talking about the Buddha of life and death. I didn't understand those Sanskrit singing, but now...understand a little."

"I think twice--"

The group of star-catchers changed, and one of them said with a pale face: "Who is so cruel, beats my emperor like this, it doesn't matter, those people have been punished, and I am a group of new slaves who have come to serve my emperor."

"Shut up. Substitution is useful?" The long-lost emperor Shaoman was aroused and slowly said: "You have a kind of kill me, otherwise just listen to me now!"

"Listen to you, listen to you." The people present said grimly.

"My brother is a Buddha of life and death. I understand a little bit. The pain in the flesh is not pain, it is pleasure..." The Emperor Shaoman grinned and began to appeal to the Buddhist teachings he understood.


I do not know how long it has been.

The beast-faced mountain carving is vivid, and the familiar road makes Su Jin feel more cordial. The broken ghost ship swings and slowly stops at the place of departure.

Su Jinchao looked around and found that this trip was not long-term. There were many regrets that could not be achieved, but there were gains. Perhaps as the ancestor said, only by living can you do everything!

Too Brahma!

He will go, and in the near future!

Su Jin resolutely stepped out of the ghost ship, returned to the teleportation formation on the beast-faced mountain carving, and directly threw a handful of spirit crystals, and the whole person disappeared in this void and star road.

The mountain breeze is blowing, and it brings the smell of rotten mud and grass in the distant swamp. Looking west, you can see the setting sun faintly in the woods, and a few hares shuttle into a grass nest——

"Have you ever thought about a problem." In the bone ring, Liu Changjia on the lotus picture came out.

"What's the problem?" Su Jin stepped on the land of China, feeling very cordial.

"The ghost ship can be driven. This is too scary. The fairy king of good fortune could not do it."

"I have thought about this question, after I rescued my mother in the future, I will naturally ask her to understand." Su Jin said.

While speaking, Su Jin planned to return to Qincheng first.

Regarding the tomb of the Qingshuang Immortal Emperor, Su Jin no longer wants to think about it. His spirit is tense these days. If he doesn't relax a little bit, his whole person might have mental problems.

Come back home!

With a smile on Su Jin's face, from the front of the teleportation formation, just about to leave, his face was suddenly startled.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three wooden arrows came from different angles in the forest!

Isn't there no one here?

How could this be! Su Jin felt very strange right now.

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