My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1942: Come back home! !


The three wooden arrows were not even close, they turned into three strands of sawdust more than a meter away, and were shaken away.

Su Jin's scalp is numb, it's because he is so knowledgeable and has never seen such a situation!

When he came, Su Jin had seen it with the "Maha Prison Eye".

There were no people in the surrounding area for three thousand miles, but at this time someone was shooting arrows, and it was him who attacked!

In the green forest, a snow-white girl's face appeared. She was not far away hiding beside a pile of thorns. She shot an arrow and almost shot someone, making her startled.

Su Jin waved his sleeves and disappeared and appeared beside her. Both began to look at each other.

"You, who are you? Ah—" The girl was taken aback and sat on the ground with a fright.

There were a few spines on the ground, and there was a girly voice.

"You are very strange." Su Jin looked at the girl.

"You are strange. Where did you come from? I almost thought you were a wolf!"


Su Jin was speechless. He said that the girl was strange, she was not slanderous, she was white and tender, but the soul of the whole person did not seem to exist.

"What's your name?" Su Jin looked at her and asked after being silent.

"My name is Lulu. I live in the wilderness. There are wolves in the mountains. Don't run around if you don't know."

"There are wolves in the mountains? Actually, I am a wolf. Are you afraid of little sister Lulu?" Su Jin asked, squinting.

"Nonsense! I'm going back, it's dangerous outside, you leave soon." When Lulu got up, she patted herself on her body, holding a shortbow.

It was very weird to meet a stranger in the mountains. Lulu's daughter was worried about the danger and left.

At first Lulu walked at a natural pace, but after fifty meters, she was able to shuttle freely in the mountains and forests and escape lifelessly. Fortunately, she did not forget the rear and found that the strange man had not followed.

Several breaths passed.

Su Jin appeared in another mountain forest fifty miles away, looked at a flat-headed mountain, and was silent when he found thousands of wooden coffins placed.

There is an ancient plank road on Pingtou Mountain, and there is a mountain gate in front of it. It is right in front of Sujin at the moment. On the stone pailou in front of the mountain gate, there are three words written: "Fengtian people."


Su Jin did not like these three words.

"That girl dedicated her soul to Heaven. This cottage is not easy." Liu Changjia's voice reached Su Jin's ears.

"Fengtian, Fengtian, give everything away, even the custom is an open-air burial coffin. This must be an ancient clan village." As Su Jin said, he was surprised by this discovery.

"It should be." Liu Changjia agreed.

"Unfortunately, it was useless. I gave everything, including my soul, but God gave up on them."

Su Jin thought for a while and took note of this. Although he wanted to walk in and visit, he felt a little special. After all, he is a cultivator against the sky, and if there is a hidden power in it...

There may be conflicts.

Immediately Su Jin decided to leave, releasing the Nine Elephant Flying Boat in his palm, blowing a breath, and taking the flying boat away.

Hu Hu Hu-

Soon after Su Jin left, the girl Lulu panted and ran back to the cottage. With a vigorous posture, she directly found an old lady with dark skin and excitedly said that she had seen a handsome guy.

"What's the matter, grandma!" Lulu asked when she noticed that her grandma's pupils were glowing green when she finished speaking. She had never seen this before, and her face paled in shock.

"You shouldn't see him, he is a catastrophe." The old woman with shriveled skin and skinny body reprimanded her.


In the dusk of the sky, Su Jin used his strength to urge the "Nine Elephants Flying Boat", and the speed was reaching the extreme! I don’t know how many times faster than usual!

Under the blessing of his strength.

After only an hour or so, Su Jin put away the Nine Elephants Flying Boat and saw the neon flashing below, and the prosperous Qin City was below!

After these days, China is unharmed, and Qin Cheng is unharmed! that's nice--

Su Jin was quite relieved.

The bustling metropolis is full of traffic, neon, and the rhythm is fast. Su Jin landed in a park near his home.

The sky is already dim, but there are still many people in this green park.

There was a girlfriend lying on the bench with his head resting on the boy's legs.

There was an old man who had eaten, under the dim street lamp, playing Tai Chi, and the two who had originally broke up, seemed to feel good for each other, wiped their tears, hugged and wept.

"Uncle, Tai Chi is good--" Su Jin was infected by the atmosphere, looked at the energetic old man, and said hello.

"Haha, after more than 30 years of training, you young people should learn these health-preserving skills from your ancestors in your spare time." The old man did not stop.

"Work is too busy." Su Jin felt like a lifetime away, feeling that his life had returned to the land that nurtured him. Very willing to communicate with each other.

"Being busy is an excuse. Now the young man is holding his mobile phone and sitting in front of the computer. His physique is too weak. The day before yesterday, a child from a distant relative's family was diagnosed with a serious illness."

"Yes, yes -" Su Jin nodded in agreement.

"The young man lives nearby?" the old man asked.

"Yes indeed!"

"Do you want to learn Tai Chi? If you want to learn Tai Chi, I will teach you."

"Actually I know some."

Su Jin was ashamed, his face a bit serious.

The old man was a little surprised, and said: "Let me see if you make two laps, do you feel it."

"I didn't play well, uncle can give me some advice——" Su Jin didn't know whether he was acting right with the uncle.

"It's okay, I'll point you if it's wrong." The uncle nodded very kindly.

But then, the old man was stunned.

Su Jin's starting style is very standard. Although he didn't use his strength, there seemed to be a unique feeling between his gestures, as if he was waving a road, and even some passersby could not help being attracted.

"I'll see you later, my wife is still waiting for me." Su Jin glanced at the dazed grandfather and quickly disappeared into the park in a running posture.

"You calf is better than I practiced. What kind of paralysis with the uncle! Don't be afraid to get out of the uncle's heart disease!" The old man was so angry that he stomped his feet under the street light and shouted at Su Jin. .

Human feelings are cold and warm, and they are also practicing in the red dust.

Su Jin might think it was a bit cumbersome before and he didn't want to do it. But these ordinary kindnesses, he is extremely willing to see now.

Of course, just because it's so close to home!

Su Jin trot all the way, only three minutes away, and then appeared outside the house.

The lights in the room are still on--

Su Jin is full of expectations, and his wife doesn't know how happy she should be after seeing herself!

Su Jin glanced at the windows next to the garage. The curtains were not covered. Among them was the bedroom of his and his wife Yuyan. The lights were also on.

First look!

Su Jin made a decision, then he smiled, walked to the window, and looked inside——

But then, Su Jin's smile gradually changed!

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