My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1943: Chinese Dragon Bird?


The smirk gradually became more and more obsessed.

Xia Yuyan's perfect figure was reflected in Su Jin's vision. She wore a pure blue sweater on her upper body, and below the waist was a simple and neat cream white skirt, with long and delicate legs stretching out.

The night breeze was refreshing, Su Jin looked for a while, and found Yuyan's wife walking around, feeling warm in her heart, and walked into the living room through the front door.

No one in the living room.

Xia Yunxi was applying a mask in the room, not in the living room at all.

But then, he opened the bedroom door of himself and Xia Yuyan, and the warm tone did affect Su Shao.

Xia Yuyan's delicate body shook slightly, turned her head and saw her husband——

"Where is the mother-in-law?" Xia Yuyan slowly glanced around, but did not see the so-called mother-in-law.

"Something went wrong." Su Jin shook his head, took a step forward, and hugged her tightly.


Naturally it failed to bring it.

Xia Yuyan saw a trace of loneliness in the corner of Su Jin's eyes when she was speaking. In her mind, there are very few things her husband can't do. This trip must have suffered a setback.

"It's fine—"

Xia Yuyan comforted, as if thinking of something, and said: "You let me go first and show you something."

"What's the matter?" Su Jin let go of Xia Yuyan, with doubts in his eyes.

Xia Yuyan turned around and walked to the table, clicked the OK button on the laptop, and a surprising picture suddenly appeared on it.

It's a photo!

The scene in the photo was taken in a red desert, taken by several ‘walkers’ trekking in the desert. In the picture, the desert is full of sky, and there is a blue bird with a wingspan of about 500 meters.

The cyan flying bird looks like an eagle and a peng, with a dragon's tail at its tail! Every feather on the bird is alive!

This is a news feature, marked as: Mysterious ‘new species’ Chinese dragon bird?

Xia Yuyandian opened a scene of comments, and the number of posts reached hundreds of thousands!

"After I am determined, ps is undoubtedly!" The comment suffix ---Z province e city netizens hit cat's mouse.

"The Chinese dragon bird has long been extinct, the painting style is quite strange, although it is ps, I like it very much." The netizen ‘Orange Rain’ in the city of f province and w responded.

"No trace of PS? PS great flounder, you get me out. If this picture is not from PS, it will be broadcast live!"

"Everyone posted rationally. There are indeed a few ps gods who said that this picture has never been p."

"Such a big eagle, with a dragon's tail, is obviously not good, this kind of low-level picture is also worthy of your discussion—"

"Show everyone a picture of my back mountain."

A girl from M City, J province, took a photo of her hand on the edge of a banana tree in front of the mountain. She took five square yellow and green altars. The five altars were on the mountain wall with cotton on them. Traces of quality--

The slender jade hand immediately caused a lot of crazy onlookers and replies, which amounted to hundreds.

"Good hands!" Some netizens replied.

"Play with hands for a lifetime—"

"The old girl is from Y city too, shall we make an appointment?"


Posting warmly, Su Jin's face gradually became hard to look. He remembered the nearly ten thousand blood corpses deep in the high seas, and now this picture appeared again.

Su Jin can be quite sure that this picture is not of PS, and he even feels it, knowing that this dragon bird is very strong, at least in the realm of the Demon Emperor, and this desert——

He is more familiar!

In the Western Desert, Su Jin saw the location in the news, and those fellow travellers dared to enter anything——

"What do you think?" Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin, her mentality obviously relaxed a lot.

"How else can you see, the calamity is coming."

Su Jin shook his head and continued: "This demon is also a demon emperor at least, not in my realm. Its appearance may be related to one thing."

"What's the matter? Could it be related to the old man with a black sheep behind him?" Xia Yuyan looked surprised.

"Not sure yet. However, I heard that the'Tomb of the Immortal Emperor Qingshuang' has been found, but the doubts remain to be solved." Su Jin couldn't figure it out.

First of all, the old man who followed the black sheep had a very high realm. Although the Ksitigarbha was in the ancestral realm, with his deduction, it would not take a few days before the old man passed through the underworld.

Second, what was buried in the tomb of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang was so hard to find.

Su Jin is now in a fog. I don’t know why the Great Tribulation of China happened. Under the mysterious old man and the mysterious open sea, nearly ten thousand blood corpses are roaring, and now this demon emperor appears again——

"I heard that the five travel friends who took the photos are still out of contact. The pictures were uploaded through the data network." Xia Yuyan said.


Su Jin felt a little more depressed in his heart. He straightened up from the state of bending down, looking at Xia Yuyan and couldn't help asking: "You are so busy every day, there is no need to care about these gossip events."

"What do you mean, it's just that I'm gossiping?" Xia Yuyan made a fierce expression, cocked the corner of her mouth, obviously a little angry.

"Aren't you gossiping?" Su Jin remained unmoved. Very calm.

"The tomb of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang, do you want to go?" Xia Yuyan asked Su Jin with a smile, knowing that she couldn't stop Su Jin from feigning anger.

"Go, but don't take you." Su Jin nodded.

"Why do you put your words ahead of others, you are looking for death!"

Xia Yuyan gritted his silver teeth, he felt too suffocated. Every thought of himself had been guessed by Su Jin, and he still refused to give people a little room! Very angry, this is very angry!

"see your performance."

Su Jin didn't even look at Xia Yuyan. He lay down on a chair, put his hands on his abdomen, and placed an'eight' shape. On the contrary, it made people feel the leadership qualities of a'dominant male president'.

"No, don't let you sleep!" When Xia Yuyan said, she had a sunny smile on her face, her temperament and self-confidence as her!

"You won." Su Jin responded simply.

Pretending to be paralyzed is always pretending to be paralyzed. Xia Yuyan is the true sister of the president at any rate. In terms of means, self-confidence, and temperament, Su Jin is really not overbearing at this point.

"When will we leave?" Xia Yuyan asked with a smile.

"It depends on the situation. I really want to get a good night's sleep, these days are too tired. Go take a bath first -" Su Jin secretly has a headache, and has been tossing things over the past few days, and now this thing has happened again.

"Then you go and wash it." Xia Yuyan glanced at Su Jin's complexion. "You have turned white a lot in the past few days!"

Su Jin nodded without explaining, and walked to the bathroom without any explanation. Finally, he put aside the water, put the body wash, untied his clothes, and lay in——

But then, a gap was opened in the bathroom door, and a man's smallest piece of clothing was thrown over!

Fortunately, Su Jin stretched out his hand, otherwise, he almost got hit in the face!

This is very angry!

One after another, one piece of the clothes came in, Xia Yuyan threw it in and said, "Hurry up, I also want to wash—"

"One piece, dare you?" Su Jin asked openly.

Outside the door, there was a long silence.

Finally, the door was opened, and the figure of the domineering female president appeared. Xia Yuyan spoke with thin lips and whispered two words:


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