My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1944: Dead man's meal

"Speak louder~~I didn't hear clearly!"

Su Jin expressed serious protest against this and was very dissatisfied, as if I was the master.

You know, he is also Su Tianzi in the China Great World at any rate, and he is a character.

Is it difficult for the little wife at home to do such a small thing to make this sound? Not difficult! I can only blame myself for teaching my wife for nothing!

Xia Yuyan whited Su Jin's eyes, "Are you dreaming?"

Said Xia Yuyan, she rolled her eyes, turned around slowly, and closed the door of the bathroom very ‘lady’—

哐! ~~~

Su Jin shrugged, not familiar with beautiful women. He just felt that the president was a bit ‘wild’, and it’s not bad that he didn’t pull the door down. In fact, he was just joking.

Immediately, Su Jin also immersed his head in the water.


After staying in the bathtub for about half an hour, Su Jin put on the clothes his wife prepared for him. It was a small suit of casual western-style suit, brown and linen, gray collar black shirt.

Putting it on, Su Jin looked in the mirror a few times, and exclaimed, "So handsome! How can other men live--"

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, Su Jin seemed to hear someone coming in the living room and couldn't help but glance at Xia Yuyan.

"What time is it, still working?" Su Jin saw Xia Yuyan in front of her laptop, wearing black-rimmed glasses, at work.

"Shall we leave these two days? Hurry up and do the work on your hands." Xia Yuyan didn't even look at Su Jin, but looked at the documents on the computer very intently.

"Who is here?" Su Jin gestured.

"Oh yes." Xia Yuyan turned around the chair and helped Fu Qiong's glasses on her nose, "Go and cut her hair--"

Fuck, haircut! ~~~

Su Jin tilted his head, opened the bedroom door unbelief and walked out. Sure enough, I saw more than a dozen people waiting in the living room. The battle of this big group was only revealed today. It takes more than a dozen people to get a haircut?

The hero is a 27-year-old beauty. Su Jin never met her--

"Manager Su." A dozen people greeted in unison.

"Where to start." Su Jin was a little embarrassed, and immediately he saw Xia Yunxi walking out in his nightgown.

"Brother-in-law, be in the next room--" Xia Yunxi just heard the news from her sister that Su Shao is back.

Got it! Su Jin plunged into the empty room next to him, and then the barber team began to get busy.

I have to say that the beauties in charge are doing well, they look very professional, and they keep studying with Su Jin the most suitable hairstyle for him——

It took half an hour to finalize the decision, and then it was baked and dyed! Wash, cut and blow!

Get the full set! It has been nearly five hours.

During this period, if it were not for the beauty and sweetness of the hairdresser's sister, I am afraid that Su Shao would be taking a nap!

"Mr. Su, are you satisfied with it?" The young lady barber finished the operation and after she was done, she looked at Su Jin in the mirror and asked.

"Satisfied, very satisfied—"

Su Jin was in a daze. The sea wave in front of him was a little bit of red and yellow. It had been cut too short. How would he describe himself now?

Little fresh meat!

Elite little fresh meat!

Time is not wasted, Su Jin feels that with this dress, he can walk the flowers!

Before long, the young lady barber left with the team and cleaned up the house before leaving. The price is very expensive. Xia Yunxi signed an order with a seven on it and five zeros on the back!

"I feel that if I sell my brother-in-law, the whole person is not worth the money." Xia Yunxi pursed his lips and smiled.

"Go, go, go." Su Jin waved his hand, feeling that the whole person was too refreshed.

Then Su Jin opened the bedroom door--

It was 11:40, the computer was still on, and there were some slightly messy manuscripts on the table. Su Jin turned to look, but the beauty on the bed was already asleep.

With a delicate body lying on the bed, beautiful long legs, unable to pick out the slightest flaw, Su Jin gradually approached, listening to the sound of her breathing evenly, and the pretty cherry mouth, it seemed that she could not get bored.

Su Jin put his elbow on the bed, and slowly lowered his head to make a mark on Xia Yuyan's lips, the fragrance refreshed his nose.

Soon Su Jin couldn't bear to wake her up, yawned, and snapped his left hand!


More than a thousand Daoxu sumo wrestling flashed out, the big ascension technique directly lifted him to the sky!

In a flash, a stream of light disappeared in the bedroom. During the period, no one noticed it!

That figure has appeared in front of the Temple of the Kings of Gods thirty miles north of Qincheng——


Su Jin turned his head and looked at the crossroads 100 meters away from the "Yanwang Temple" and found two faint candlelights shining.

In the middle of the crossroads, on a pearwood chair, there were two pale candle lights. In front of the lights, there were three bowls of rice with three incense sticks.

In front of the wooden chair, a pile of yellow paper was still glowing red and green smoke billowed.

Su Jin's eyebrows opened in Mohe Town Prison, and he was not surprised by what he saw. An old woman with a crooked figure, with a cane and a lantern in front of her, walked towards the overpass.

At the crossroads, the dead man's rice was burned! Don't look back when you die. It is said that there will be unknown when someone is seen, and the dead can not eat the living! Doomed!

"It's delicious—"

"While the ghost is not passing by, hurry up and eat more."


In front of the incense pile, two evil spirits like ‘rubber dolls’ began a conversation, Su Jin saw the faces of two lonely wild ghosts, and I’m afraid that ordinary people would have been scared to the ground!

The two ghosts kept smiling faces, all with stiff expressions! Do not move.

Su Jin sighed, stopped looking, turned and disappeared in the ghost gate.

There are many things, but the Ksitigarbha King did not say clearly. The tomb of Emperor Qingshuang is extremely important, and there are many doubts that need to be clarified from the Ksitigarbha.

Huangquan Road——

Withered flowers on the other side, and disappeared Huangquan Ancestral Dragon, in just a few days, Su Jin could not find the familiar feeling before.

Su Jin raised his hand, opened a void passage, and walked to the depths of the Nai River, in front of the cliff.

The Ksitigarbha king is consistent, calmly holding the scroll, guarding the mountain pass between the Jiuyou Jedi and the Jifu.

"Tomorrow afternoon, the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang will be passively soiled." Ksitigarbha put down the Buddhist scriptures and said, looking at Su Jin.

"So fast?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"Yeah." The Ksitigarbha king nodded, "When will you leave? It is said that some hidden old guys in the Five Regions have already left the customs and are fully coping with this catastrophe."

"Where is the exact location of the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang?"

"In the Eastern Region."

The Ksitigarbha king thought for a while, and then said: "The emperor has arranged some methods before his death, not only can it be of great use, this time the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang, we cannot allow them to take away anything."

Su Jin was surprised.

He felt that Ksitigarbha knew something--

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin asked directly: "What is the secret hidden in the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang?"

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