My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1945: Tomb of Emperor Qingshuang

"Do not ask."

Ksitigarbha King concealed with Su Jin, seeming to be concerned about something, and shook his head.

Su Jin was not angry.

The Ksitigarbha King concealed it from him, naturally there were reasons to hide it, if it was good for him, Ksitigarbha King had no reason to hide it.

Su Jin didn't ask further, and said, "You tell me the exact address of the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang--"

"Qiangyou Country Qingyun Town." The Ksitigarbha king waved his hand in the void, transforming a picture of Buddha.

It turned out to be that!

Su Jin saw at a glance that this'Qiang You Country' is adjacent to the'Izumo Thirteen Prefectures' and is very close to the region, but this Qiang You Country is a small country. Why did Immortal Emperor Qingshuang buried himself there?

Seeing Su Jin's silence, the Ksitigarbha King slowly said: "This time there are many mysterious powerhouses in the Five Realms who have appeared. They are not members of the Chinese Great World. I must be prepared for a deadly battle."

"It really doesn't work, I'll go take a look now." Su Jin hesitated.

"Alright." Ksitigarbha nodded and said.

Su Jin opened a void passage, turned his head and glanced, and found that Miss Meng was wearing a thin white skirt and was rushing to stop her feet. He couldn't help but gestured and walked back into the passage.

"King of Ksitigarbha."

Dream girl retracted her gaze and said in a worried tone: "Can he survive this catastrophe?"

"do not know."

The Ksitigarbha king sighed lightly, "You send ninety-nine yin generals to protect his life lamp, and try not to let the lamp go out--"

The Meng girl's expression was shocked. The Ksitigarbha's Buddha Dharma must be deduced. Otherwise, there will be no such explanation. If the bright lamp is extinguished, it means that the lamp is extinct!

Thinking of this, Miss Meng hurriedly left, and the Ksitigarbha King's ability to say this meant that the matter was already very serious!

Of course, it is impossible for Su Jin to know this now. When he walked out of the void passage, he had already seen the existence of Zizhen County.

Su Jin did not visit Jiujiang Shuifu and Zihuangfang, but left directly south!


Qiang You Country at night is not lonely. An atmosphere of tension and anxiety is spreading in this small country.

Qingyun Town is located on the outskirts of a mountain range. There are 364 peaks behind the town. The highest mountain is the ninth highest in the five regions!

"My sons! Two thousand and eight hundred years ago, during that source mine crisis, our Qingyun ancestor killed dozens of powerful foreign enemies! He defended the dignity of the entire Qingyun Town!"

Even at night, outside Qingyun Town, torches are like stars!

An old man with a green beard, wearing a simple country gown, continued to shout full of breath: "This time, those foreign enemies will dig my tomb in Qingyun Mountain! We Qingyun, but the birth of Qingshuang Land!"

"No!" The iron-blooded man shouted.

"Yes! No!"

"Although I am weak, I have a physical body. If I want to dig the tomb of the emperor, I must step on my body first!"


Su Jin appeared not far away, watching tens of thousands of protesters clamoring for demonstrations, he can only use one word to describe.


These people are courageous, but their strength is terrible. Some of them have not even reached the level of infants. In front of some powerful people, they are not even cannon fodder. If they die, it is equivalent to death in vain.

Su Jin looked up and looked at the Qingyun Mountain. He really didn't expect that the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang would be buried in it. Perhaps as the old man said, this was the birthplace of Emperor Qingshuang.

It seems that I heard the roar of Jiro's--

In the north of Qingyun Mountain, a scream like a bird appeared harshly!

The void trembled again and again, and a hot red long-tailed peacock, in the shape of a cross, rose to the sky, illuminating the entire area of ​​Qingyun Town like a red day.

"The Great Peacock with the blood of the three-legged Golden Crow!" I didn't know who it was, exclaimed.

"There are records in the ancient chronicles, I don't know if it is this one--"

"Anyone who comes is the emperor, and it is estimated that there will be stronger ones! I will wait for a while, how should I respond!"

"The old black sheep who hasn't appeared yet, some ancestors guessed, at least he is a great power in the'world state'."



The sound of ear-exploded ears vibrated from the void, and in the void of the red day, a large purple ship tens of miles long appeared!

Su Jin was silent, his eyes flickering. This ship was a ‘Heavenly Dao Ship’, obviously higher than what he had seen at the ‘Flame Mountain’ in the Taixu God Realm.


The three-legged peacock snapped at the "Heavenly Dao Ship" several times. Su Jin's heart sank suddenly, how many forces are coming here?

First of all, he could not conclude that the Heavenly Dao Ship was sent by the ‘Blessed Heaven’, but he could definitely judge that the Red Peacock Great, and the side of the Heavenly Dao Ship who swam were not in the same camp!

The situation is getting more and more confusing. Su Jin originally guessed whether the old man who followed the black sheep would be the Blessed Heavenly Strong, but he now feels that this is unlikely.

"Heavenly round place, this mountain range is very difficult." The goddess holding the lotus picture, Miss Liu Changjia was obviously in a daze, and then came out a word.

"What do you mean?" Su Jin asked.

"There are three hundred and sixty-four peaks here, and the dragon raised its head. They are all natural peaks of heaven, which may not be known to ordinary people, but if the tomb of the emperor is so easy to dig, why don't those people still do it?"

Liu Changjia continued: "In the fairyland of good fortune, I admired nature in immortality. The origin of this emperor is immortal. Choosing this place as a tomb is to prevent the emperor's corpse from being stolen."

"You mean, they can't dig the tomb of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang?" Su Jin's eyes lit up.

"That’s not what I mean! This mountain range may be successfully excavated by those people, but the price is not small. Think about it, there are three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, and the three hundred and sixty-four peaks were born in this mountain range. Can you underestimate it? ?" Liu Changjia sold it off.

"What's the solution?" Su Jin asked.

"For someone like you, if you rashly offend here, it's tantamount to a Jedi, but I don't know what the strength of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang is. If he is strong, he can use this to reduce his life."

Reduce life!

Su Jin's scalp was numb, so the natural immortal formation here was touched. If anyone enters, the longevity will continue to decrease?

Who is Immortal Emperor Qingshuang! Of course awesome!

Rumble~~~ It seems unwilling to be left behind, in Qingyun Town, a blue eagle fluttered out of its wings, and a dragon's tail was still born behind it!

Although Su Jin was prepared in his heart, he was still agitated.

This Pengying was the one in the photo Xia Yuyan showed him when he returned home!

In a short period of time, there have been three powerful forces coming on the bright side, and I don't know how many in the dark! Su Jin's heart became more solemn.

The key black sheep old man did not appear!

Su Jin originally had some certainty, but now his confidence is getting weaker and weaker. The King of Ksitigarbha says he wants to guard the "Tomb of Celestial Emperor Qingshuang"...

How to guard, how to guard?

When Su Jin grabbed his breath and was thinking about things, his thoughts stopped in the next scene!

The sky was full of cherry blossom rain, pink and white, rich and fragrant. At this moment, including the several emperors who had already appeared, they all looked up.

Su Jin was overwhelming in his heart, and his face was gloomy with a few drops of blood, and even a bit stern look——

How could it be her!

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