My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1947: Mei Yinglan

Stay away

Su Jin squinted his eyes slightly, and at close range, he paid close attention to the beautiful woman's skin. There were no small cracks on her skin like the one seen in the afternoon.

"Senior knows me?" Su Jin's face pretended to be puzzled.

Now that Su Jin is in a disguised state, he is not sure whether this woman can tell that it is him.

"Little brother is really funny, haven't you just seen it on Star Road in the afternoon--" The charming beauty covered her mouth and laughed, and the state of leaning forward and backward made people couldn't help looking at her.

Nima! !

Still seen through--

Su Jin felt weak in his heart. He didn't see the realm of this woman, but he was thinking in his heart that she could see where there was a flaw.

Without the slightest embarrassment, Su Jin nodded, invited the beautiful woman to sit down at the deck table, took out a jar of old wine, added two more, and then said silently: "Where did the big sister come from?"

"Long Wu Realm." The beauty of the charm said with a smile but not a smile, "Introduce, this heavenly ship is the thing of my Long Wu Realm."

Su Jin was secretly shocked and asked with a calm expression: "What level of the world is the Dragon Martial World?"

"Level five."

Feng Yun Beauty was not nervous when she saw Su Jin, and said with a smile: "I come from the'Mei' family of Longwu Realm, and my name is Mei Yinglan, your little brother~~~"

"Mu Ziye--" Su Jin said without hesitation.

"I'll see you in the afternoon. You drove the ghost ship and came from that star road. Are you also here for the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang?" Mei Yinglan's beautiful eyes turned lightly and asked.

"Yes, it's just that there are too many emperor realms here, and there are some powerful people who have hidden their bodies. I am only an ancestor realm, I am afraid I will return empty-handed." Su Jin responded lightly.

"Hee hee, although you are in the ancestral realm, you are not a simple ancestral realm. You can control the ghost ship and dare to hide your sister--"

Mei Yinglan gave Su Jin a white look with amorous eyes. In the afternoon, she looked at the ghost ship and there were still people on board. She was so frightened that she finally sold her and ignored Su Jin.

To know that the ancestral realm controls the ghost ship, it is simply unimaginable, and some powerhouses of the three steps of the heavens cannot do it. And the ghost ship is very evil and will be contaminated with the curse of unknown.

"Sister Mei came to the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang, what is it?" Su Jin asked calmly.


Mei Yinglan thought for a while and smiled: "Don't hide it from you, my sister is weak and the emperor's body is damaged. Only the "immortal wheel immortal power" can remedy it, and this power can only be done by the Qingshuang Immortal Emperor.

"How do you know he will?" Su Jin was surprised.

"The Immortal Emperor Qingshuang used to be a holy, and finally got the chance to enter the'universe heaven', and got a supreme immortal law, the'immortal wheel immortal power'."

Mei Yinglan grinned and said: "Later, he became a master of the immortal law, cut the holy foundation, and achieved the peak. This is something everyone knows. The'immortal wheel's immortal power' is on his emperor's corpse."

Heaven and earth!

Su Jin was shocked by these three words. It was not the first time he had heard of this name. Earlier in "Brahma", that day the emperor let other emperors cut himself and rewarded him with the place of "Qian Kun Tian".

What kind of place is that universe?

"I'm just looking for immortal grass and refining elixir for use." Su Jin said deliberately.

Mei Yinglan suddenly nodded and said: "The immortal Emperor Qingshuang, almost all the details are in the tomb. It is rumored that there is an unimaginable big secret in the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang."

The big secret?

Su Jin was startled slightly. He didn't know how glorious the Immortal Emperor Qingshuang was back then, but the other party's achievements were definitely many times higher than he is now, and he had even entered the ‘Qian Kun Tian’.

As for the big secret, perhaps other great abilities came for this reason, Su Jin was worried, feeling that these people were so aggressive that it was inevitable to open the tomb of the emperor.

"I only need one fairy grass." Su Jin smiled and mentioned his purpose again.

"That's easy--"

Mei Yinglan smiled and said, "Brother, do you want to take a look at my Dragon Martial World Heavenly Dao Boat? Those giant dragons are all masters of the Dragon Clan of my realm and come by the order of the realm master."

"Thank you Sister Mei for the invitation, I'll try my best, and I'll leave after I've discussed the fairy grass." Su Jin shook his head and refused Mei Yinglan's invitation.

"There are a lot of forces here, you and I hit it off right away, if you have any trouble, you can talk to my sister~~"

Mei Yinglan got up from the stone table, blinked at Su Jin as she spoke, walked away from the Nine Elephant Flying Boat, and returned to the Dragon Wujie Heavenly Dao Boat.

A cold light flashed at the corner of Su Jin's eyes--

Come to my China World, dig the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang, you and I are enemies! Su Jin sneered inwardly, grabbed the wine and drank it. This Mei Yinglan seemed to come to acquaint her with friendship, but she was actually very scheming.

Have to guard.

Su Jin drove the Nine Elephants Flying Boat and drove forward slowly. Tomorrow he would fight desperately if he said it was inconvenient. Now it is better to recharge his energy and observe the situation by the way.

The night breeze was cold, and the bow of the boat was facing Qingyun Town. Before he knew it, Su Jin drank a jar of old wine.

Wine is not intoxicating!

Under the moonlight, Su Jin drank alone for nearly an hour and a half. At this time, Qingyun Town was almost late at night. Not far away, on the Heavenly Dao Ship, several Dragon Clan monks were standing in front.

"Sister Mei, you have been standing here for a long time. From our perspective, the person you are following is just an ancestor."

There is a dragon girl princess, who seems to have an extraordinary status, and her pretty and attractive figure asked at this moment.

"Yes, in our Longwu Realm, Sister Mei never looked at the ancestral realm highly, why did this trip--" Another dragon girl, who looks normal, even has freckles on her face.

"Emperor Yinglan naturally has reasons for her attention, so please don't bother her."

This is the middle-aged man who walked out of a brocade robe in the heavenly ship. He turned out to be a great emperor, and his status was not low!

As a great emperor, Mei Yinglan had a long life, and she could take a nap for a few days. Standing on the bow and looking at the flying boat in front and below, she naturally didn't feel tired.

Now it is not annoying to hear the two dragon princesses say this, saying: "Do you think he is that kind of ordinary ancestral realm?"

"Yes indeed!"

"That's right—"

"What does Emperor Yinglan mean?" As a great emperor, the middle-aged man couldn't help but look at Su Jin. He really didn't see anything special about Su Jin.

Mei Yinglan thought for a while, the secret silver pupils flashed, and said faintly: "After entering the cemetery tomorrow, other people will leave it alone, find a chance to take action, and kill him first."




Behind Mei Yinglan, even the few ancestor dragons that had not spoken, including the dragon princess, all exclaimed. They were all very puzzled. It was just an ancestral realm. As for?

Not to mention that the emperor shot, even if any of them can kill Su Jin, I really don’t understand what the female emperor Yinglan thinks——

The middle-aged emperor just wanted to say something, the next scene that appeared on the Nine Elephants Flying Boat made their jaws fall in shock!

Mei Yinglan's mouth opened slightly, and she was shocked--

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