My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1948: Beauty and Spirits




An unimaginable scene stunned everyone on the "Heavenly Dao Ship" in Longwu Realm.

On the Nine Elephant Flying Boat, Su Jin Junyi's face was extremely calm. He wanted to go to rest after drinking the night breeze, but an acquaintance came on board!

Not only acquaintances, but his people!

Ghost Emperor Nu Yaoyi!

How can you not let people drop their chin? At this moment, including Mei Yinglan and other masters in the "Dragon Martial Realm", the Empress Yaoyi appeared on the deck of the Nine Elephants Flying Boat.

And kneel down!

"I can't kill him tomorrow." Mei Yinglan changed her mind and took a breath.

"I, I'm not mistaken, right? A female emperor, kneeling down to an ancestral realm?" The middle-aged emperor woke up from a daze and said in surprise.

The two dragon princesses, as well as the other powerful Ancestral Dragons who had brought them, were widening their eyes. Just now they questioned why Mei Yinglan valued that young man.

As a result, they were slapped in the face immediately, and the sourness made their faces suddenly lose their luster——

"Little brother is really bad, what kind of ancestral realm is it?" Mei Yinglan was fortunate to have paid attention to this scene, otherwise it would be the first to kill Su Jin tomorrow, how troublesome it would be then.

Of course Su Jin deliberately pretended to be paralyzed.

At the moment when the Empress Yaoyi appeared, he did not stop her from kneeling down. After all, Mei Yinglan and others were still paying attention to him, and the other party was an enemy. This move could deter foreign enemies!

"Come here and drink with me." Su Jin was a little bit on his head, he did not urge the wine, now that the Empress Yaoyi is coming, she naturally wants to drink to the fullest.

Empress Yaoyi was so good that she was wearing a gorgeous skirt with her shoulders exposed, and her skin in front of her neckline was as beautiful as sheep fat and white jade.

Su Jin was awakened at this moment, and the Empress Yaoyi walked to Su Jin docilely and sat on his lap.

Warm in my arms——

Su Jin waved his hand and it was another big jar of wine.

Beauty and spirits, life must be happy!

"Master, Yaoyi fills it up for you." Empress Yaoyi pours wine for Su Jin.

When the Empress Shicai Yaoyi came, she naturally found out where Su Jin was based on a special connection, and where she was willing to go to other places, she appeared directly on the boat.

"Lord Yuanshi, will he come?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes, maybe it will be tomorrow." After the Empress Yaoyi filled her wine, she leaned her back in Su Jin's arms, her face was full of obsessive expressions, her small mouth was like orchids.

Now the mouth of the Empress Yaoyi is less than ten centimeters from Su Jin's face, and the whole person is in a state of attachment.

This is the benefit of being accepted as a ghost emperor, serving the master wholeheartedly!

Su Jin looked calmly and nodded. Empress Yaoyi was not heavy at all, she looked like ninety kilograms, she was full of scent, and she came here with his great help.

Drinking the wine, Qingyun Town fell into a state of tranquility. Even so, Su Jin always felt that there was a sword hanging above his head, and the murderous atmosphere did not diminish around him.

Longwu world, heavenly ship.

Mei Yinglan sighed and looked back from the deck where Su Jin was drinking.

Not to mention that other people have never seen her, even her long-famous empress has never heard of her. As the empress, the other party bowed down to Su Jin and didn't say anything, but still sat in Su Jin's arms and served carefully.

"Sister Mei, rest early." The beautiful dragon princess couldn't help saying.

Mei Yinglan nodded slightly and returned to the luxurious cabin in the cabin. That special ancestral realm little brother has always been in her mind, bringing infinite curiosity.

Drink another half jar of wine.

Su Jin immediately hugged Empress Yaoyi's long and delicate legs, hugged her up, hugged her into the cabin out of the cabin without saying a word, and closed the door.

The cabin room was very big, and a few fluorescent stone lamps dazzled the room. Empress Yaoyi held Su Jin’s neck with her hands and was placed on the bed——

Above the Nine Elephants Flying Boat——

The bright moon hung high, shed holy radiance, insects and beasts in the dense forest whispered, and even the old crow staying on a strange branch of the tree, seemed to be flew away at the moment that the girl appeared crimson face.

The black hull is swaying, and the hull seems to be very rhythmic, like a surging tide in the sea.

I don't know when the breeze sends cold, and the surrounding area is truly quiet.


in the morning.

Su Jin breathed a breath of fragrant air, got out of bed and got dressed. Empress Yaoyi's shoulders were exposed, she pulled the thin quilt, looked at her master with big eyes, her eyes were facing each other, and her cheeks fell.

"When did Yaoyi decide not to find a Taoist companion in this life?" Su Jin asked her.

"The Taoist couple is contaminated with the red dust, and it is difficult to become an emperor. Since practicing, I have never had this kind of thought." The female emperor Yaoyi smiled, making the surroundings pale.

Su Jin smiled faintly, put his pocket in his pocket, and walked out of the cabin——

Seeing Su Jin walking out, the Empress Yaoyi couldn't help but smile shyly. Thinking of all the things last night, the glow on her face seemed to be stronger.

The morning sun illuminates the earth.

The monks in Qingyun Town are like a crucian carp who crosses the river. Millions of monks gather outside the town. Today, there are strong people from outside the boundary to dig the tomb of Emperor Qingshuang!

In just one night, a total of four heavenly ships came, and it was even more heard in the night that more than a dozen mysterious powerhouses came, not knowing where they were hiding.

For a time.

There is quite a feeling of tension!

"Little brother~~~" The female emperor of Longwu Realm, Mei Yinglan's temperament walked from the void and landed two meters in front of Su Jin's body.

"Sister Mei seems to be extraordinarily enchanting today—" Su Jin looked at Mei Yinglan's bold dress, and couldn't pick out half of the shortcomings, so he looked up and asked.

"Not serious~~"

Mei Yinglan gave Su Jin a white look, and said, "Discuss, how about we work together? Then Xiangong will print a copy for you and help you get a copy of the fairy grass."

At this moment, the Empress Yaoyi was wearing a white skirt, her dress style was conservative and bold.

Su Jin lightly embraced the slender waist of the Empress Yaoyi and glanced at Mei Yinglan and said: "I prefer to challenge. Sister Mei met me once. Don't stabbing a knife in the back, just kill me—"

Su Jin said the last four words very slowly, as if he had already seen the woman's scheming, otherwise he would not take the opportunity last night and use the arrival of the Empress Yaoyi to shock her.

"Little brother can really laugh. How could sister Mei do that~~"

Mei Yinglan covered her mouth and smiled, but there was a trace of fear in her pupils. She glanced at the Empress Yaoyi and said, "Where does this empress sister come from?"

"Yuanshijie, Yaoyi." The female emperor Yaoyi responded.

"Is the relationship with my little brother a Taoist couple?" Mei Yinglan asked casually, but it was a temptation.

Empress Yaoyi immediately changed her pretty face, shaking her head again and again with fear and fear, and corrected: "Don't dare! Yaoyi is a slave!"

Mei Yinglan immediately shook his emperor's body and took a step back, widening her eyes——

Mei Yinglan had been speculating last night.

After all, in some places, the status of women is weaker than that of men. Although it is not common sense to bow down, Mei Yinglan never expected that this female emperor and Su Jin would be masters and servants!

During the conversation between the two women, Su Jin seemed to be aware of it. He looked in front of the Qingyun Mountain, and suddenly his tiger eyes shrank and saw an old figure——

It was the old man with a black sheep behind him!



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