My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1949: Tao Yang

See this scene.

Su Jin had a numb scalp, and the old ancestor was full of energy. It seemed that he was about seventy, with a green and white goatee. He looked like an ordinary old man and nothing special, but the most attractive thing was that black sheep.

The black sheep is medium in size and has shiny black hair. The difference is that there are white flowers and auspicious clouds on its four hooves, and the horns are faintly surrounded by weird Taoism.

This is an extraordinary "Dao Sheep"!

The old black sheep appeared, and the entire Qingyun Town seemed to be suffocated. It was quiet and terrifying. Everything seemed to be suppressed. The early birds and insects did not dare to call again. Many great emperors did not even dare to transmit sound!

"Yang Zun——" For a long time, Mei Yinglan's beautiful silver eyes flickered.

"Sister Mei knows the identity of this senior?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

Even the Empress Yaoyi was stunned, as if she felt the old black sheep's Taoism, she didn't dare to say anything.

Mei Yinglan shook her head slowly, and said: "This old man appeared in my Longwu world 560 years ago, and then disappeared. It is rumored that he traveled through the Ten Thousand Worlds and was interested in everything."

"Strength, how?" Su Jin is most concerned about this, he feels very strange, the old man following the black sheep, let people see, as if it is a kind of Tao, so that Su Jin can't see the depth.

"According to reports, he is a powerful man with three steps of the heavenly path, but no one has seen him make a move, and dare not make a move at him." Mei Yinglan shook her head, her face obviously with fear.

Su Jin's heart sank.

Taking a deep look at the old black sheep, he became vigilant.

Outside Qingyun Town.

Under the gaze of many people, suddenly a black shadow flew out, which was actually a black and white dalmatian—

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang! Remember me? I am your **** brother ten thousand years ago!" After the black-and-white piebald dog rushed over, the two front hooves were about to hug the black sheep's thighs, but rushed. air.

Immediately, the black-and-white piebald dog sat up, with a long tongue, a very human smile appeared on the dog's face.


On the two horns of Daoyang, two strands of red thunder shot out, and the black-and-white piebald dog started to smoke all over the body in an instant, and was stunned by the blast——


The black-and-white piebald dog looked at the hair burned out, and quickly jumped away, running away and shouting, "Ayao, you donkey calf! You can talk to this "dao sheep" by saying, "Selling sheep's head and selling dog meat". Climb up to relatives, your grandma, Ben Emperor is bald..."

Can you not be fooled?

It’s very close because it’s a sheep’s head and selling dog meat! IQ is enough to link the two together, no wonder the black and white piebald dog will try it.

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

But more people did not laugh. Even Su Jin had a meaningful expression. He saw that bald black-and-white piebald dog. After Daoyang's blow, he hadn't been bombarded to death?

What is the origin of this black-and-white piebald dog?

Looking back, the old black sheep was like a special Taoist rhyme, and he spoke for the first time: "You wait for the juniors to come out. After entering the tomb of the emperor, I will take one thing and leave—"

The voice was vigorous and flat.

Probably the spirit of the supreme master, that's it!

There are many powerful people hidden here, all for the sake of the "Tomb of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang", and now Venerable Black Sheep speaks, and many hidden great emperors are quiet first--

"As long as you open the fairy emperor's coffin smoothly, seniors can take one." Qing Pengying flew and turned into a middle-aged man, landing not far from Yang Zun.

"Two thousand years ago, my Kong Ling World gave three gods feathers to seniors. Can seniors remember--"

When Peacock Great opened his mouth, he turned into a young man, not far from Yang Zun.

Venerable Black Sheep fell into the memory, looked at Emperor Peacock, and said faintly: "You are the little guy in Panzhishan, I didn't expect to become an emperor now—"

"Predecessors remember!" The Peacock Great Emperor showed a little excitement on his expression, clasped his fists, and bowed.

"When the fairy coffin is opened, Senior Yang, you can take the things you need first." Another great emperor of the Outer Demon Race came. It was huge in size and bronze in color. It trembled when moving around, it was actually a simple and simple one. The Demon Ape of Stone Hammer.


The north suddenly opened a passageway, and a cloud of auspicious clouds trembled, and four people appeared.

The strong man who speaks is in the middle, his skin has innate chain lines, red as a cloud!

When Su Jin saw the incoming person, his heart sank. The woman on the leftmost side of these four people was the most familiar enemy, the master of Yuanshi Realm!

And this strong man with innate chain patterns on his skin turned out to be a world strong man in the great world of Yuanshi!


Su Jin felt a lot of pressure. Four people from Yuanshi Realm, one World Realm and two Great Emperors, Yuanshi Realm Master was the Ancestral Realm! This configuration-

Of course, the ghost emperor Yaoyi, although she is the female emperor of the Yuanshi world, she is the Su Jin emperor, so naturally she is not counted!

Jie Jie Jie -

A **** smell seemed to float out of the Qingyun Mountain Range, and Su Jin appeared on the back of his hand.

"There was a strong ancestor, went to explore the tomb of the immortal emperor at night and died in the Qingyun Mountain!" Su Jin was quite surprised.

"Cicada King? Little brother is actually carrying this thing." Mei Yinglan continued to pretend to be tender and couldn't help but glance at Su Jin and said.

"Entrusted by the deceased." Su Jin lightened his tone and glanced at Mei Yinglan, "Unfortunately, the corpse cicada couldn't draw the emperor's blood, otherwise it would have already turned into a worm."

Su Jin had discovered this problem long ago. On that day, when he beheaded Emperor Wuheng, the Cicada King did not fly out. Later, in the "Brahma", he beheaded several great emperors, but the Cicada King still did not appear.

At that time, the three-qing Miao Zun, but the real three-step heavenly power, why set a trap to capture the ancestral realm and the holy king? The result is clear!

"Hehe, of course not. The emperor has an emperor pattern protection. Even if he dies for a period of time, the emperor pattern will not dissipate, and the corpse cicada can't obtain it. But the emperor's blood will lose its effectiveness after an hour." Ying Lan smiled.

Su Jin suddenly--

As he guessed.

After Mei Yinglan explained, the middle-aged emperor of her dragon and martial arts walked out of the Heavenly Dao ship, but sister Mei ignored Su Jin, and immediately walked in front of Qingyun Town, and expressed her attitude with Venerable Black Sheep.

Su Jin's eyes flickered.

Seeing that the emperor kept coming out, Su Jin's heart was frustrated.

The Huaxia Great World is too weak. The three steps of the Great Emperor, the World Realm, and the Way of Heaven have all appeared. I must dig up the tomb of the immortal emperor that belongs to China, and take it by force! By the way, many people have hippie smiles, and the servility of their faces is unstoppable!

The sorrow of the weak--

More and more emperors walked out, and kept showing good wishes to the sheep. Many of the ancestral realms in the five realms have also appeared. coming.

The goddess of Yin and Yang, Tai Yu'er and Ge Xueyan, had gone through life and death, and walked together. Three ancestors of the Yin and Yang family came!

Five of the Mohists are here!

On the bright side, the Xuanyuan family, which is the number one in the hundred schools of scholars, has six people, including the daughter of Xuanyue!

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he showed a hint of killing intent, and his sonorous voice spread to all the monks' ears:

"Dig into my tomb of the Chinese immortal emperor, you can wait with my permission!"

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