My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1950: Palm! !


Who is speaking!

Many people searched around. Except for the local monks in Qingyun Town, the others came from all directions, from all directions, but no one dared to say this!

Moreover, he spoke in the presence of a suspected "Three Steps of Heaven" powerhouse!

Silence, accompanied by Hexi's morning.

The sun is shining all over the earth, and the 364 green hills not far away seem to be like ink paintings with clouds and mist. But now, including the emperor, everyone is looking at one person!

The female realm master of Yuanshi began to breathe quickly, her eyes kept flickering, staring at the young man on the Nine Elephants Flying Boat——

The reason why Su Jin took the initiative to speak out naturally knew that she couldn't keep it from her. After all, the Empress Yaoyi was on her side, and it would be hard not to be recognized.

"He is... our Su Tianzi!" The scene cheered.

"The world powers of the Yuanshi Realm have all arrived, and it is really unwise for Su Tianzi to take the initiative to expose himself."

"I can't think of anyone who can speak such bold words, except for Emperor Su!"

"Zun Yang is suspected of being in the Three Steps of Heaven, Emperor Su is in danger!"

In Qingyun Town, the clamor shook the sky. Once Su Jin appeared, he directly won the crown of the popular king!

The yin and yang goddess bit her thin lip with her teeth and stomped her foot not far away, and said to Ge Xueyan in anxious eyes: "How can he be so reckless! There are so many strong people here—"

Ge Xueyan was startled, wearing plain white clothes, in sharp contrast with the black clothes of the goddess of Yin and Yang, staring blankly at the young man with short hair trimmed and becoming more handsome, and said, "This is where his charm lies, you say What?"

No one knows that Su Jin is in the "Brahma", facing more than a hundred emperors alone, and his face has not changed color, the scene is at least much bigger than it is now.

Su Jin is a monk against the sky, what a fear!

The two elders of Yaochi Holy Land, King Kong and Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor, all have ashamed faces.

Although the two of them were taken away by the female ancestor of Xuanyue, they learned that Su Jin was able to slay the emperor alone, and that he crushed two emperors of the'Immortal Heaven' in China City yesterday, and removed the emperor. skull.

It's hard to imagine.

"Xiao Yaoyi, come here for me--" Yuan Shijie, a world realm powerhouse with a red haze chain pattern all over his body, frowned slightly, looked at the Empress Yaoyi, and called out.

In the Great World of Yuan Beginning, the news that the Empress Yaoyi became a ‘ghost emperor’ is all known. Although regretful, more of them are angry. The chain-linked world realm experts are all very dissatisfied with this.

The female emperor Yaoyi has clear eyes, and treats the strong in the world equally, shook her head and said:

"Sir, I persuaded you that there is no way out for Yuanshi's great world without my king's dominance. In the future, my king will live together with Tian. You can think about it again."

"To shut up!"

A strong person in the chain-patterned world has not concealed his inner anger at all.

The ghost king Su Jin, I don’t know how many people have been shocked a few days ago. Even a world-level expert, he needs to be weighed and weighed. The shot is not worth it. Recently, after learning that Su Jin is not in the state of a ghost king, this world-level powerhouse, even Moved to kill.

But yesterday, Su Jin effortlessly took off the heads of the two emperors, making him hesitate again.

"Xiaoyu's ancestral realm, dare to speak so loudly! Venerable Yang, let me kill him!" The Peacock Great Emperor was in a youthful state, and was about to stand up at this moment.

"As an ancestor, you don't even have the qualifications to speak here. Give me your own mouth--" Qing Pengying was speaking, and the middle-aged man's face was full of disdain.

The old black sheep glanced at Qing Pengying and said: "Catch him and you can—"

The voice just fell!

"Yes, palm!" Su Jin can't bear to be underestimated, let alone being bullied. After Qing Pengying finished speaking, he ignored Venerable Black Sheep, and five white fairy source wells rose directly behind him!


The ancestral world opened up, and the sword-backed Immortal Venerable walked out of one of the immortal source wells. Following the beginning of the nearby thousand imaginary phases, he directly evolved the ‘Da Beng Bad Fist’!

In a flash!

The big collapse of the **** fist, condensed in the void, and the surrounding wind was violent. This fist contained the ‘collapse’ Dao mark, and even the void was collapsed!

It's too late to say, then soon! The Great Emperor Qingpengying just put away his disdain, the magical fist that condensed into the void, actually blinked before his eyes——

This! !

The speed of Qingpengying Great's retreat is not as fast as his fist! He even had a good idea and wanted to disappear and avoid it, but the collapse of the powerful suppression Dao Marks of Upani and Su Jin affected him for a second!

Although it is only a second, many things can be done!

such as--


The middle-aged man, turned into by Emperor Qingpengying, was directly hit by this punch, especially his face was severely injured. He directly threw blood up to the sky, and was smashed out, like a baseball that was swung away, and turned into a single point. , Disappear in the distance!


The ancestors of Xuanyue's daughter-in-law, Mo ancestor, and other five realms, their faces were stiff, and their breathing paused for a moment!

Mei Yinglan's face is very exciting now, she found that she had guessed something wrong again!

Last night, the Empress Yaoyi considered herself a slave, and Mei Yinglan thought that Su Jin had concealed her strength, and she felt that she was at least the emperor's level. But now that once the Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth opened up, her thoughts were completely shattered.

This person is really an ancestral realm!

Why can the ancestral realm make the empress willing to be a slave!

what! ?

Why can the ancestral realm hold the mouth of Emperor Qingpengying! Why is this!

The roaring body set off a stormy sea in Mei Yinglan's heart!

"You are the Peacock Emperor, right?"

Su Jin tilted his head and looked at the face of the young man who was more embarrassed than anyone else. With a little cynical expression, he said, "Fuck me, you dare to say "Little Domain" again?"

"You--" Peacock Great, his complexion suddenly felt dull, and he was about to do it.

The cheers from all around broke out at this moment.

"Outside the demon emperor, we dare to let our emperor Su slap our mouths. It's better now, but we were slapped!" The cultivator Qingyun yelled out of excitement.

"Yesterday Su Tianzi just killed the two emperors, and I heard that there is another emperor in the Heavenly Dragon Realm who dared not show up! Only Qingpengying and Peacock Great, who dare to offend Su Tianzi, they can't live or die!"

"Emperor Peacock, you still don't get out!"


Hearing this, even though Emperor Peacock was very angry, he never expected that Su Jin would be able to fight the emperor with his ancestor!

"Little brother~~~ Very powerful——" Mei Yinglan opened her mouth slightly and couldn't fit together. She was shocked and inexplicably, Su Jin just killed the two emperors yesterday——

It can be said that Su Jin's use of force directly shocked the scene!

Su Jin was very puzzled, and even filled with infinite curiosity. When the two emperors yelled at him just now, the Black Sheep Venerable had only said something to catch him.

Su Jin remembered that Yuyan’s wife had seen the ‘Black Dao Sheep’ recently, followed the old man and passed by the Xia Group...

Who the **** is he!

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