My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1952: Lockstone

The horrible scene is exactly fifty meters away!

There are two adjacent mountains fifty meters away, which are verdant and arousing people. Su Jin stopped because there was a rift valley of more than 40 meters in front of him.

In the Qingmeng environment, among the two mountain peaks, under the green hill on the right, it is clear that several emperor corpses were suppressed at the foot of the mountain——

The age of the emperor's corpse is very old.

With Su Jin's eyesight, he can even clearly feel the looming imperial might!

"There is still a stone man on the mountainside." Su Jin was shocked and jumped across the rift in one step.

Empress Yaoyi couldn't restrain the shock in her heart, and said softly: "Live--"

The stone man was in a very strange state. His limbs and head were all exposed, but he was buried in the mountain after being driven dry. The gray face was clearly visible, and his two stone-colored eyes were slowly blinking.

"The living emperor was actually locked on the mountain and connected to this mountain as one!"

Su Jin was horrified.

"Which emperor are you! Why are you trapped here?" The female emperor Yaoyi scolded and spread her voice to the stone man.

Shi Ren heard the words and looked over, the gray eyeballs seemed to show a trace of confusion, and immediately opened his mouth, as if he was in a state of unconsciousness, as if he said to himself: "Curse, the catastrophe is over..."


Su Jin's scalp was numb, how powerful was the method used by Immortal Qingshuang back then?

The five corpses of the emperor were exposed among the messy stones for an unknown period of time, and the living emperor, who was connected with the green mountain, was also in a state of confusion.

"I'm afraid they are all the great emperors who are trying to dig a grave--"

Although Su Jin himself didn't quite believe it, the facts are obvious.

Before his death, Qing Shuang seemed to have seen the future, and his subordinates in the Peerless Emperor Formation, the tombs placed were dug up, he was the dead immortal emperor, and he could even kill the emperor.

This is only a corner of the entire mountain range, and the emperor's corpse is definitely not only this place.

Empress Yaoyi's pretty face suddenly became uneasy.

Those emperors who rushed in were obviously not aware of the horror here, and the master of Empress Yaoyi, Su Jin, was only in the ancestral realm now, and his survival hope was slimmer than that of the emperor.

"Go!" Su Jin's face changed suddenly.

On a peak to the west, there seemed to be a white-clothed corpse holding a piano, his expression stiffened into a shadow, and it was quickly rushing over——

"The corpse of the fairy king!"

When the Empress Yaoyi's face was panicked, Su Jin grabbed her slender waist and directly used the big ascent technique to get away from here.

Su Jin didn't find the female fairy king's corpse first. When the other party glanced at him, he felt that his hair was horrified and his hair was erected. He had already guessed!

The five corpses of the emperors at the foot of the mountain were cut off from the corpses of the immortal kings here, and the ‘Stoneman Great’ who was connected to the green mountain was probably kept alive on purpose.

If Su Jin knew this would be the case, he would never come in!

It's best to let those who dig the tomb bear it! Su Jin had taken care of it. Think about it when Immortal Emperor Qingshuang passed away, not only was it a long time ago, he was not the Immortal Emperor of this era.

After a long time, the tomb has not been dug up, there must be super powerful layout——

The two lifted Xia soaring to a hundred miles away, and if they counted left and right, they were at the thirty-ninth peak!

"We shouldn't come in." Su Jin observed and said with a calm face: "There is no way back."

One peak and one forbidden ground, the road when they came is out of sight, Su Jin doesn't even know how many corpses of the fairy king are in this Qingshuang tomb!


Not far from the north, a heavenly ship was swimming in place, making a rumbling sound. Su Jin is very familiar with this corpse fishing boat, it turned out to be the boat of the Dragon and Wu world!

The corpse scavenger in the Longwu Realm is lost!

Su Jin's face is quite wonderful, Mei Yinglan even tried to pull him to share the magic, and promised benefits, but now this situation, I don't know that this woman did not expect it.

"The closer you go to the center, the greater the power of life loss."

Su Jin saw his skin that was originally like a white face, and it began to darken slightly. If he really stayed here for a few days, his lifespan would definitely be exhausted.

Suddenly, a voice appeared: "Little boy, I finally found you!"

Su Jin's heart throbbed, and when he saw the incoming person, a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The words were spoken by the strong world realm of Yuanshi Realm!

Next to this strong man who was born with chain patterns, there are two Yuanshi realm great emperors and a female ancestor of Yuanshi realm master.

All four!

It turned out that just now when Su Jin lifted the sky to rise, he was caught by the strong of Yuanshi Realm, and he came here immediately, and he found a right!

"It's already very easy to kill the great emperor. Today I want to kill the world powerhouse!" Su Jin's expression was calm, and he deliberately frightened.


In fact, Su Jin himself knew very well that if he could do it, he would kill the ‘Batiandu’ in Tai Brahma!

After all, beheaded to death across a great realm is a legend, but a world realm strong, possessing an extremely mysterious Taoist body and method, he is now an ancestor, and the probability is so small that it can be ignored.

"Su Jin, Su Jin, who are you scaring?"

The Yuanshi female realm master, with a cold face, continued to sneer: "My blood-clothed Lord is a powerful person in the world. It's not that I can't kill you outside, but because you have many ways to escape, I'm afraid you will run away."

That's it.

Naturally, they understood very well that they were going to kill Su Jin in the Qingyun Mountains beyond the world at this step, taking advantage of the special circumstances of life loss.

Su Jin frowned. This crisis is obviously more dangerous than in the time of the Brahma——

In silence.

The World Realm Powerful Bloody Lord, with a cruel expression on his face, his whole body directly shook out incomparable power, appeared on Su Jin's side, and slammed Su Jin!

At this moment, almost no one knows.

In the region of China's underworld, the capital city.

Miss Meng wore a snow skirt and stood in a huge building. Although it was in the underworld, it was not dim. Ninety-nine Yin generals formed a circle around her.

Thousands of white candle lights are dripping with wax tears!

Ninety-nine Yin generals surrounded a gray stone lamp. The stone lamp was about half a meter high and about one meter wide, and a cluster of strong, dark flames was fluttering above it.

This lamp was given by the Ksitigarbha King, and it can bless Su Jin's life soul in the dark. It is Su Jin's life lamp!

"Dream girl—"

The Sanshang Ghost King walked around, with an anxious expression on his face, and said: "The Young Emperor's life fire has begun to fluctuate. Can the ninety-nine Yin generals really protect his life and soul?"

"I don't know. It was an account from the King Ksitigarbha." Meng girl stared at the wick, and hadn't blinked for a long time.

"I really want to fight for a good time, but those great emperors, I'm afraid that anyone who stretches out their fingers can kill me--" The Sanshang Ghost King was extremely annoyed.

"Stop..." Miss Meng's eyes widened slightly.

The atmosphere began to become extremely tense.

On the gray stone lamp belonging to Su Jin, the dark flames are beginning to shrink quickly——

Dengdou shook, Miss Meng lifted her heart into her throat, looking at the wisp of Dengdou, she couldn't help but start to feel a trace of fear.

If it is destroyed, it means that Su Jin is dead——

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