My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1953: A difficult pass

It is not to be nervous

The dark light bean was shaking quickly, as if it would be extinguished at any time, Miss Meng was a little suffocated, knowing that Su Jin was in danger!

At this moment, Su Jin's situation is indeed not optimistic!

The blood-clothed lord's powerful punch did not hit Su Jin, but he was also a powerhouse who could pass Su Jin and face the opponent's world realm. His combat experience was much richer!

One hit failed--

The blood-clothed lord immediately opened his arms, and a chain of traces of the chain chain and road marks, directly spreading across the sky!

"The Lord is a powerful person in the world, with a congenital lock mark. I have had the honor to see him once. His chain mark can'lock the road'."

The two great emperors of Yuanshi Realm now watching, one is called Emperor Li Gong, born in the Yang family, one of the ten great masters of Yuanshi Realm, and the other is Master Qingmane, from the wasteland of northeast Yuanshi Realm!

Seeing Emperor Ligong speaking like this, Master Qingmane said indifferently: "I can't think of it here. The Lord has not acted on him outside, and in fact he has the heart to kill."

"This place is beautiful and beautiful, it might be nice to die here." Li Gong the Great happily.

The female realm master Yuanshi who was beside her, heard the two great emperors talking like this, and her heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

She saw Su Jin's growth in her eyes. It used to be described as a thorn in the eye, but now it has become a big worry, and she will never be better if she is not eliminated.

"This time, let me see how you escape--" Yuanshi female realm master stared at Su Jin and couldn't help but sneer.

The blood-clothed Lord can lock the avenue!

The northwest of Donglan, up and down, left and right, are all full of chain emperor marks! Su Jin now deeply felt the power of the world realm. He was in it, and the power of the saint ancestor was greatly affected!

"The heavens can only have a future if they are ruled by my king!" Empress Yaoyi's eyes were clear. After seeing Su Jin being affected, she raised her head without hesitation, and the emperor rushed out!

"Ming stubborn! Kill her!" The blood-clothed Lord still called the Empress Yaoyi as ‘Little Yaoyi’ from outside, and now he reposted and asked the other two great emperors to kill the empress.


After all, they were all the Great Emperor of Yuanshijie, Emperor Li Gong and Master Qingmane, but he hesitated a little, and then rushed forward to meet him without hesitation.

The female emperor Yaoyi turned into two black-red blood mists with her hands, and the blood mist condensed into two half-meter sharp knives. The sharp knives are of the same type as the blade used to kill pigs. They are two ghost emperor weapons!

The delicate and feminine figure disappeared in place, and the ghost Emperor Nu Yaoyi was going to fight the two great emperors alone!

At this time, the five fairy source wells opened by Su Jin appeared, and those chain marks seemed to be everywhere!

The five fairy source wells were locked three in an instant, Su Jin was shocked, and the king Xushen who was carrying the sword immediately flashed out, and directed at the blood-clothed master with a straight cut!


Both sides were fighting fiercely, and Su Jin's life was blocked by the Lord of Blood!


In trouble-

Su Jin really felt the arrival of death, and the strength of the blood-clothed lord was too strong, no wonder that in the time of the Vatican, the clan ancestor allowed him to reach the strength, and then went to kill Naha Tiandu.

The world realm and the ancestral realm are clearly the existence of heaven and earth, and ordinary people can't even think about it! This gap is too big to imagine!


Su Jin sprayed blood and flew upside down a hundred meters away. His back hit the green hill heavily. When he fell, he supported the ground with one hand and raised his head angrily——

"Yeah, it's a fight."

A sudden familiar voice sounded, and Su Jin glanced at it. It was Mei Yinglan from Longwu Realm! Their heavenly ship was lost, so they were very close to this place, and they came as soon as there was a sound of fighting.

"It's just a little trouble." The blood-clothed Lord didn't even look at Su Jin, but instead responded to Mei Yinglan's words.

"Brother, the Nujia was so miserable that you were deceived, what Mu Ziye, you are simply a local."

Mei Yinglan squinted her eyes to pretend to be tender, but soon her complexion began to turn into a cold, as if she had changed herself, and said slowly to the blood-clothed Lord: "My Lord, do you need help?"


Naturally to help kill Su Jin!

When the strength reaches a certain level, any friendship is a joke, and only interests are supreme! That is to say, the blood-clothed Lord obviously wants to strengthen Su Jin too much, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to crush.

Mei Yinglan is extremely willing to sell personal affection along the way.

Su Jin had been prepared for this woman, but she did not expect her to turn around so quickly!

"The kindness of Longwu Realm, the heart of the lower realm, this one is weak, don't bother--" The Blood-clothed Lord thought for a while, shaking his head and refused.

The level of Yuanshi Realm is not high, and Longwu Realm can really be regarded as their upper realm. Although she is a strong world realm, Mei Yinglan has the identity of Longwu Realm and can naturally sit on an equal footing.

"Hehehe, then I wish the Lord a victory——"

Mei Yinglan first congratulated the Lord of Bloodclothes, then blinked at Su Jin, and said only two words to Su Jin, "Goodbye~~~"

The word goodbye means a lot! It seems that Mei Yinglan also feels that Su Jin must die!

Yuanshi Realm Master smiled. She did not expect that Su Jin would only spit blood under the blow of the blood-clothed lord, but it didn't matter, Su Jin would definitely not be able to live today!

"Why don't you say you are cheap, big beauty--" Su Jinqiang laughed and stood up swayingly.

"You!" Mei Yinglan waved her sleeves fiercely, and backed away with a calm face. She had to look carefully at how Su Jin died.


Outside Qingyun Town, a nervous atmosphere is spreading.

The ruined stone basin turned the scene into the void, and Su Jin was injured in the hands of the world's strongest, all of which were captured by the monks.

"The world realm strong, cutting an ancestral realm cultivator is simply deceiving people too much!" Many Wuyu cultivators are already a little unhappy.

"So angry! Their great emperor didn't dare to fight against our emperor Su, and directly used the world realm to suppress people. It was shameless."

"What can be done! If you are in the world realm, you can go to the Yuanshi realm to bully their ancestral realm!"

"Watching the fire, if I am in the world, I will kill all the powerhouses in the Yuanshi Great World!"

"Oh! Su Tianzi can't get through this level--"


Many monks shook their heads and sighed. Tianzi Su has given them too much glory, and Zhandi with the ancestors is a legend, but now the tree is big and no one is available in the five domains. After all, there is a world realm to solve this big problem.

The ancestors of Xuanyue, the goddess of Yin and Yang, and others, were afraid to even look at the manifested scene. Sometimes, it was better to lie to yourself than to believe it than to see the facts.

In the battlefield, the female emperor Yaoyi was unable to support under the combined attack of the two emperors, while the blood-clothed Lord was calm and relaxed. She glanced at Su Jin and said:

"The world realm means is beyond your ancestor realm's imagination. The next blow will break your physical body and destroy your true spirit--"

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