My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1954: Pinch to death

Broken flesh, kill the true spirit!

No one will feel that the blood-clothed Lord is arrogant. This is the strength of the superior, and no one even suspects that he can't do it!

Su Jin slowly wiped the blood from his lips with the sleeves of his robe, his face became indifferent, but his eyes seemed to be filled with incomparable wisdom.

"I used to think that the immortal method I practiced is really the immortal door method. I didn't realize the mistake until the fifth immortal source well, when the Void God couldn't be transformed into it."

Su Jin looked at the blood-clothed Lord and spoke slowly, the fifth imprisoned Xianyuan Well behind it, unexpectedly poured out a red, yellow, and golden stream in it——

Nothing wrong!

Thanks to the ray of ‘Natural Taoism’ that Su Jin collected, the blood-clothed Lord has the ability to ‘lock the avenue’, but it goes against the ray of Taoism that is natural!

And at this moment of life and death, Su Jin realized that the Longevity Kungfu for good fortune was not a celestial method, it had an early clue. Because the Immortal Venerable of the Void God's back sword can use the holy way of magic ‘Da Beng Bad Fist’!

Good luck, good luck!

The fifth Xianyuan Well, like a disc, erupted with dazzling Buddha light, and a golden figure appeared in it—

Outside Qingyun Town.

Seeing this scene, more than a dozen old monks couldn't help kneeling up in excitement, making the other monks on the side confused.

"Master, why do you bow down?"

"Master, please hurry up--"

"Master, what are you doing!"

"Master, you can't help it! How can you have a high reputation..."

The monks continued to persuade them, but a dozen or so Buddhist monks were unmoved at all, knelt down firmly and refused to get up.

Buddha emphasizes the good, and the universal is evil. It is hard to "enlighten" in cultivating Buddhism, not to "precept". A dozen or so old monks were so excited that they couldn't speak!

There were people who understood the Buddha at the scene, seeming to have thought of something, and exclaimed: "Then, that is the golden body of Su Tianzi!"

The golden body of the Buddha, even the fighting of the holy Buddha Adou, did not realize this step.

The real golden body only exists in the legend. Some people call the Buddha sitting. After passing away, the Buddha is not corrupt for a few thousand years. They call it a ‘golden body’, but in fact no one has actually seen it...


Qingyun Town, the arrival of millions of monks, was frightened by a scene at the moment.

Some people's throats are moving, but their eyes are shocked, and they can't speak at all!

In the emptiness, there seems to be Buddha singing, explaining the Sanskrit sound of life and death, and talking about the Buddhist principles of life and death.

One, thousand, ten thousand...

Thousands of people!

Enough to make a true Buddha shadow, join hands to walk out of nothingness, among them are Bodhisattvas who lead people to good, there are true Buddhas who punish evil spirits, and there are--

The whole audience was stunned and watched thousands of Buddha's shadows. They walked into the Qingyun Mountain with their hands together and entered the fairy tomb beyond the world.

In the red and yellow Buddha well, there was the voice of lecturing, but soon the virtual **** Buddha figure walked out, it turned out to be the differentiation of Su Jin's origin, he himself, exactly the same!

After two into one!

Su Jin turned into a golden Buddha of life and death!

Mei Yinglan was taken aback, while Yuanshi female realm master observed her expression and walked to her side and asked, "Why should the empress be surprised?"

"It turned out to be a Buddhist statue! I only heard of one in the second-level world, but I have never seen it." Mei Yinglan's face changed wildly.

"What is it called? Is it so powerful?" Yuanshi female realm master is not worried, Su Jin is just an ancestor, and there is a big gap between the world of the blood-clothed lord.

"In the second-level big world, there is a Buddhist and Taoist power named'Guan Zizai.' He is rumored to be able to spread across the big world with a single sutra. It is very powerful." Mei Yinglan said, with a guilty conscience.

Just now, Mei Yinglan's attitude was obviously against Su Jin. If this person could really leave the world, she would be in big trouble!

illusion! It must be an illusion!

When Mei Yinglan's brain was blank, she extinguished this idea, no matter how powerful Su Jin was, it was impossible to defeat the world powerhouse.

The blood-clothed Lord was cautious, but couldn't help but said: "I want to try your golden body, how powerful is it!"

Su Jin seemed to have turned into a bronze figure. He closed his eyes and had an upright attitude. The whole golden body seemed to be full of Buddha nature.

When the blood-clothed Lord said, he ignored the Buddha's shadows that had arrived, and raised his hand to grab Su Jin severely.

That claw is almost like a devil's arm, and the nail turns into blood, just like the claw arm of an ancient behemoth! The chains around the sky began to spin--


The claw of the blood-clothed lord directly pressed on Su Jin's right shoulder. According to estimates, this claw could have grabbed all of Su Jin's right shoulder.

But a staggering scene appeared!

Su Jin’s right shoulder was like metal, but it was sunken a little, but it didn’t break through--

In this case, Mei Yinglan's scalp is numb!


Su Jin immediately opened his three eyes, yes! The eyes of Maha Town seemed to have benefited. In the state of golden body, the beautiful cat's eye yellow appeared!

In the eyes of Mahe Town Prison, the intertwined strands of ‘Daofa is natural’ directly sprayed out!

"Ah--" the blood-clothed lord screamed, and a gap was directly blasted out of the chain patterns in the surrounding clouds.

The blood-clothed Lord hurriedly put away the scattered world lines. When he retracted his body, the skin of his arm started to smoke, and the red chain that gradually appeared on it was broken!

In fact, it's really bad luck for this blood-clothed lord. When he changed to an ordinary world, Su Jin was already dead and couldn't die anymore. It's blamed for his strongest world pattern as the ‘shut the heaven’!

And the ‘Shut the Way of Heaven’ is contrary to the ‘Natural Dao’’s Heaven’s Way, and his innate pattern of Locking the Way has been broken at this moment. It can be said that the loss is hard to predict!

"Go! Go!" The blood-clothed Lord screamed in horror, his arm could hardly move.

Su Jin was in the state of golden body, and a phantom golden Buddha rose directly from behind, and the big bronze hand reached the two emperors Ligong and Qingmane! Guidi Nu Yaoyi was not affected, and left in a flash.

And this golden Buddha is not five fingers, but six fingers!

Six fingers can cover the sky!

When the two great emperors Ligong and Qingmane screamed, they found that they were already standing in the palm of a huge and incomparable giant Buddha. Layers of gray air began to fly through their bodies. Those were their'karma'!

"Tianzi Su forgive your life--" Emperor Li Gong wanted to slip away from that finger, but found that the body escape method had completely disappeared, and their emperor realm cultivation base could only achieve less than half!

"Rao..." Emperor Qingmane said a word.

Hold the majestic Buddha's palm simply and neatly!

When it was released again, the two great emperors Ligong and Qingmane turned into powder, blowing away with the wind——

The blood-clothed Lord was seriously injured, and immediately captured the Yuanshi female realm master and disappeared!

Mei Yinglan was shocked and screamed in panic when she watched the giant Buddha grab it by hand:

"Little brother spared me!"

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