My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1955: Tomb Keeper


When Mei Yinglan came to become a female emperor, she felt the crisis of fall for the first time.

Her Mei family is in the Longwu Realm, and she is a famous family at any rate, and she is only part of other people's Pan Gaozhi. How can something like this happen now!

The giant Buddha's hand came to an abrupt end, the strands of golden color began to fade and fade away, Mei Yinglan's face was pale, and without a response, she left the imprisonment and fled hurriedly.


The golden body faded, and the four white and one yellow wells behind Su Jin disappeared. After bleeding, she watched Mei Yinglan leave.

Not reconciled!

It wasn't that Su Jin didn't want to kill this female emperor. He was hit by the blood-clothed lord on the right shoulder when he was just in the golden body state. He was also traumatized by the golden body guard.

Moreover, Su Jin felt that the golden body could only hold one or two blows from the world, not invincible. And even if no one attacked, he could only keep it for less than a quarter of an hour.

Guidi Nu Yaoyi's eyes flashed with enthusiasm. If Su Jin hadn't exploded at the critical moment, she might have to use some measures, of course, it is also very good now, and the master seems to be fine.

"Master--" Empress Yaoyi flashed to the side of Su Jin and assisted him.

Su Jin raised his left arm and signaled that he was OK.

The blood-clothed Lord is really cautious, if he knows the true state of Su Jin, I am afraid that even his intestines will be regrettable.

"The tomb of Emperor Qingshuang is activated, and there is a natural life-reduction array enveloped. In this step outside the world, the blood-clothed Lord must have not left yet." Su Jin thought secretly.

The Yuanshi Great World once again lost the two great emperors, and the loss was not serious. Su Jin did not believe that the blood-clothed lord was indifferent to the things in the emperor's tomb, so this person was still a big trouble.

Immediately, Su Jin didn't think about it anymore, sitting cross-legged, began to urge the exercises, try to recover the injury first——

Outside Qingyun Town, loud voices!

"Win! The blood-clothed lord's world realm, was driven away by Emperor Su!" The result was shocking. Earlier, no one on the scene believed that Su Jin would embarrass the blood-clothed lord so much.

"Yuanshi Realm has damaged two emperors again! They were squeezed to dust by the giant hand of Su Tianzi Zufo--"

"Tianzi Su is mighty and domineering, roar! Who! Who else will dare to look down on my China in the future!"

"I am in the Five Realms, but I have to be dug up by the emperor's tomb, and I want to be snatched from the emperor's tomb by those outsiders, but now that Su Tianzi is here, there is already hope for treasure!"

"Su Tianzi, we will always support you!"


The deafening noise continued, but there seemed to be a few fan girls among them, and they screamed more and more. They were like wisps of clear streams among the monks, making people feel the charm of Su Tianzi.

In the ancestral realm on the scene——

Mo Zu had already turned his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking about carefully, but Xuan Yue's grandfather was very excited. After all, she was on the court when the emperor returned Xuanyuan Jian.

And Xuanyue's grandfather was very certain that Su Jin was the reincarnation of Emperor Huangquan, but she didn't know it, that was not the truth.

"It actually repelled the world realm."

Ge Xueyan didn't know how happy she was. When she muttered, the yin and yang goddess beside her was calmer. She saw some clues.

In the end, the goddess of Yin and Yang, Tai Yu'er, realized in her heart that the blood-clothed Lord was frightened back, and as to how she was frightened back, she did not understand the reason.


A stick of incense passed.

Su Jin opened his eyes and felt comfortable all over.

The injury this time was much more serious than Su Jin had imagined. Not only was the internal injury in the eyes, but his left shoulder was almost blasted off. Fortunately, the ancestral strength of his life and death king Buddha can speed up healing.

"This place is full of crises. In addition to the mysterious Venerable Black Sheep, there are also world powerhouses in the Yuanshi Realm."

Su Jin first considered these two people, and then considered those great emperors, but in the end he palpitated, and the corpse of the immortal king he had seen holding the piano appeared in his mind not long ago.

Take one step as one step.

Su Jin stood up and started walking with the Empress Yaoyi, because if he rushed along, he might run into unexpected danger, and the first one would be the corpse of the fairy king.

Burying the emperor's bones at the foot of the green mountain has already made Su Jin feel the illusion of falling into a trap, and he will not be careless about this trip.


The heavenly corpse scavenger made a rumbling joyful sound. Less than a moment after Su Jingang walked, he stopped in a green mountain trail, and the eyes of Maha Town Prison opened and saw a heavy scene.


Including the Longwujie Heavenly Dao Ship, the four Heavenly Dao Ships have already found out where the emperor’s tomb is and are swimming happily, but for some reason, the other great emperors have not moved.


A muffled explosion sounded from a valley.

"I'm looking for this sacred furnace, you take it off at a constant speed." Venerable Black Sheep's voice brought a little enthusiasm.

Great Emperor Peacock and Great Qingpengying both looked a little ugly. They only saw a mouthful of the treasure stove flying out of the valley, and the infinite primordial spirit burst out!

"Xuan Mi Xian Furnace, my realm Dao Venerable has designated something to be taken away." The Peacock Great Emperor gritted his teeth and cried out as a pity.

"Back then, Cyan Shuang had two chances in the'Qiankun Tian', one was the immortal wheel immortal art, and the other was this mysterious furnace. My realm Dao Sovereign needs this furnace to refine a life and death path. Dan."

The Great Emperor Qingpengying became discouraged. He was swept away by Su Jin's palm and his face was completely lost, but he did not give up the battle for this furnace and did not leave.

But now the Black Sheep Dao Zun wants this furnace when he opens his mouth, what should he do!


Emperor Peacock and Emperor Qingpengying made a decision at the same time. In their big world, there are naturally three steps of heaven. This furnace can't be brought back and can't be crossed. Even if you offend Venerable Black Sheep, you must fight for it.

"Let them fight for a while, don't grab the stove first--" When Mei Yinglan returned to the Heavenly Dao Ship, her Qi was still a bit unstable. She felt very clear that the little brother wanted to kill her.

Regarding Su Jin's existence, Mei Yinglan prevented several parties from winning the furnace.


Every strong man has his own thoughts, but everyone quieted down the moment the sound of the piano appeared.

The sound of the fairy curls into the ears, as if seeing a white crane flapping its wings, light and moving.

Su Jin embraced the waist of the Empress Yaoyi, turned into an arc-shaped streamer, and swept onto the green hills near the four heavenly ships!

When the sound search passed, Su Jin's scalp numb.

The one who played the piano was the ‘Fairy King’s corpse’ he encountered when he entered the mountain not long ago.

The sound of the immortal is long, a stunned scene, vividly appeared in the eyes.

Thirteen emperor corpses were revealed on the surrounding green hills! Although the clothes are worn out, these corpses seem to have been sacrificed, and the emperor pattern has survived to this day! Following the call of Xian Yin, came out!


Empress Yaoyi's pretty face was pale and she said three words.

Su Jin took a deep breath. If this female fairy king corpse is the tombkeeper of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang, then what is her identity!

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