My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1956: Destroy the furnace

In the Qing Meng environment, the weird atmosphere is spreading——

Venerable Black Sheep and the others didn't seem to have expected that there would be a tomb guard, and the thirteen emperor corpses seemed quite unusual!

Outside Qingyun Town, when many monks saw the appearance of the female fairy king's corpse, they suddenly made a noise.

"Fairy Baihua! That female fairy king turned out to be Fairy Baihua!" a monk roared confidently.

"Back then, Fairy Baihua strayed into Zhongmiaoshan, mad and lost his mind. It was Immortal Emperor Qingshuang who rescued her. The two had a delicate relationship. Later, Fairy Baihua died and Baihuaxian disappeared——"

"Yeah! Unexpectedly, she would be willing to be Qingshuang's tomb guard, willing to abandon the prosperity and stand alone to guard a tomb!"

"Infatuation may not have good results..."


The beautiful corpse of the immortal king holding the piano is awe-inspiring at the cruelty of the year. No matter how powerful the Immortal Emperor Qingshuang is, he can't live forever. On the day when his life is exhausted, he will eventually die.

There were emotions and regrets at the scene, but more shocking.

In particular, the "Xuan Mi Xian Furnace" that huffed through the heavens is even more enviable. This treasure has been hidden for a long time. Not only is the prestige not lost, but it seems to be much stronger.

King Kong and Beidou, the two elders of the Jade Lake, felt very real. Knowing this treasure is enough to top all the Jade Lake, it is not even enough! The Xianwei in it is hard to contend.

"Grab—" Great Emperor Qingpengying turned into a blue shadow, and he was about to seize the furnace.

"Brother Peng, what are you doing!" The young man transformed into Emperor Peacock flashed to the other side of the furnace in one step.

"Older Yang Zun wants me to take off this furnace and give it to him." Great Emperor Qing Pengying's eyes flashed with a sharp look.

"I think Brother Peng wants to take away the fairy furnace and leave Huijie!" When the Great Emperor Peacock said, the two raised their hands together to grab the two ears of the fairy furnace.

The two insidious emperors pretended to catch the ears, but in fact they directly bombarded each other!


The imperial realm's blows collided together, and a wave of training swept across the entire void with a terrifying aura.

In spite of such a big movement, the rising Xuan Mi Immortal Furnace did not move at all. The Peacock Great and Qing Pengying suddenly ignored each other and began to become enthusiastic about the Xuan Mi Immortal Furnace.

"Yang Zun threatened to set up this immortal furnace, but in fact it came for the secret behind it." The Peacock Great Emperor thought it was relatively thorough.

"My realm Dao Venerable, I am afraid that I am not trying to make a furnace of life and death Dao Pill, but I want to use this furnace to open the strange and unpredictable'gate of mystery'." Qing Pengying's heart showed greed.

No one is a fool!

The immortal furnace has a real immortal treasure, and whoever finds a reason to obtain this furnace must get its real secret!

Venerable Black Sheep stroked his beard, his small eyes looked at him, and immediately he waved his sleeves fiercely, and shouted in full anger: "You two little ghosts, get out of the way--"

As cunning as a sheep, he naturally knew that the two were greedy. He came from this immortal furnace by doing this, and naturally there is no room for loss.

With the voice of Venerable Black Sheep, the two great emperors Qingpengying and Peacock couldn't help being startled, and they immediately retreated.

Su Jin watched quietly, but did not participate in the contest for the time being, and after Venerable Black Sheep uttered a loud voice, the Taoist sheep—

The Taoist sheep stepped out of the void and ran towards the "Xuan Mixian furnace"!

"Not good!" Su Jinjin changed.

Su Jin is not nervous yet. He doesn't know the realm of Venerable Black Sheep. He just can take a look at it. The only thing that makes him change his face is that Daoyang wants to swallow the immortal furnace. .

Mei Yinglan looked bad, but who would dare to compete with Venerable Black Sheep?


"Master Xianzun wants me to wait for two things to be completed. One is to bring back the Immortal Wheel's Immortal Kungfu, and the other is this Immortal Furnace——" The middle-aged emperor of Longwu Realm looked at Mei Ying with great anxiety. Lan.

"There is a Yang Zun, do you dare to offend him?" Mei Yinglan asked somewhat displeased.


The middle-aged emperor sighed and said: "It is rumored that the immortal furnace contains the big secret of the'Xuan Miao Gate', and the immortal guesses that it is the secret of reaching the'Best Immortal Other Shore'. If I can't bring it back... "

"We don't blame us for not taking it back. He can ask Senior Yang Zun for something--" Mei Yinglan shook her head, still feeling that she couldn't take the risk of falling and take the Xuan Mian furnace.

"Well, everything is still about opening the coffin."

The middle-aged emperor thought for a while, then gave up his plan to fight for the immortal furnace.

In the clear and misty scenery, Xianxiao was dazzling, and the Xuan Mi Xian furnace seemed to feel the danger, and began to circulate in the void. Scenes of fairy pictures were carved on its furnace body, shining brightly.

The black Dao sheep turned into a strange sheep tens of feet high. On its four hooves, auspicious clouds curled up, and the clouds walked with it. When they approached the "Xuan Mian Immortal Furnace", they opened their mouths suddenly!

He was actually going to swallow the "Xuan Mi Xian Lu"!

Su Jin squinted his eyes. He saw the female fairy sitting in the void with her legs playing the piano, and realizing that she was playing the piano faster.

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

The verdant green hills unexpectedly began to tremble, and Fan Shi fell.

Xuan Mi Xianlu shook! Scenes of the fairy pictures on the furnace disappeared, and those fairy pictures were actually on the green hills in the four directions!

But at this moment, the furnace body of the Xuan Mixian furnace turned into a series of traces of beautiful spots, red gold dazzling lava, falling on the furnace body.

The black Dao Goat screamed, stopped abruptly in the void, closed his mouth, and kept moving backwards.

Destroy the furnace!

Venerable Black Sheep danced wildly in place, who would have thought that the female fairy king's corpse had the ability to "destroy the furnace"!

"Master, I want to refine you immortal corpses!" Venerable Black Sheep's Qi Qiao smoked.

"Zun Yang, the furnace is no longer there, but those fairy pictures may be the real secrets, I might as well wait to rub them down, anyone can get them, isn't it right?" The Peacock said with a smile.


Venerable Black Sheep stared at his little watery eyes, "Master, I want to move this Sifang Mountain, none of you are allowed to take half a point!"

Facing the dominance of Venerable Black Sheep, Qing Pengying and Peacock Great did not dare to contradict them even though they resisted their anger.


The black Dao sheep was full of black mist, and the black mist enveloped the sky. Those shining Xiantu mountain peaks began to make a sensation. It was as true as the words of Venerable Black Sheep, he wanted to pull out Sifang Mountain!

Outside the tomb of the emperor.

Millions of cultivators watched this scene, and everyone knew that they could not stop it. Even the great emperors who entered the mountain dared not say anything. Even their Su Tianzi was on the verge of silence.

However, is this really the case?

The emperor present was all paying attention to the Black Sheep Mountain, and did not notice Su Jin's existence at this moment.

Su Jin's expression is very strange--

The giant **** sacred soldiers came out and turned the giant **** into the size of a door panel. Su Jin carried it in his hand and felt very good at it.

The ancestral world opened up suddenly, and Su Jin completed the operation of the'Great Ascension Technique' in no time.

In the next second, Ju Xia soared behind Yang Zun and raised the door-like giant...

I took the head of Venerable Black Sheep and took it directly~~~

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