My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1957: Are you sick?

Open a scoop to the sheep respect!

Su Jin's purpose is for this--

Many emperors and millions of monks saw this scene when they photographed the giant **** sword that looked like a door panel.

The young Peacock Great, can put an egg in his mouth! Qing Pengying opened his eyes.

The two were dumbfounded enough, but looking at the other people, they turned out to be the same!

This scene is simply not too crazy!


Venerable Black Sheep was photographed into the ground——

With a huge fault of 18 thousand catties, Su Jin almost made a full blow, not to mention the Black Sheep, this blow was even the ground!

Outside Qingyun Town, everyone was stunned.

There were also many monks who watched the battle, shaking all over, sitting directly on the ground, still maintaining a dumbfounded expression. Tianzi Su gave them many surprises.

Gave them the glory of beating the emperor--

Those brilliance, compared to the moment, are nothing short of nothing! The emperor Su doesn't make a move, and one move is scary! Who is Yang Zun? That is a suspected existence of the Three Steps of Heaven!

"How is old grandpa?" A seven or eight-year-old girl with a pair of ponytails, holding her mother's hand, asked her.

The girl's crisp voice woke up, and I don't know how many people beside her. There is no hustle and bustle of exclamation, only the sound of air-conditioning!

"Tianzi Su...gave Yang Zun a door~~~" A monk trembled with a weird expression, like a smile but not a smile, like crying but not crying, and said something trembling.

"Venerable Black Sheep, was photographed in the mud--" the monk said with a face that was uglier than crying.

"Yang Zun is angry, how still Su Tianzi lives, will definitely be beaten to death."

"Many of the Yang Zun who was flattered by the great emperor, no one has dared to take action against them for countless years, and now we have been slapped by Su Tianzi."

"How could Su Tianzi make such a weird move? It doesn't feel like his way of shooting—"

"I don't feel like it either!"

"How about Yang Zun?"

There was noisy noise at the scene. No one could believe that it was true. Some even felt that Tianzi Su had been impersonated, so he dared to shoot such a shocking board.

The Peacock Great and Qingpengying Great Emperor, including the emperors such as Mei Yinglan, couldn't help but take a step back and woke up from Shen Shen.

"You brat dare to hit Yang Zun his old man!" Peacock Great squatted over immediately, pretending to be angry.

Qing Pengying had the experience of being slapped before, and at this moment he just sneered from a distance: "You kid is crazy, but don't think you have the capital to be crazy in front of Senior Yang Zun!"

"Little brother~~~ This shot of you has already captured all your future prospects."

Mei Yinglan sneered with sarcasm. She was originally worried that Su Jin would kill her, but now that she saw Master Su, she actually offended Master Yang Zun. This was great, and she was not even worried.

Su Jin didn't even look at the expressions of all the emperors on the scene, and did not respond, but just opened the door of the "giant sage soldier".

The head can be seen--

But soon I saw Venerable Black Sheep, pushing away the mud, and the earth began to lift up. The blood on Venerable Yang’s head was flowing on his face, and the demeanor of the old man disappeared!

"Why hit me!" Venerable Black Sheep gritted his teeth and looked at Su Jin, and roared.

"Are you sick? I want to beat you, and you asked me why I beat you." Su Jin calmly talked with Venerable Black Sheep with Yan Yueshen. After all, he is a reasonable person.


Many monks who have seen Su Jin's style, when they saw the scene of the ruined stone basin, suddenly knew that this cliff was Su Tianzi! Because no one can have this courage and temperament, no one!

Venerable Black Sheep smeared blood, looked at Su Jin fiercely, and trembled with angrily: "I'm going to swallow you with Daoyang, and swallow you alive!"

"Come on!" Su Jinfa frowned.

While speaking, he picked up the ‘Giant Door’s Gate’ and threw him into the soil again—

Bang bang bang!

Tame the soil hard!

Why did Su Jin dare to beat Venerable Black Sheep?

Many people have already seen the problem-

This venerable person is suspected of ‘Three Steps of the Way of Heaven’, and he brought a standard ‘Dao Sheep’, no one dared to mess with it. But just now, why did Su Jin's ancestral realm's cultivation base be able to save his blood with a single door?

Could it be that the power of the Three Steps of Heaven is so weak?

Among the powers, none of Su Jin really saw it. He was suspicious in his heart before trying to make a move. There are a few doubts!

Outside Qingyun Town, Venerable Black Sheep, as the suspected number one power, actually wanted others to catch him and not kill him.

The second doubt.

When the black-and-white piebald dog went to climb relatives with the ‘dao sheep’, he was electrocuted and turned into a black-and-white hairless bald dog. How weak is the Tao sheep? Shouldn't the black and white piebald dog be beaten to ashes with a single blow?

The third is that this person has never made a move, even fighting for the furnace is a gesture, and then let the Taoist goat.

When Su Jin watched Yang Zun get up, he had become a stone man, and his ancestral realm Dao marks began to wander around. If he were not injured, the ancestral marks would never escape!

This sheep is weird!

"You old liar! Turned out to be just an ancestral realm—"

Peacock Great's face was as red as a monkey's buttocks like a chicken blood. When he was not yet an emperor, he had seen world-level powers, all bowed down to Yang Zun, and even called brothers and sisters with some three-step powerhouses.

This old liar has the ability to hide from the sky!

Great Emperor Qingpengying's expression was even more exciting. Many of the great emperors before, almost didn't kowtow to this old liar. With this trick, there is no one!

"This--" Mei Yinglan and the middle-aged emperor looked at each other and became guilty.

Mei Yinglan would never have imagined that Venerable Black Sheep would be so useless. She also hoped that the other party could kill Su Jin with a wave of her hand. What should she do now!

Immediately, when Yang Zun spoke, there was silence.

"My deity is the Three Steps of Heaven, brat, you and I will never die!" Venerable Black Sheep stared at Su Jin and said.

"Okay, call your deity." Su Jin smiled disdainfully.

"The deity is far away!" Venerable Black Sheep said indignantly: "But I can prove that my deity has three steps of cultivation!"

"Oh? Prove it—" Su Jin said.

Venerable Black Sheep grunted, looked at Emperor Qingpengying, pointed at him and said: "Don't sneer at me, your kid must die here today, because I can see your destiny, destiny, and stay here. !"

Emperor Qingpengying obviously didn't believe it.

"And you, do you really think that the old way has deceived the gods of your realm? The old way's "Three Steps of Heavenly Way" cultivation base is used to lie to you a few bird feathers!"

Venerable Black Sheep thought for a while, "You little peacock, you must be dead today, severely injured and fled with your tail in between."

"Come on, you!" Peacock the Great didn't believe in this sheep respect anymore, so many people outside looked at him to compliment this person, and lost their face.

Venerable Black Sheep ignored Emperor Peacock, looked at Mei Yinglan, and said, "As for you girl, today... life is better than death!"

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