My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1962: Where does the little sister run!

prior to.

The ruined Xuanzang Immortal Furnace branded the immortal image of the furnace body on the Sifang Mountain. The immortal image is likely to carry the secret of the'Xuanmi Gate', so these four peaks must not be lost!

"court death!"

Su Jin's face became cold, and the great immortal technique "Bridge to the Sky" on the void fell again, close to the point where it was suspended above the top of the mountain, and the magnificent Xianwei suppressed it, firmly suppressing the four peaks——

"If you don't get rid of him, you can't take anything away!" The middle-aged emperor of Longwu Realm was a little frustrated.

"Emperor Peacock has launched a battle, and Tianzi Su just gave up his suppression. Now I wait for a shot together, it may not be an opportunity!" Mei Yinglan said loudly.


Peacock Great's whole body exudes a dazzling red light, and the countless feather eyes on the screened feathers began to blink, and his bones, flesh, and aura increased several times in this instant!

"Others are afraid of you, I am not afraid!" The Peacock Great slammed, and in the eyes of the tail feathers, a trace of demon spirit came out and gathered on the top of its head——

In the clear and misty environment, the sky began to dim after Emperor Peacock opened the screen.

For a time, flying sand and rocks, the wind cried like a ghost, the rising demon wind blew up the mountains and broke the ancient trees, and the entire tomb of the immortal emperor seemed to be turned into a Jedi in a harsh environment!

When the scene was chaotic--

When Mei Yinglan saw other strong men greet Su Jin, her eyes flickered, her eyes finally fixed on the gray fairy coffin!

"Not afraid? You are afraid!" Su Jin sneered and appeared in the middle of the demon wind!

A circle of dim Buddha light escaped in the demon wind, and at the same time, the entire Qingyun Mountain Range, at that moment, seemed to have fallen into a moment of silence!

Su Jin was surrounded by a red giant ape!

The ape-strike technique reproduces the glory of the violent ape clan back then——


The fist, like a hill, moved and slammed directly on the top of the Peacock.

On the top of Peacock Great's head, the emperor fairy aura that gathered was like a living thing, with a dazzling red light, and was driven by it!

It doesn't believe it, it doesn't believe in Su Jin's true ancestor, and it can compete with him who does everything he can!

Immediately, a rumbling sound appeared in everyone's ears, the escaping power, nearly half of the sky was dyed red, and the punch of the Ape Strike Technique directly smashed the emperor fairy qi into the air.

"Impossible!" The Great Peacock roared and looked at the hand that the ape was probing, keeping the battle body to the extreme.

The red violent ape transformed by the ape strike technique, the probing hand caught the demon body of the Peacock Great, its neck was strangled by the five fingers of the violent ape, Su Jin raised his hand, and the Peacock Great was slapped on the ground. on!

Bang bang bang--

Five-color feathers were madly shaken down, and the violent ape repeatedly flicked left and right. The Peacock Great Emperor was gripped by his neck miserably, and smashed into a hole on the left and right sides--

Seeing this, other great emperors withdrew in shock, looking at the cruel young man in fear!

Outside Qingyun Town.


Among them was a blond young man, looking at the irresistible black-and-white piebald dog in his arms, and comforted: "Brother, if the hair is gone, you can grow back again. I'm not in a hurry~~~"

The black-and-white piebald dog, who was hair-haired by Daoyang's electric light, had a tendency to be depressed, but when it glanced at the scene projected by the "Relict Stone Basin", it jumped out of Ah Yao's arms!

"Haha! A hairless peacock is worse than a chicken!"

The black-and-white piebald dog drove on its four legs arrogantly, laughed, and continued: "Now, the dog is noble than it—"

"Oh, this Peacock Great's battle body is really powerful, and it won't be killed by falling like this!"

Who can take care of the black-and-white piebald dog, what they marvel at is the toughness of the peacock monster body.

"The emperor's body is originally very strong, and the monster body is originally much stronger than our human race."

"I heard that this peacock, in the mysterious relic palace'Tai Ping Palace', took away a section of the heavenly path, and thus the power of it was refined, and the monster body was almost indestructible."

"No wonder you are so confident—"

There were already a lot of people outside, and some people even suspected that Su Jin couldn't crush it with a giant Buddha's hand.

Of course, the people in the Qingyun Mountain Range naturally didn't know the external evaluation. Su Jin had just fallen the Peacock Great Ninety-six times, and the opponent was obviously in a coma!

"That's it?" Su Jin used ape strike technique to smash Emperor Peacock not far away.


Mei Yinglan suddenly snorted, she and the middle-aged emperor of Longwu Realm, found this opportunity, directly reached out the emperor's hand, grabbed the gray fairy coffin, and instantly caught the ship of heaven.

At the same time, even Su Jin did not expect that in the center of the Peacock Great Emperor's tail, a three-inch red feather began to burn on its own, and its entire body, like burning paper, began to disappear——

not dead!

Su Jin seemed to be aware, knowing that Peacock Great had spent a lot of money and left the Qingshuang Tomb.

The four heavenly ships began to roll around, and the Dragon Wujie Corpse Scavengers took the brunt, breaking through the surrounding imprisonment, and it was a distance in the blink of an eye.

"Fairy coffin!" Su Jin's face was calm, but he gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart.

Mei Yinglan's city mansion was so deep to the extreme that Sifang Mountain could not be pulled away, so he found an opportunity and stole the emperor's coffin——

Bai Huaxian was panicked at the moment, squeaking several times, and could not speak.

Su Jin couldn't help but feel greatly moved when he saw Bai Huaxian like this. In the end, Bai Huaxian even looked at himself with a plea for help. He immediately promised:

"As long as I don't die, I will definitely help you bring it back."

Immediately, the void in the ancestral world began to lift up the glow, Su Jin's whole body was lifted into the sky, and the importance of the big ascension technique was revealed!

"The coffin of Emperor Qingshuang was robbed--" The monks in Qingyun Town couldn't believe this fact.

"Although Su Tianzi is very strong, the opponent is also very smart. He did not attack by force. Instead, he fished out the emperor coffin and did not choose to compete with Su Tianzi."

"There are so many people!"

"Cyan Frost Coffin, can I get it back?"

"The speed of the Heavenly Dao Ship is very fast, and there is no hope. The Emperor Su is doomed to return without success."


There is a lot of discussion, is it really the case?

Su Jin's current cultivation base, using the'Great Ascension Technique' that can lift the sky, can reach a speed of about a thousand miles in an instant, but this kind of consumption is too large to be used multiple times.

But after this thousand miles, Su Jin successfully saw the four Taoist ships in the depths of the void.

There are many dragons on it, already transformed into human forms, but with two small horns on their heads! Among them is the existence of the dragon princess!

Su Jin's face was calm, his hands clasped together, the Buddha's light of life and death was shining, and he continued to replenish his strength. At the same time, he slowly said:

"Sister Mei~~~ If you run away again, I will kill you at Mei's house in Longwu World——"

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