My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1965: compromise

"What do you want to do?"

Mei Yinglan hesitated for a while, staring at Su Jin nervously, with an urge to step back.

In the eyes of Sister Mei, Su Jin's weird eyes were so terrifying. Although she was dressed decently, when Su Tianzi looked at it with her eyes, it seemed that everything was seen through him.

"You are struggling to get the'immortal wheel immortal power', but you want to repair your injury, right?" Su Jin asked lightly.


"Is there no other way other than the'Immortal Wheel Immortal Gong'?"


Mei Yinglan shook her head, "Even if there is, it is only a legendary thing, it is more difficult to obtain than this immortal skill."

"I can save you, there is a better way than Xianfa to help you heal--" Su Jin has already seen the clue.

"Impossible, the small cracks that appeared in my emperor's body were not actually due to the emperor's body..." Before Mei Yinglan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Su Jin.

"Emperor Spirit is damaged--" Su Jin said.

"How did you tell? That's right, I am the emperor who is damaged. I was alive if I could survive." Mei Yinglan admitted.

"Can save."

Su Jin was actually very unwilling in his heart. Mei Yinglan's city mansion was too deep, and her unscrupulous efforts to make a living made him feel that it was inappropriate to stay together.

But if you don't save it, I'm afraid this woman will not give up on the "Immortal Wheel Immortal Gong". In the future, Su Jin will not be the tombkeeper of Qingshuang Tomb herself! It's not difficult anyway.

"How do you save it?" Mei Yinglan didn't believe it. Could it be that Qingshuang's coffin is here, he will open the coffin for himself and find the "immortal wheel immortal power"? This is very unrealistic for her.

"I'm in a place where there is'Taiyi Shenshui'." Su Jin glanced at her.

It's so amazing!

Mei Yinglan looked at Su Jin in shock, and the reason was very clear, otherwise Su Jin would not say that. After all, "Taiyi Shenshui" is the best divine object to repair the true spirit, and the emperor can also repair it!

"Really?" Mei Yinglan seemed not to believe it.

"Not only is it true, but it's still'a lot.' There are two ways to go before you now. The first is to defeat me, take away the fairy coffin, and obtain the'immortal power of immortality.' I'll be more obedient."

Su Jin cowhide coaxed. He didn't think that Mei Yinglan could take away the emperor's coffin, so the opponent had no first way to go. Then what is he afraid of!

"Just obedient?" Mei Yinglan had a weird tone. This little man always doesn't play cards according to the routine. What she wants to repair is the ‘Emperor Spirit’, so how could ‘Taiyi Shenshui’ be easily given to herself?

"Of course not." Su Jin made a full score, and then said in a hungry voice: "What I need, you have to satisfy me, that's what it means."


Mei Yinglan's face blushed, and her charming temperament made her especially charming, especially when she was blushing, it was like an autumn plum blossom, especially attractive.

And the reason why she is like this is naturally because of her diverse ideas. Does she have to meet any requirements of the little man? This is too annoying!

"Of course, not all. For example, serving tea, pour water or something, can it be done?"

Su Jin sat on the stone chair, raised Erlang's legs, and his squinted eyes revealed a touch of playfulness.

Mei Yinglan breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that Su Jin didn't seem to be lying to her. In view of the magic of this little man, she believed it for the time being, after all, life is important!

If you get the "Taiyi Shenshui" in the future to help her heal, it will be very exciting to think about it!

"It's the maid's film--" Mei Yinglan looked at the teapot on the stone table, a little awkward, stepped forward to lift a stone cup, and poured a cup of tea.

Well done!

Under such behavior, Su Jin naturally acquiesced to her promise, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If Mei Yinglan didn't compromise, he would let her be wandering into the void, and he couldn't bear it.

In the next half day, in the Void Abyss, it gradually became dim——

Su Jin didn't even know that the Void Abyss here had alternated between day and night, or that it had stepped into a place where the stars could not shine, and the whole surroundings turned into darkness.

It's so dark that you can't see it with your five fingers.

During this half a day, Su Jin found no less than a hundred locations, but none of them could open the "Void Channel". Fortunately, he had some experience not long ago, and he did not feel impatient.

The Nine Elephants Flying Boat, swaying leisurely, like a leaf of dust floating, or like a black leaf, drifting in the abyss of the void.

"Let's rest for a while--"

Mei Yinglan walked out of the cabin and came out with an altar of wine in a room. After a long time together, she admired Su Jin more and more. During this period, whether she could find a passage or not, Su Jin was not discouraged!

If you change to someone else, you can imagine that you have already fallen into despair, but Su Jin is very calm!

Su Jin tilted his head, just about to ask something, only to find that Mei Yinglan changed her clothes.

She just took a shower.

The snow-white corset is quite youthful, showing the whole good figure to the fullest, not only that, she lacks a butterfly hairpin on her hair bun, and the blue is golden--

Although she was completely dressed up as a tender girl, Su Jin didn't realize that there was anything wrong, because she was originally beautiful, but on the contrary, Su Jin felt a unique charm.

"What do you say are those blue light beams?" Su Jin motioned to the blue light generated dozens of miles away and asked.

"Xu Yuanhua." Mei Yinglan nodded.

"No? Is there such a thing?" Su Jin became surprised.

"Of course there is, in the world of heaven, no matter how strange things can happen, even if you don't believe it, it does exist."

"What is so wonderful about Xu Yuanhua?"

"It represents a good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Mei Yinglan seemed to figure it out, joking.

"bad news!"

"The bad news is that we are drifting deeper."

"What about the good news?"

"The good news is that Void Flowers generally appear on the edge of the abyss, which means we haven't drifted too far--"

"Damn, what you said is the same as what you didn't say." Su Jin was a little convinced, of course, he was still a little comforted, after all, it means he still has time to find a way out.

As the Nine Elephant Flying Boat got closer and closer to the imaginary blue flowers, Su Jin faintly saw an unusual scene, but he was not sure what it was.

Mei Yinglan seemed to have given up her plan to leave, and her eyes never left Su Jin. The lonely void abyss, accompanied by someone, is already a huge luxury——

"I said, can we mature?"

In Su Jin's mind, there was the weak voice of Umbrella. It was silent for a while, just squinted for a while, and when he woke up, he found the existence of Void Abyss——

"Don't compare, there is a situation!" Su Jin said in disbelief as he raised his throat sharply.

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