My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1964: Re-entry

Chaos and Void——

The Dragon Wujie Tiandao Ship gradually moved away. The fate of Mei Yinglan, the middle-aged emperor on the deck and the dragon princess, did not know.

No one dared to fight against Emperor Su, even if they could combine the power of the two emperors, there was no chance of winning at all, they could only give up Mei Yinglan!

Su Jin, in the state of the dignity of the treasure, has no expression on his face. When he retracted the giant Buddha's hand, the Buddha's light in the chaotic void was dazzling, and strands of life and death were contained in them.

Mei Yinglan was quite embarrassed.

But she has no regrets!

With her impaired emperor's body, she could only survive for a thousand years if she returned to the Longwu Realm.

Thousands of years seem to be long, but in fact it is just the time for the dragon to doze off. As the empress, Mei Yinglan is no different from death.

"Little brother~~~ fell into your hands, I have nothing to say--" Mei Yinglan held the palm of the giant Buddha with both hands, sat on the palm, and said, watching Su Jin.

Su Jin's face was cold, and the golden light gradually dimmed. He held the coffin in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while. After being sure, he ignored Mei Yinglan and began to slap around...

Once, twice, five times!

The slight joy of winning the emperor coffin gradually began to converge on his face in an instant, and he couldn't open the void passage leading to the outside!

"What's going on--" Su Jin muttered.


Mei Yinglan laughed somewhat like crazy, and said: "I believe in Yang Zun's words, I will live better than die, because I will wander in the chaotic void."

"Shut up." Su Jin glanced at her.

"I'm not! Chaos Void is called'chaos', naturally because we can't open the way to leave. We will all be lost in the depths of the void until we die!" Mei Yinglan laughed and tears fell.

Su Jin was silent, holding the coffin in disbelief, and walked towards the right hand--

One person, one coffin, with the Empress Yinglan behind, Su Jin could feel Mei Yinglan's cold eyes from time to time.

When Banzhuxiang time passed, Su Jinwa opened his mouth and spit out a **** arrow. His previous Baoxiang Jin could not hold on to Banzhuxiang. When he walked out of the chaotic void, Xiaocheng's divine body was almost torn apart.

On the contrary, because Mei Yinglan is the emperor, she can naturally resist safely and unharmed——

"Void Abyss." Su Jin's eyes were sharp, he didn't want to step into this situation.

"You know a lot, you still know the Void Abyss." Mei Yinglan's voice came.

Su Jin turned his head slightly and asked, "Why are you following me?"

"Looking at you to die--" Mei Yinglan blinked, "Besides, I don't have much for the rest of my life. I will follow you during the wandering journey, so I can see someone!"

"You can't get out of the Emperor Realm?" Su Jin was a little disbelief.

"It seems that you only know, but you don't actually understand. If I am in the world realm, I can use the power of the mirror road to trace back to the origin and return to the heavenly road ship, but I am only the emperor realm."

Mei Yinglan doesn't care about anything now, the ship of heaven has gone, and the way home is cut off. Now any fairy magic and treasure can no longer attract her, because it is all clouds!

"Void Abyss is no big deal, I just walked out not long ago."

Su Jin's tone was very calm, knowing that this abyss of void was not the one at the time—

But Su Jin's words made Mei Yinglan stunned.

If other people say such things, Mei Yinglan will absolutely not believe it, after all, Su Jin is an ancestor! Can the ancestral realm get out of the abyss of void? It is simply the most absurd and funny big joke!

But Su Jin said it relaxed, it should be true, but this is too scary!

"You can't go out." Mei Yinglan looked around, deep and scary, it was a kind of depth that made people desperate.

"Then let's wait and see." Su Jin was really not convinced, and immediately a black flying boat appeared in his palm. After gently blowing off his palm, the Nine Elephants flying boat began to rise in the wind.

Ten miles, fifty miles! One hundred miles long!

The black flying boat is brilliant, Su Jin can only change it to the maximum extent, otherwise he can’t hold the Cyan Frost Coffin——

After placing the Qingshuang coffin on the deck, Su Jin hesitated looking at the Yinglan Empress, who had not left.

Very angry.

As early as outside Qingyun Town, Su Jin told her not to stab herself in the back. As a result, she first helped the blood-clothed lord to cheer, and finally instigated other great emperors to attack her. Instead, she stole a coincidence and found the fairy coffin.

It can be said that the current exposure to the abyss of the void is entirely because of her!

"I'm leaving, so you can do it yourself." Su Jin squinted and said.

"Goodbye!" Mei Yinglan waved her hand, her face was already cold.

Su Jin thought for a while, still driving the Nine Elephants Flying Boat, and began to drive forward——

Seeing the Jiuxiang Feizhou walking away, Mei Yinglan's eyes were blank. She glanced back at the road. There was a chaotic area and there was no way to leave.

Mei Yinglan stayed on the spot for a while, and walked towards Su Jin's sailing direction blankly. She didn't chase after her. This was the most instinctive action of a person in desperate situations.

A person’s greatest fear is to know when he will die.

The millennium time is not long for Mei Yinglan, but if she wanders in the void of the abyss for millennia, facing an unmanned environment, then she would rather end it earlier and be free.

No one can bear the pain of wandering here-

For a long time, Mei Yinglan had been with her for most of the day. She was the empress, above tens of thousands of people. When she looked at the Nine Elephant Flying Boat in the distance, she followed and realized that she was so eager to catch up.

The Nine Elephant Flying Boat became slower and slower. Although Mei Yinglan was an unscrupulous woman, she also had an arrogant female emperor. When she got closer, she simply stopped moving.

In the end, Su Jin drove the Nine Elephant Boat, turning around and wandering to a distance of 50 meters in front of Mei Yinglan.

"Why don't you leave?" Mei Yinglan stared at Su Jin, and said hard.

"When you are in a desperate situation, do you think a technique that can save you is still important?" Su Jin asked.

"What I regret most is that I came to China and ran into you!"

When Mei Yinglan said that, where does it still feel important, can Xianfa buy freedom? What if I survived? Faced with the deep void that can drive people crazy, I don't want anything anymore.

"Get on the boat, remember your feelings, and hope you won't go against me again in the future." Su Jin made this cruel decision.

Su Jin himself was very soft-hearted.

No matter how Mei Yinglan wanted to kill him, it was nothing more than selfishness, just to live for himself. He had never thought that a woman could follow the boat and continue to the present.

If abandoned, it is indeed cruel.

"Not -" Mei Yinglan became temperamental and turned her head to the side.

Su Jin was silent for her for a while, and directly raised his hand to catch her, and caught her on the deck.

Immediately, Mei Yinglan gritted his teeth and said: "You caught me up here, not from my original wish!"

Su Jin walked in front of her with a pocket in her pocket, and then walked around her without any hassle—

Mei Yinglan mentioned it all in her throat. Does Su Jin think that doing this...

In the next moment, Su Jin's actions seemed to confirm what she thought!

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