My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1967: Wolf Whale Overlord

Mei Yinglan is difficult to describe, her shocking feelings at this moment——

It is very rare to see the ‘No Word Monument’ here, and it’s a rare occasion.

But Mei Yinglan knew very well that the secret of the "No Word Monument" was about to be revealed!

When yelling ‘what’s that’, the ‘wordless stele’, which collapsed into black fine sand, burst into black magic light.

Affected, thousands of other black stone steles collapsed almost instantly, hiding ancient and far-reaching secrets, and the truth is revealed.

As the thousands of "wordless steles" turned into black sand, an unimaginable scene clearly appeared in Mei Yinglan's eyes.

A huge number of black sand particles, accompanied by black demon light, formed a transcendent creature!

"Wolf Whale..."

Mei Yinglan was dumbfounded, her mind and brain were completely blank. She had read a book of "Ancient Beasts", and the five pages in front of her depicted the portrait of this "wolf whale".

The wolf whale has the same tail as the ‘wolf’, has sharp canine teeth and fine hair like the wolf. It is so powerful that it can swallow the sky!

Su Jin was sitting under the "Enlightenment Tree" at this moment, and he was far more shocked than Mei Yinglan, because after the wolf and whale combination was completed, his internal strength could not be controlled.

Behind the scenes, the four white, one yellow, and one black well rings bred from the "good fortune longevity kung fu" began to manifest in the form of a trickle. He knew that this was not his original intention at all!

Not only that.

In the black well ring, the situation of the lingering Void God is also changing. It seems that there is a shocking existence. The moment the'wolf whale' appeared, he opened his eyes and fell asleep again.

Bang bang bang--

In Su Jin Xiaocheng's divine body, dull voices were constantly being made. Behind him, the four white, one yellow, and one black well rings were quickly filled with black light.

Another black well ring was opened!

The power of those black sand particles, as the demon light condensed, completely turned into powder and disappeared into the abyss of void.

Su Jin felt it carefully before opening his eyes and seeing a wolf whale pattern appearing on the back of his right hand. He couldn't help but feel ecstatic. He got up and put away the vision of Ancient Heaven in the Second City.

Both the Enlightenment Tree and the Xianchi disappeared. He looked around and took a deep breath before walking towards the'Nine Elephants Flying Boat'.

"Facts have proved that the legend is false." Su Jin came to the side of the boat, looked at Mei Yinglan, and smiled triumphantly.

"That is the'Wolf Whale' recorded in the Ancient Qi Beast Records. If we hadn't seen the change of the wordless stele today, I am afraid that no one would think it really existed!" Mei Yinglan looked at Su Jin, her tone still hard to hide. Horrified.

"Then it will be called Divine Art-'Wolf Whale Domination'." Su Jin crossed his right arm, and the wolf whale pattern on the back of his hand was caught in Mei Yinglan's eyes.

Wolf Whale Domination!

Mei Yinglan exclaimed: "What a domineering name——"

"Of course! Because my journey is the heavens and the stars in the void!" Su Jin was in a good mood and laughed happily.

"What is unique about this magical technique?" Mei Yinglan hesitated and asked.

"You can go out." Su Jin kissed in ecstasy, and said with a smile.

"Can you go out?" Mei Yinglan widened her eyes.

"Yes, for the wolf whale, the void abyss is like a void sea. With the help of it, I can jump out of this void abyss!" Su Jin had felt it before and knew its function.

"How could it be!" Mei Yinglan didn't believe it.

For Mei Yinglan, if it is true that Su Jin can walk out of the abyss of void, then this little brother would be a little too fascinating!

Su Jin didn't believe it at first, but as he deepened his understanding of this divine art "Wolf Whale Overlord", jumping out of this "Void Abyss" was as simple as eating and drinking.

Without explanation, Su Jin looked at the "Cyan Frost Coffin" on the deck. This fairy coffin was too large. He also tried to collect it with a Zijin gourd, but failed. I don't know the problem.

Soon, Su Jin's eyes lit up——

"Sister Mei, come down." Su Jin said quietly.

"Oh." Mei Yinglan had to listen even if she didn't listen. She had compromised long ago and chose not to go against Su Jin.

"Little! Little! Little!" Su Jin launched control at the Nine Elephant Flying Boat.

At a speed that can be seen by the naked eye, the Nine Elephants Flying Boat began to shrink rapidly, and the gray "Cyan Frost Coffin" on the deck seemed to be pulling, and it contracted together with the Nine Elephants Boat.

It's done!

Su Jin stretched out his hand and watched the Nine Elephant Flying Boat swim into his hand. The little gray fairy coffin on it seemed to be lingering with fairy glory. He put away the Nine Elephant Flying Boat backhand and looked at Mei Yinglan with a strange expression.

"Why does my little brother look at me like this?" Mei Yinglan asked in a panic.

"Close your eyes--" Su Jin said with a mysterious smile.

What does he want to do?

With a nervous state of mind, Mei Yinglan closed her eyes, and her heart that had calmed down for a long time began to turmoil.

Near! Closer!

Su Jin looked at Mei Yinglan who was dressed in white, her spring and tender dress like a little girl, and the fragrance that came out was quite intoxicating——

The atmosphere is very delicate. Su Jin came to Mei Yinglan, squinted his eyes slightly, and moved his nose over~~~

The fragrance is overflowing, it smells everywhere!

Tianzi Su smelled it for a while, then came to wake up, stretched out his left hand to hold Mei Yinglan's waist, and started to warm it——

Obviously, Sister Mei's body shook instinctively. She didn't expect Su Jin to meet her, and immediately opened her eyes, with fierce fire in it.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Jin had a ferocious expression, and knew that Mei Yinglan in this state was herself. She was charming and charming, but she was just disguising herself.

Mei Yinglan is still thinking about whether she should struggle--

The next moment, her thinking seemed to stop, and she watched Su Jin raise her right arm, stretched out the hand that women envy, and shook her arm gently!

Mei Yinglan had a panoramic view of the shocking scene.

The ‘wolf whale pattern’ on the right hand radiated waves of ripples, enveloped the surrounding area, and soon a substantial wolf whale appeared!

I knew that Mei Yinglan was the empress!

When the wolf whale opened her eyes, her breathtaking and domineering glance caused her breathing to pause briefly.

Su Jin was full of strength, clinging to Mei Yinglan's willow waist, couldn't help but let out a long roar!

The whole wolf whale wrapped the two of them, shook out a trajectory in the abyss of the void, and leaped sharply upward!

This jump, I don't know how far!

The wolf whale seems to have broken the limits of the void abyss, as if jumping out of the bottomless sea!

It was only a dozen breaths short, and the dazzling light made the two of them uncomfortable for a while, but they really came out, ending the fate of wandering into the abyss of the void!

But the strange scene immediately made Su Jin and Mei Yinglan dumbfounded!

Since the two have practiced, no one has experienced such a speechless situation-

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