My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1968: Da Si

at the moment--

It was a dry lake about ten miles away.

Of course, this is not the point that surprised Su and Jin, but the dry lake is densely packed with people!

The sun was scorching, and the people who were exposed to the sun were all sweating and soaking their clothes. Among them, there were men, women and children, all dressed up as simple ordinary people.

This is where?

Why are these people caught in the dry lake?

What to do!

A series of questions appeared in Su Jin's mind.

Mei Yinglan's eyes flashed continuously, as if thinking of something, but did not speak.

Su Jin couldn't leave, especially when he saw two or three-year-old dolls tied around their necks and feet, his heart was cold.

In order to see the situation clearly.

Su Jin carefully pours it sounds--

"Mayor, don't feel guilty! You know, even the Great Swordsman can't deal with those fox people, we are destined to have this fate."

In the dry lake, there was a brawny man with unkempt hair, like everyone else, who was **** with five flowers, and said to an old man with a gray beard.

"Yes, the mayor! The blame is for us to worship the Moon King. He was charmed by Queen Dasha with a demon, but he didn't know it--" Another middle-aged man said with a few scratches on his face, angrily. .

"The Kingdom of Worship Moon, sooner or later will be destroyed by Queen Dasha!"

"I'm not guilty."

The elder of the town elder looked not far away, the children who were chained, the old voice was a little trembling: "I feel distressed--"

"Brother Dalong, I'm so hungry~~"

The 7-year-old Xiang girl, pitifully, looked at the ten-year-old boy who was also tied up, and she could see a little blood on her little dry white lips.

"Be forbearing, wait for my brother to loosen the tie, and take a slingshot to hit you with a few birds and pigeons to eat--" the ten-year-old dragon comforted the girl.

Dalong was ten years old, and when he finished comforting the girl, there was a touch of despair in his pupils. He still felt something, knowing that there might be no chance again.

Su Jin looked over...

Judging from the information he heard, Su Jin has probably understood the process--

"How does Sister Mei think about this?" Su Jin looked at Mei Yinglan and asked.

"Carefully intervene -" Mei Yinglan shook her head slowly.


"This is the fate of these people. If you intervene, you will change your fate for them and you will pay the price." Mei Yinglan sighed.

"Then pay the price! I not only want to change their lives, but I also want to change the lives of this country!" Su Jin's eyes shone coldly.

As the saying goes: Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

The people endured disasters and great sufferings, all of which were bestowed by the mediocre "Worship to the Moon King"!

"No! The emperor always stands in the sky, if you take action, you are going against the sky, and against the sky -" Mei Yinglan paled.

To know these words of Su Jin, she was afraid to say as the empress.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, I am a cultivator against the heavens! Worshiping the emperor of the Moon Kingdom to be the emperor is not good, then substitute and let the sage come!" Su Jin looked at Mei Yinglan coldly.

Mei Yinglan had to admit that when Su Jinfa was ruthless, she was still very scary, at least for the moment she was forced by her little brother's overbearing power and did not dare to refute.

No wonder--

No wonder that in front of Qingyun Town, a monk said that Su Jin was in the ancestral realm against the sky, and Mei Yinglan had believed it now...

Above the high altitude, time was passing by minute by minute, and after about an incense stick time, outside the non-dry lake, dense figures began to walk.

Fox ears, tail, human body!

The men are handsome and the women are seductive, and their faces seem to be favored by God, and all of them have different charms!

Among the large number of fox people, there is an old man of the Fox people tribe wearing a black and red robes. He is obviously the leader. Behind him, a green furnace with a mouth of more than 20 meters was carried over——

Then, the old man of the fox race took a scroll of imperial decree and faced the green furnace.

Mei Yinglan was surprised when she saw this: "Do we still need to sacrifice to the sky for such a damaging thing?"

Su Jin squinted and said with a sneer: "It seems that worshipping the moon king is really not good. The sacrifice to the sky is usually presided over by the emperor himself. Before the sacrifice to the sky, he puts on the sacrificial robes to worship the father and the mother. Instead!"

"Brother, you know a lot!" Mei Yinglan cast her eyes over.

"Generally, no one can compare." Su Jin pulled the corner of his mouth and said in a slightly triumphant tone.

Mei Yinglan was speechless. At this time, he had heard the old man of the fox race, talking nonsense, Su Jin carefully distinguished it, and probably understood it a little bit.

‘Sacrifice to Father Heaven’ and ‘Worship to Mother Earth’, and distinguished multiple mentions of Queen Dasha suffering from heart disease, may God bless and so on——

Thousands of Fox people arrived, causing the townspeople in the dry lake to panic. Some people became indignant and agitated, and understood the meaning.

"Queen Dasha is going to kill us!"

"That humbly vicious woman will never get any retribution! Once the Ming Master, when will you wake up!" More people cried bitterly, crying loudly.

"What kind of heart disease! It's a lie. I heard that Queen Da Si invited an expert to make a ‘Shou Yan Pill’. I’m a victim!"

"Vicious women are not allowed to die, this life is in vain as a moon worshiper!"

"Daughter, close your eyes—"

A mother looked at the four-year-old girl who was chained next to her and said with unbearable desperate eyes.

"Cat, peekaboo!"

The cute four-year-old girl thought that her mother was going to play games with her, so she immediately covered her face with her little hands. Her feet could not go far, but her hands could still move.


Perhaps most mothers are in this state, because next, in front of everyone, a stone basin was placed by the fox people.

The stone basin is used to hold human blood!

The old man of the fox race kept reciting the sacrificial texts, and within a quarter of an hour, he coughed and scanned the noisy scene--

"The national teacher, it has been properly arranged." A young fox race stepped forward with a flattering smile, bowed his waist and bowed in salute.

"Well, warm up the furnace first, then do it. If the human blood freezes in the furnace, it will be a serious crime, and no one can afford it." The old man of the fox race said lightly.

"Yes..." The young man stepped back and turned to convey.

Su Jin clenched his fists, looked at the fox people, and began to stand in front of each **** people, obviously waiting to speak again!

Seeing this, let Mei Yinglan conceal the situation! She saw Su Jin trembling with anger, and she took off a cool black leather shoe on her foot.

Without thinking about it, Su Jin dropped the shoe!

The old man of the fox race, who is also the "national teacher" of Baiyue Kingdom, is hearing the report from the youth that the "warming furnace" is over.

Immediately, the national teacher raised his head and looked at the sun. He counted the time and was about to announce the beginning of--

However, he saw a black spot falling from the sky, because he had just sacrificed to the sky, so he hardly had any doubts!

Immediately, the old face of the National Normal University became excited, and he knelt down, crawled on the ground, and shouted:

"Father heaven reveals the spirit and bestows divine treasures~~~"

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