My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1970: Mountain rain is coming

"That's right—"

Mei Yinglan nodded and said, "I know that I can't help you."

Beauty loves beauty more than ordinary people. When Mei Yinglan takes a bath in the evening, she changes into a very suitable and beautiful long skirt. The waist is meticulously tied, giving people a kind of ‘destiny’ temperament.

"Talk about it." Su Jin turned his face to his side, with the same eyes as before, looking towards the west.

"Before I came, there was a Taoist handwritten letter that came to my Mei's house. It said that after taking the Cyan Frost Coffin, I will leave immediately and shall not stay." Mei Yinglan said softly.

In fact, Mei Yinglan didn't understand what it meant.

But now it seems to understand-

After listening, Su Jin fell silent.

Back then, the strongest in the Chinese Great World, Emperor Huangquan fought foreign enemies and protected the mountains and rivers. Su Jin saw that the Emperor's clothes were stained with blood when he rebelled against the ancestor of Xuan Yue.

Now that there is no emperor in the five domains, and the Tribulation of the World seems to be descending, how can Su Jin stand by?

Seeing that Su Jin was silent, Mei Yinglan couldn't help but said: "In fact, you can bring your family and live in other big worlds. The demise of this world is fixed and cannot be changed."


Su Jin burst into laughter, and after drinking a sip, he said boldly: "In ancient times, Emperor Huangquan fought against foreign enemies, but now I am the Emperor Su, who is struggling with life and death!"

"You are stubborn--" Mei Yinglan said slightly with a small mouth.

"Stubborn? Chinese descendants, why are you afraid of a battle? The old saying goes, the country is broken! The protection of the family and the country has been passed down to the bone!" Su Jin stood up.


Su Jin dropped the hip flask, ignored Mei Yinglan, stepped into the void, and walked in the direction of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

Mei Yinglan stared blankly. She didn't understand Su Jin's thoughts. According to the other party's ability, she could easily find other places and practice quietly--

One step, ten steps, Su Jin disappeared in Hongyuan Town.

Only once, by using the great ascension technique "Ji Xia Soaring", Su Jin stood in the Buddha Kingdom in the West Heaven, only 300 meters away from the compassionate "Blessed One Statue".

Buddha is quiet.

One hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, three million Buddhist practitioners are here!

The Blessed One is like all around the rules, all monks, sitting in a quiet position, even ignoring the wandering heavy rain——

The rain is like a bean, the Buddha's clothes are already wet, and the thick clouds above are white and blue, and there is thunder!

The sounds of Buddhist scriptures continued to gather together, and the monks who had just walked closed their eyes and clasped their hands. The voice was peaceful:

"So what I heard: For a time, the Buddha was only a tree for the solitary garden in the kingdom of Sāvatāva, and there were two hundred and fifty people with the great bhikkhus."

"Here, when the Blessed One is eating, he wears clothes and a bowl, and goes into the dormitory to guard the city and beg for food."


The Buddhist scriptures are obscure and difficult to understand, but this does not require the world to understand, it is enough for the Buddha to understand, and the powerful voice moved Su Jin's heart.

Looking at the ‘Buddha Statue’ that cracked about three hundred meters away, Su Jin slowly closed his palms--


Su Jin sat cross-legged in the void in the heavy rain, and his Buddha's glory was flourishing!

The magnificent and dazzling golden body is solidified in the void. He is the ancestral realm "Living and Death King Buddha". I don't know how much this golden body should be admired.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Many monks with a calm complexion suddenly showed high respect on their faces. They all looked at the golden body, with the backs of their hands facing down, and bowed down to worship the King of Life and Death!

The truth of life and death is even more obscure! What is life, what is death!

The life and death Buddha singing in the underworld resounds throughout the entire Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom! Life is the value of life, and death seems to have to die for faith. That is as heavy as Mount Tai!

"Golden body, that is Su Tianzi's golden body." Outside a Buddhist hall, there was a group of female nuns with their pretty white hands together. These were female disciples who practiced on behalf of hair.

"The statue of the Blessed One is split, and the omen is unknown. I heard that the Five Realms and the ancestor Buddha said that he should be ready for Nirvana sitting--"

"It turns out that the Buddha's golden body is so beautiful."


When Su Jin unfolded the golden body, almost all the monks knew of his arrival, but his arrival only increased confidence and did not improve the real situation.

The statue of Blessed One is still cracking.

It takes less than a day to develop to this degree of cracking.

And this statue of the Blessed One is like an hourglass of time. When it collapses and falls, I don't know when it will happen, perhaps that is when the catastrophe really comes down.

Su Jin was silent for a quarter of an hour and looked at the Blessed One like the corner of his eyes, the rain was flowing. I don't know why, it felt as if the Blessed One was really crying.

Su Jin didn't realize that his robe was wet. Perhaps he had forgotten everything in this atmosphere.

Without waiting, Su Jin's hands were still clasped together, and he gently bowed towards the statue of the world-zun, and disappeared.


Hongyuan Town.

Mei Yinglan was outside the mayor's house, looking around, and when she saw Su Jin coming, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm back? When will my little brother leave?" Mei Yinglan was uncomfortable staying here.

"Are you afraid?" Su Jin stared at Mei Yinglan, seeming to break her thoughts.


Mei Yinglan was afraid that the catastrophe would come down here, and Su Jin could not help her, as long as she could survive, who would die!

"Funny, am I scared as a female empress?" Mei Yinglan was very good at hiding herself, but her eyes couldn't hide from Su Jin.

"Go home tomorrow morning." Su Jin frowned tightly, as if responding, but also as if talking to himself.

After all, when he left home, Su Jin did not give Xia Yuyan the treasure that could withstand the Great Emperor's 100-day attack. If something happened to Huaxia in the region, the consequences would be unimaginable if he was not there.

"Hmm, then tomorrow!"

Mei Yinglan turned and Su Jin walked into the mayor's house.

The mayor arranged two of the best rooms for them, both next to each other, but when Su Jin walked to the door, he turned to look at Mei Yinglan and asked, "Go back to the room—"

"Hey, little brother! I'll go in for a visit." Mei Yinglan raised her head with a concealed expression on her face.

Su Jin really couldn't help her.

After all, Mei Yinglan is not sure about this woman, and sometimes she can even perform very well, and will be confused by her acting illusion.

Walk in~~~

The room is actually similar to Mei Yinglan’s. After all, the mayor is very much loved, and his family is also very simple, almost no different from other villagers’ houses——

"Your bathtub is bigger than my room! And it's even better--" Mei Yinglan pointed to the brown wooden bathtub in the corner.

"Then what?" Su Jin deliberately glanced at her and asked.

"No, what did you see when you went there?" Mei Yinglan walked to the tub with curious eyes, and raised her little white hand to test the water temperature.

Su Jin shook his head when he heard the words, "Nothing--"

"Hey, the water is quite suitable. Would you like to take a bath?" Mei Yinglan asked naturally.

"Wash it now~~" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Can you not avoid it?"


Mei Yinglan gritted her teeth tightly, her eyes flickering, she didn't know why, anyway, she immediately puffed up: "If you don't avoid it, don't avoid it!"

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