My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1971: Little ancestor, let's run!

Don't avoid it?


Su Jin took off her coat, and when her naked upper body appeared, Mei Yinglan finally couldn't resist Su Tianzi's shamelessness and turned her back.

It didn't take long for Mei Yinglan to hear the sound of Su Jin entering the water, and she let go of her hanging heart. When she turned around, she couldn't help but hesitate...

In the end, Mei Yinglan came to the back of the bathtub where Su Jin was leaning against, and began to pick up the bath cloth and help him wipe the part above his chest.

"Is there something wrong with the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom?" Mei Yinglan asked with curiosity hidden in her eyes.

"The Lord is like cracking, disaster is approaching--" Su Jin said truthfully, frowning.

"Do you really want to manage?" Mei Yinglan asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't care who cares." Su Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Say something you don't like to listen to, you can't stop it, even if you are really strong, but at least you are still just an ancestor."

"Yes, I am only the ancestral realm, but as long as I am still alive, whoever dares to move the China World, I can kill myself!"


Mei Yinglan was really speechless, she was not easy to say some things, she could only blame Su Jin for being too confident, but angry that he would not save herself now, otherwise she would never stay here for long.

Mei Yinglan didn't talk about this topic any more, instead she said with a bit of complaining: "Those monks, they are so noisy--"

When Su Jin left the'West Heaven Buddha Kingdom', at least five million monks gathered there. Now, as time goes by, I don't know how much it has increased.

There are tens of millions of monks in the entire Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom!

The jade finger swept across Su Jin's chest lightly~~~

Mei Yinglan felt that every inch of Su Jin's flesh contained terrifying power, and what she admired was the skin of Su Tianzi.

Su Jin’s head is resting on Mei Yinglan’s abdomen. Now he is not under pressure, so he can only praise in his heart from time to time. Mei Yinglan’s ‘body’ is really wonderful~~

Of course, with time, Mei Yinglan didn't stay long. After urging Su Jin to go back as soon as possible, she returned to her next residence——

In the warm bath water, Su Jin closed his eyes, he enjoyed this short-term comfort.

"Something's wrong—"

Su Jin opened his eyes, a flash of cold light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

Originally Su Jin was quiet in the bath tub, not moving half of his body, but the water in the bath tub was full of waves.

The whole earth shakes again!

Su Jin felt truly, shocked in his heart, and soon put on his clothes, walked away from Mayor Hongyuan’s house, and set foot on the void~~~

Thousands of miles away, all parts of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom are full of Buddha light, flooding the entire sky with golden appearance, and Su Jin Mohe’s eyes open...

What I saw was the earth trembling slightly--

"Could it be that the destruction of the world started from the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom?" Su Jin had a terrible thought in his heart.

Where can Su Jin calm down!

Juxia once again soared to the sky above the Buddha Kingdom in the West Heaven, watching the countless monks encircling the statue of the Buddha in a circle of thousands of miles!

The drizzle was like a light, and it was a bit lighter than the rain earlier!


Su Jin bit his teeth and walked step by step to the statue of the Blessed One. The crack that originally had a punch before has now expanded to about half a meter. If this continues, the statue of the Blessed One will not last tomorrow!

Su Jin immediately took a shot from the bone ring and held it up with both hands——

"Ah! Lord!"

When some monks saw what Su Jin was holding up high, they immediately shouted, and the countless monks who looked upon their lives and deaths all began to exclaim.

What Su Jin held with both hands turned out to be a plaque with four characters written on it:'Daxiong Palace'!

Not long ago, Su Jin encountered the devouring of a giant snake tortoise on his way to the'Tao Brahma'. In the belly of the snake tortoise, he found the damaged temple and took off the plaque.

At this moment, Su Jin held his hands high, and the four large characters on the plaque began to shine with incomparable golden light!

Not only that, but in the golden light emitted by the plaque, there seems to be a figure of the Buddha--

"Go!" Su Jin threw the plaque of the'Daxiong Hall' directly at the statue of the Lord.

The plaque quietly landed in the hands of the Buddha below the statue of the Lord!


The dense dark clouds seemed to be washed away by the golden light, and the drizzle turned into golden light. The entire statue of the Buddha began to rumbling, and the phantom Buddha on the plaque melted into the statue of the Buddha!

Su Jin stared at the statue of the world-zun closely, and found the cracks on it, and unexpectedly began to close up.

Even after a few breaths, they were united together, and finally the crack shrank to the point where only hair was left.

"Where is the problem?" Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, frowned, and started sweeping with Maha Prison Eye.

Above, around, underground--


There was a fierce stern on Su Jin's face. Through the vision of the prison eyes of Maha Town, he saw that there was a huge underground river at a depth of kilometers underground.

At the end of the dark river, a circle of black and blue light spins appeared, and it was impossible to see what was in the black blue light, but the dark river was being swallowed quickly!

"Have you started?" Su Jin took a deep breath, and a series of imaginary phases came out, lifting him into the dark river——

Humid and cold.

The water in the dark river, I don't know when it turned to red, the surrounding space is very large, and the front end is the black and blue light spin.

"Little ancestor, let's run~~~" Xiao Umbrella suddenly lost the demeanor of an emperor, and suddenly smiled bitterly, and uttered in Su Jin's mind.

"Is the big world here contaminated with a curse?" Liu Changjia was awakened as early as when she was taken away from the bone ring by Su Jin on the plaque of the'Daxiong Treasure Hall'.

"I don't know." Su Jin stared steadily. Those magnificent black and blue vortexes seemed to be growing up, and an inch of dark river was swallowed by it.

"It's better to retreat—" Liu Changjia felt his heart tremble as he watched.

Su Jin took a deep breath and said, "The physical body seems to be unable to enter and will be disintegrated."

"Yes, the whole world will be hollowed out, and finally turned into fragments, involved in the torrent of void..." Liu Changjia responded.

"What do you want to do!" Xiao Umbrella was surprised.

Su Jin did not explain, he retreated hundreds of miles from the black and blue light, and then sat cross-legged!

Wandering too imaginary!

It’s hard to get in physically, Su Jin wants to give it a try to see what is inside the black and blue light circle--

In a blink of an eye, Su Jin fell into a state of being too imaginary, his physical body stayed in place, the entire blue mental power, and he began to approach the black and blue light spin carefully.

Chi Chi -

Su Jin first separated a ray of temptation, if this ghost thing could swallow even mental power, then he would be helpless.


Fortunately, that ray of mental power has not disappeared in the light spin, there is still a connection! Su Jin immediately gathered all his spiritual power, turned into a blue spiritual body, and walked in.

Can't speak, can't breathe, only thinking is still very active!

Now Su Jin is like a fish that can't speak, swimming in with a mental body that changes its shape at will~~~


There was a wave of anger in Su Jin's mental body.

He saw it!

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