My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1972: Mysterious strong woman!

Saw a shocking scene--

In the black and blue light rotation, the space is at least hundreds of miles around. From the inside, it is far more real than from the outside!

It turned out that in the center of the black light spin, there was a weird giant female ant lying prone, and black ants were being born. There was a blue line on their backs, and their palms were big!

"This is Jingshi Ant——" Xiao Umbrella said in shock.

The Umbrella Spirit of the Nirvana Dragon Umbrella is hidden in Su Jin's spiritual sea, so it can also speak in time when Su Jin's spiritual body is in the state.

"What is Jingshi Ant?" Su Jin didn't sound like a good thing.

"When I fought with Emperor Huangquan, I accidentally knew that this Jingshi ant can eat a big world. Don't look at it as small, it can eat everything. And the queen is always producing—"

"Sure enough, someone wants to destroy my big world." Su Jin's heart was cold.

There will only be more and more ants in the world. Su Jin has seen the number of no less than a million. This queen ant did not come out of thin air, it must be done by someone!

Su Jin saw that those Jingshi ant queens who were gnawing on their butt, gave birth to a ray of blue light from time to time, connected to the queen, and the black surrounding the queen——

It is actually connected with the abyss of the void!

In other words, Jingshi ants can gnaw day and night, and the soil excreted after gnawing will be thrown into the abyss of the void!

"It's hard to escape! We can consider leaving and live in a big world, the environment is okay~~~" Xiao Umbrella said with a sneer.

"Is there a way to destroy the ant nest?" Su Jin was communicating with Xiao Umbrella.

"Almost nothing, you can try if you don't believe it--" Seeing that Su Jin was obviously unwilling, Ji Mie Long Umbrella could only say helplessly.

Su Jin did not act rashly, he hurried to the side along the ant nest.

Three hundred miles away on the east side, there is a stone wall in the shape of a cow's footprint. It is obvious that Jingshi ants have been placed in the south, and they are gnawing towards the south.

In front of the cliff, Su Jin finally found something.

On a platform, there is a teleportation array engraved with a radius of three miles, and the pattern is red!

"Who, who placed the Jingshi ant queen! When will the other party come—" Su Jin was already in anger.

The process of destroying the world has already started, the other party can wait, Su Jin can't—

Half an hour.

An hour passed.

Under the dark stone wall, Su Jin waited more and more anxiously. Fortunately, two quarters of an hour later, when he clung to the stone wall, there was a slight wave of fluctuations in the transmission array three miles above him.

Strong in the world?

Su Jin hurriedly held his breath, his mental energy did not escape at all.

When the opponent appeared, the entire underground seemed to be in a state of silence, and Su Jin even suspected that he had been discovered!

"I'm telling you, have you done it--" The voice of her voice was slightly magnetic, she was actually a strong woman in the world, and she didn't know who she was talking to.

"Venerable, don't worry, everything is being set up." A man said in a humble tone.

"There are six reincarnations here. The above is to be destroyed as soon as possible. If you neglect the slightest, the promise will not only have no benefits, but it may even lower the punishment." The woman's voice was a little lazy.

"Yes Yes!"

The man flattered and said two words, and then hesitated a little: "Tianzi Su in my world, he is in a big trouble in the country of worshiping the moon at this moment."

"Oh? What a realm he—"


"The ancestral realm of the little wasteland is not a concern."

"Yeah! Although Su Tianzi is strong, we have arranged it a long time ago. His flaw is a woman. If nothing happens, the mission in the domain should start." The man smiled knowingly.

Su Jin, who was clinging to the rock wall, was angry at this moment, and his mental body was very active. Sure enough, there is an inner ghost in the Great China World, who is this person!

Su Jin will never let it go!

"Here three times a day, when I come again, if you see a problem, only your ghost mansion is asking—" said the strong woman of the world.

However, when Su Jin heard the word "Ghost Mansion", his heart was already overwhelmed.

Ghost Mansion!

The mysterious ghost house! It is they who participated in the process of destroying the world.

Ghost Mansion, Su Jin is not unfamiliar. When he was in the Southern Frontier of the Five Territories, outside the sacred tomb of thousands of miles, he met two ghost mansion old men!

"There won't be any problems, please don't hesitate." The man replied repeatedly, assuring.

"Oh? Really—" The voice of the strong woman in the world seems to have changed.

Su Jin was wondering who this woman was. After hearing the voice of the strong women in the world, she immediately turned into a stream of light and swept away from the Queen of Exterminating Ants!

The mysterious man in the ghost house, his face changed wildly when he saw this!

And Su Jin, who was fleeting, saw the true face of that worldly strong woman!

Not tall, less than 1.6 meters, but well-developed, beautiful eyes, watery, autumnal people, wearing a white skirt, white feet without shoes!

"Where to go~~~" Outside the World Exterminating Queen, a strong woman of the world appeared instantly, stopping Su Jin's transformation into a spiritual body.

Su Jin didn't hesitate at once, behind the blue spirit body, the stream of immortal power began to condense, and the next moment, a rusty imaginary phase began to rise——


Big Ascension!

The strong woman of the world raised her palm and blasted it over, and immediately she fell silent, her tender and watery eyes with a peculiar color, and the other party was able to leave--

"Venerable for your life! I never thought that Emperor Su would find here! He even hid in!" The mysterious man from the Ghost Mansion immediately knelt down and kept kowtow.


At this moment, Su Jin's body suddenly opened his eyes.


Opening your mouth is spitting out blood.

So strong!

Su Jin felt that this mysterious world-level female powerhouse was far stronger than the blood-clothed lord, and even surpassed the ‘Overlord’ he had seen in the Brahma!

Who is she and what is her origin!

Su Jin's eyes were filled with resentment, and immediately he lifted up the sky and appeared in the sky above the Buddha Kingdom in the West Heaven——

"Not good!" Su Jin suddenly changed color, looking at the strong woman with a magnetic voice appearing a hundred meters away to the west.


The strong woman looked at Su Jin, whose face had changed, with a deadly gaze.

Crisis, the real crisis of life and death is here!

Under the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, thousands of monks raised their heads, and Su Jin and the strong woman appeared in their field of vision in the sky. Everyone could see that Su Jin's current situation can be said to be desperate!

And what Su Jin didn't know was...

At this time, in the faraway area of ​​China, Wanjia was brightly lit, and it seemed to be relatively calm--

Qin Cheng has entered the night, and the city that never sleeps is much quieter than the day, only the sound of wheels rubbing on the road.

In the bedroom, Xia Yuyan was wearing her nightdress and walked to the window. As she was pulling the curtains, she seemed to see a **** figure flashing past.


Xia Yuyan looked around through the window, feeling that she might be dazzled.

Immediately, Xia Yuyan closed the curtains and turned off the bedroom lights, leaving only the desk lamp on the cabinet still on. She lay her legs together, leaned against the bed and opened a book——

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