My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1973: Wasteland in your eyes

The table lamp emits a luminous glow--

The various layouts in the bedroom seem to be beautiful only because of Xia Yuyan. Her figure and dress can't pick out any flaws, the onion fingers are slender, and the books are gently flipped~~

About four minutes or so, the wind raged outside, and Xia Yuyan's beautiful long eyelashes blinked and looked out the window~~

It's windy~~~

where is he?

Because of closing the window, Xia Yuyan did not hear the sound of the wind, but under the dimly yellow street lamp outside, the big tree swayed, and there was a faint drizzle, falling diagonally--

The West Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, the wind is bleak!

Thousands of monks raised their heads, and every monk and nun, all held the Buddha beads in their hands. Although they raised their heads, they continued to read the scriptures, and the light of the Buddha joined together, turning the kingdom of Buddha into a pure land.

The strong woman in the world is very delicate and pretty. At this moment, she is squinting and looking at Su Jin, who is unable to go.

"Who are you and where do you come from! Also, why do you want to ruin my sacred soil and who is behind it!" Su Jin's expression became serious.

So far, Su Jin has only surpassed one world realm, that is, the ‘blood-clothed Lord’ that he defeated earlier.

However, the blood-clothed Lord was restrained by his wisp of ‘natural nature’, defeating the opponent was due to luck, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to defeat.

"My name is Li Chanxue, and I come from a place you can't even think of in your life. As for you to ruin your gods? It's a laugh..."

There was a fresh smile appeared on the face of Chanxue Nuvun Tankou, and she continued: "The ancestral realm of the little wasteland, I heard that you are the biggest obstacle to the'clean world'. Now that you have encountered it, the deity will clean up It's you—"


Su Jin looked calm.

Although his tone was very loud, Su Jin knew that the other party had this capital, and did not brag--

"Who is this mysterious woman, Su Tianzi seems to be very jealous of her."

A few monks chatted in a low voice.

"It is definitely the world powerhouse that can make Su Tianzi treat it so carefully. If the opponent is a female emperor, he will not care at all."

"World Realm! Su Tianzi Wan is not an opponent——"

"What to do, I can't help the little monk at all!"


There was a fierce look on Su Jin's face. The powerhouses who dared to look down on him in the past all ended up miserably. Of course, it was because he was confident, but now he is competing with the other party, but he is not even sure.

"No matter who you are, how many people come, how strong you are! Or where you come from, I will be beheaded to death—"

Su Jinhu's body is straight. Although there is almost no chance of winning, he is a guardian monk! What is Guardian? There is no chance of winning in a confrontation with others.

"Haha~~~" Zen Snow Female Venerable seemed to hear Mo Da's joke and leaned forward and backward with a smile.

In the old days, the powerful emperor would kneel down when they saw her, and he didn't dare to say anything more. However, now this young man opened his mouth and shut his mouth to cut him, and cut off all the enemies that came!

Too arrogant--

When the laughter of the Zen Snow Girl stopped, the entire West Heaven Buddha Kingdom seemed to be caught in an inexplicable and strange killing!

Li Chanxue put her smile away and waved lightly in front of her with one hand.

Feel free to talk!

An unspeakable rhyme of Taoism circulated at her fingertips. The blue formation was waved by the Zen Snow Woman, and the Taoism pattern wandered on it, gradually turning into an ice-colored strange bird flying around on both ends——

go with!

Su Jinmeng raised his head and looked at the formation pattern that appeared above his head. His body began to tremble uncontrollably. It was the first time that the coercion exerted by the world realm was truly felt!


Several well rings emerged behind Su Jin!

Four whites, one yellow and two blacks!


In the first fairy source well, a six-winged fairy dragon jumped out of it. When it appeared, the void shed fairy radiance, and the wisps of fairy power trickled its body, causing the entire Buddha kingdom to begin to tremble slightly!

"Oh~~~ It's interesting—"

The Zen Snow Female Venerable was a little surprised, but only surprised, and asked, "Could it be that you are a descendant of the Immortal King Good Fortune?"

As he spoke, the two-headed icy blue bird dancing in a circle was fighting with the six-winged fairy dragon!

The face of the six-winged fairy dragon is more fierce, and the body is full of immortal waves. A pair of dragon wings slaps fiercely in the front, and two portals suddenly appear in the front, and two icy blue strange birds are suddenly slammed into the door~~

Zen Snow Girl:...

Su Jin:...

Is this world capable? Although Su Jin tried the Void God Six Winged Fairy Dragon for the first time, he was still surprised. The only possibility was that the other party didn't use real kung fu!

The Zen Snow Girl flicked her fingers, smashed the two portals, put away the blue array, and the two strange birds disappeared. Judging from her face, it was obvious that she was serious!

With jade arms in front of her, a stalkless blue dagger appeared in the hands of the Zen Snow Woman.


The Zen Snow Woman's face became cold, she leaned forward and disappeared in place——

Su Jin's scalp numb, and the Mohezhen Prison eyes on his forehead opened, but the figure of the Zen Snow Woman was not captured!

Side rear!

Based on experience and reaction to Qi machine, Su Jin was about to dodge, but his right shoulder moved ten centimeters in an instant, and he felt a pain in his shoulder blade——


Lan Hui's dagger was pulled out, bringing out a blood spray, Su Jin disappeared in place!

Cold, uncontrollable cold!

Su Jin even saw it with the eyes of Maha Town Prison, seeing that the eyelashes were covered with frost, that Lanhui dagger was not easy!

The thought flashed, Su Jin felt as if his soul had fallen into the ice cellar, this feeling appeared in him for the first time!

Really strong! The disappearance is silent, and there is no fluctuation in the shot. This Zen Snow Girl, is estimated to have a place among the world's strongest!

"It's not easy to be able to dodge the key point--" The Zen Xue Nuo blinked her right pupil.

The blood stained the clothes on the back, Su Jin only felt very sleepy. He knew that it was caused by the continuous blood flow on the back, but he couldn't help it—

The other party's practice is too long--

In this era, Su Jinsheng hasn't even had a fraction of the other party's years of cultivation, and hate this place!

"Come again!"

Su Jin began to cough up blood constantly, that strange blue dagger, was injured by it, and now he can't even recover.

"Haha, you are still not convinced that you are the little ancestor of the Wasteland. At this low level of strength, it is estimated that you will be the king and hegemony in such a broken place, and you have never seen the strong." The Zen Snow Girl looked down on Su Jin.

Ten thousand monks present! Hearing the words of the Zen Snow Female Venerable, although the Buddha is good for good, this is the pure land of the West in China, and no one can slander——

The expressions of thousands of monks are all angry--

"The wasteland in your eyes, no matter how bad it is, it is also the home of my children and grandchildren of China, you will die for me!"

Su Jin was dazzled by anger, and slammed his fist.

Seeing Su Jin's angry state, the Zen Snow Female Venerable seemed to be particularly happy, and laughed:

"You are about to die..."

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