My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1974: Wisdom Buddha pupil

The sky above the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

The cold wind is bitter, and the words of the Zen Snow Female Venerable make people afraid to hear, the most outstanding enchanting genius in the China Great World, in her eyes, nothing has changed——

"Bitch, I am not afraid of death—"

Su Jin wiped the blood with his sleeve, although he was injured, tired, and sleepy, he was still standing!

"Do you dare to scold me?" The Zen Xue Female Venerable was obviously emotionally ups and downs. From her body, you could see that her breathing was changing rapidly.

"My Buddha Kingdom Pure Land, how can you allow your foreign enemies to come here to run wild! It's all light to scold you!"

Su Jin suddenly closed his eyes slightly, and the Buddha's yellow ring on his back exuded Buddha's brilliance, and he began to wrap his whole person, instantly turning him into a golden body!

He didn't know--

The blood can't stop, and his body is freezing. If he doesn't do this, he will undoubtedly die. Although this is just waiting to die, it is better than not resisting!

"Golden body!" The Zen Snow Woman was taken aback.

The Venerable Zen Snow Girl was still astonished. With the appearance of Su Jin's golden body, there seemed to be Buddha's Sanskrit singing in the emptiness of the ancient deep. Accompanied by the freezing cold wind, it seemed to bring warmth to the world.

Sanskrit singing becomes clearer and clearer.

"The relics are the emptiness of all dharmas. It does not arise or die, nor is it dirty or clean. It does not increase or decrease, so the sky is colorless."

"No feeling, no sense, no eyes, ears, nose and tongue."

\"Colorless, sound, fragrance and touch, without vision, or even unconsciousness."

"There is no ignorance, no ignorance. There is even no old age to die. There is no old age to die."


If it is outside, it may not make such a big sensation, but remember, where is this place!

This is the "West Heaven Buddha Kingdom"!

There are more than thousands of monks below, but they came to protect the ‘Buddha statue’. They are monks, and some of the strong are Buddhas. They have a clearer understanding of this ‘Brahma Sing of Life and Death’ than anyone.

"The King of Life and Death! The Grand Buddha who appealed to life and death--" The faces of the monks became excited again.

"The common people are in trouble, the Buddha is in trouble, I am waiting for the tiny, living and dead Buddha, what should I do afterwards!" A monk hid his face and wept and asked the Buddha.

"We are incompetent, we have thoroughly studied the Buddhist scriptures, but the realm is very low--" There was also a monk who was desperate, touched by the scene, and shed tears in grief.

"Wipe away the tears, let's sing the sutra of life and death together, you see, the Lord is crying—"

Following the reminders of the monks of the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, they saw the tears flowing on the statue of the Blessed One. There is no rain now, and the Sanskrit singing of the Buddha of Life and Death has moved many people.



Ten thousand people!

Thousands of people!

Whether it was the monks present, or the old monks and novice monks who were not present in the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, they all gathered together with the Sanskrit singing in the depths of the void!

Of course, there is more to it!

When Su Jin's golden body was revealed, a statue of Buddha and Bodhisattva emerged from the darkness quietly, sitting on the ground, and constantly taught the world to love the body and hate it far.

Telling that being kind to yourself is life, and telling that giving up on oneself is death. People living in this world will always have hope.

"what's the situation?"

Su Jin feels that his golden body is becoming more and more condensed in a unique way. There seems to be cause and effect in the dark. Those ordinary monks, who are singing the sutra of life and death, are blessing his golden body!

That's right!

Originally, Su Jin’s golden body could only last for a moment at most, and it was quite expensive——

But with the sound of more than 20 million Buddhas sounding through the sky, his current golden body seems to be able to reach the point where the sound is not scattered, and the golden body is not scattered!

"Sure enough, I still can't underestimate you--" The eyes of the Zen Xue female were brilliant.

Based on the level of knowledge of the Zen Snow Woman, she has only heard that a Buddha has a ‘golden body’, and that person can’t provoke it, not at her level.

But now the ancestral realm on the wasteland had a golden body, which made her unbelievable.

Su Jin became more confident, walked towards the Zen Snow Woman in a golden posture, and stood a hundred meters away from her——

"Snow Female Zen, don't remember. The devil is one foot high, and the Buddha is one foot high!" Su Jin put his hands together, looked at the Snow Female Zen calmly, and said something.

"Smelly boy, the golden body is fake." The Zen Snow Female Venerable still feels unlikely, and hesitates.


Su Jin’s eyebrows in Maha Town’s prison eye, blessed by more than 20 million faiths, are rapidly blooming the unique color of Buddha yellow~~~

"Wisdom Buddha pupil! God!" An old monk paused, and when he looked up, he saw the condition of Su Jin's brows and eyes, and exclaimed.

"The Blessed One once said in the scriptures that when ‘Da Zi is in the sky’ opened the way of the Buddha, he saw the prosperity of the Buddha, but for some reason, he later lost a ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’.” There are also monks who clearly understand it.

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"


Su Jin feels very strange now. He only knows that the'Prison Eye of Maha Town' has been ranked third in the surrounding world since ancient times.

The first is good luck fairy pupil.

The second is glaring.

The Third Mohe Town Prison Eye!

Earlier, the golden body was plated with ‘Maha Prison Eyes’, and now it is blessed by more than 20 million Buddhas. His Maha Prison Eyes are fused with some kind of Buddha pupil——

"It's fake or not, you will know if you try." Su Jin didn't think much, just lifted it up.

A buddha palm is like fishing for the moon in the sea, wanting to catch the Zen Snow Girl——

The Zen Snow Girl was shocked.

With her hands at the top of her head, she drew a circle with her fingers in front of her, and then she waved around~~~ Pieces of void mirrors appeared, and every one of them was her!

Immediately, the Zen Snow Female Venerable walked to the center, she walked out of the thousands of mirrors, and began to merge with her——

In the world, one of the most terrifying tricks, with each fusion of her body, her momentum is skyrocketing, and her strength is growing rapidly!


The bare-footed Zen Snow Girl touched the palm of the giant Buddha that came up and grasped.

Buddha palm collapsed!

There is no sadness or joy on Su Jin's face, as if carefree, the "wisdom Buddha pupil" on the center of his eyebrows emits a ray of golden light~~~

The golden light is dazzling, and the temple of the Buddha begins to manifest in the surrounding world of the Zen Snow Female Venerable——

"Daxiong Hall!" A crowd of monks shouted incredible, watching the golden light of the first Buddha Hall manifest.

"Da Lei Yin Temple!" As the monks exclaimed, another Buddhist hall appeared.

"Sumi Bodhi Hall..."

Three Buddhist temples in a row emerged, all of which were the product of the ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’, which made the thousands of Buddhas present burst into tears with excitement.

In front of the third ‘Sumi Bodhi Temple’, there is a manifested Buddha tree. It is the legendary ‘Bodhi Tree’, but it’s just a manifestation, not real.

There are two ancient trees, one is the tree of enlightenment, and the second is the supreme ‘Bodhi Tree’.

The Zen Snow Female Venerable now has a flushing face, although her powerful world realm strength makes her fearless.

But Su Jin's successive terrifying methods still made her scrupulous.

Immediately, the Zen Snow Girl no longer hesitated, anyway, before Su Jin could grow up, he had to kill him!

Now is the best opportunity! Then, Zen Snow Woman rushed over, Tankou Jiao shouted:


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