My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1979: Not enough to see!

Half a stick of incense time passed.

Su Jin walked to the end of the ancient Great Wall, the sky was dark red, and the stars could not be seen in the dark night, only the cold wind blowing in could make him sober.

The front is quite open, and a faint grayish-white color comes into view among the rocks——


Su Jin's heart trembled involuntarily. Those gray and white objects turned out to be withered bones. With the development of world civilization to this day, the scene of'one accomplishment with ten thousand bones' seems hard to see.

And history will witness that these dead bones will not be fake!

In his mind, Su Jin seemed to remember the sound of the battle just now, and the scene of the two armies fighting for fighting, still in his mind.

"It really is an ancient relic."

Su Jin looked at the wide field of vision, and there was a faint black city in the distance. He made a decision, if he couldn't find it anymore, he could only give up——

Without staying much, Su Jin walked forward.


Among the grass and rocks, there were a few red-eyed jackals with their tails between them. They looked at Su Jin and quickly turned into an afterimage and quickly fled.

"Hanyu City."

Su Jin paused under the city and looked at the three big characters on the tower. He was quite surprised. He hadn't heard of this city, and it was hardly mentioned in a single word in history. There are many wolves, tigers and leopards outside the city. The teachers and students Could it be in this city?


Su Jin looked at the dust, his messy steps, his eyes lit up, his pockets in his pockets, his face calmly buried in the city gate.

In terms of street size, Hanyu City was definitely the leading metropolis at the time. Not far from the ancient Great Wall, it was built on the hillside, and it still had a street that was tens of feet wide!

Prison Eye of Maha Town!


Su Jin's field of vision instantly enveloped the city, and soon his brows could not help but lightly frowned——

To be reasonable, he had never missed anyone he was looking for before in ordinary Huaxia towns, but when his vision enveloped the city, he didn't even find those teachers and students!

The footprints on the ground will not deceive, otherwise Su Jin must be deceived by his own eyes.

"There are a lot of monsters in the city. The night is the time for food." Su Jin saw scenes of hidden monsters, and he was exposed to the other side's observation.


The street could not help but tremble, dozens of meters away, a young man walked out of the feathers flying in a ball.

"You are an enemy general of the'Tongyou Country'!" The young man put on a feather robe, raised his head and stared at Su Jin with scarlet eyes.

Su Jin tilted his head with a strange expression, feeling very inexplicable, and calmly said: "You seem to be alive in a dream."

"My lord commanded that, for suspicious existence, we will also kill without mercy!"

The young man immediately shouted again and shook his right hand fiercely. A lava rod appeared, and the heavy use of the rod shook the street. The radius of three feet was turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Su Jin felt helpless, looking at the young man who was swiping, he just lifted up with one hand, the palm of his hand squeezed into a fist lightly, and when the fist was completed, a burst of power burst out!


The young man was directly shaken off, and in the end Changjian drew a hundred feet away on the ground before he could stop!

"You enemy general, really strong!" The young man was shocked.

Why is it not strong?

Su Jin basically didn't use his true strength. It was because of the mercy of his men. If he was really true, this demon would be ashamed by him!

"Xiongtai, I am not the "enemy general" as you said. I just came here to find someone." Su Jin truthfully conveyed his voice to the young people.

"You nonsense! If it is not an enemy general, then it is a plot to come from our country! You thief, pick me up!" The young man jumped up with red eyes!

In the void, Changjian waved out a sea of ​​lava, and there was a piece of lava inside. Among the lava, a rock dragon rose out, surrounding the young man's Changjian——

Su Jin sighed, is it so troublesome to find someone?

If divided according to the current strength, this young man is no more than the holy realm, and even a little behind the holy realm. He may be a master for others, but in front of him...

Not enough to see!


The young man waved long, the magma monster dragon opened its blood basin and rushed forward!

Seeing this, Su Jin just raised his hand and pointed at the sky far away——


Daxianshu, the bridge over the sky was erected shockingly, the magma demon dragon turned into a red firework, which was directly exploded by the shock, spreading all over!

The young people were stunned.

"Xiongtai! Have you seen a group of people dressed in strange costumes entering Hanyu City?" Su Jin was lazy and went on fighting with him.


The young man shook his head, admitting that he was not an opponent, and then said: "It was you who awakened me from my deep sleep. I don't know the people you mentioned if Hanyu City came."

"Don't you have it?" Su Jin took a cigarette and lit it, ignoring the state of the young man staring blankly, and started looking for footprints along the street--

Since Maha Zhen's prison eye can't see it, there is always nothing wrong with following these footprints.

The flames of cigarette butts seemed to be the only vitality in the quiet "Handan Rain City".

The more he went, the more things Su Jin felt wrong.

That music teacher brought more than forty first-year students, and reasoned that he shouldn’t be able to move forward in this way. For example, Su Jin is standing in an alley now--

At the corner of the alley, the footprints of more than forty people are not messy at the corner!

Su Jin looked at the deep alley, closed his eyes, briefly entered a state of being too vacant, and felt it carefully.

Puff, puff--

A heartbeat was noticed by Su Jin, causing him to open his eyes, but a gloomy expression appeared on his face.

The truth is waiting for Su Jin. Those children who are in junior high school can't even make a sound at this moment. It's hard to predict what will happen.

As the prison eye of Maha Town couldn't see it, Su Jin only knew it was nearby, not too far away.

Taking off the cigarette butts, Su Jin walked along the alley to a large family in Hessian whose building, in terms of specifications, far exceeded the other houses he saw here.

It is not a stone lion at the door, but a stone dragon!

There are two copper rings on the door, but it is already rusty. The door is half open, and the music teacher and student obviously walked in here——

Gu Gu Gu~~

When Su Jin blinked instinctively, a scene of blood red flashed in his mind. This scene flashed so fast that he only caught a pool of blood with blood spattering inside.

Taking a deep breath, Su Jin walked in.

In the courtyard, only barren rock and rockery exist, no grass has ever grown here, there are many rooms around, and the traces of time are everywhere...

Su Jin looked at the road ahead and followed his footsteps, suddenly he raised his head suddenly, looking at the rockery 20 meters away!

Just now, there were footsteps behind that! There is absolutely no possibility of a misheard for a master at the level of Su Jin at present!

Su Jin pulled out a smile from the corner of his mouth, and walked towards the rockery step by step.

Get closer, get closer!


Someone squeezed the handle of the'guitar' and swiped it directly in his face!

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