My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1980: music teacher

When the guitar was drawn, Su Jin was very calm!

Gently grasping the piano surface with his hands, five finger holes suddenly appeared on it, which was firmly controlled by Su Jin!

To be an ordinary person, according to the power of this pumping, one has to be disfigured--


She didn't seem to expect this to be the case. The girl who pulled the guitar exclaimed and wanted to get the guitar back in her hands, but she was useless and tried hard, and she failed.

Su Jin fell into sluggishness.

The girl in front of me was in her early twenties, with quiet, shoulder-length hair and a very beautiful face with melon seeds, and her skin was fair and milk-like.

big eyes.

It doesn't matter if she has this face that has been jealous of the sky, she is so good that she has a full interpretation of what is called, and the abdomen is full of legs.

"Don't be nervous--" Su Jin was even a little bit embarrassed when he said, looked at the girl and comforted her.

"You can talk!"

The girl was surprised. She saw Su Jin's clothes, and she felt a little familiar. This is the Chinese dress, although this man is so expensive~~

"It's a dog who can't speak."

Su Jin scowled and joked, and asked, "Are you the music teacher? What's your name?"

"Me, my Tang Yingjiao! Are you really here to save us?" The girl's brain began to secrete excitatory hormones.

"Of course, I followed all the way, there are many police cars down the mountain, and they are all searching for your whereabouts."

Su Jin continued to look at the beauty. She was wearing a pink-blue check sleeve shirt with a belly button, a black camera hung in front of her, a short skirt, leggings and stockings under her belly button.

"Ah, we have a situation, are you a policeman?" Tang Yingjiao asked, unable to hide her excitement.

"I'm not--"

Su Jin shook his head and thought for a moment: "I'm just a passerby involved in rescue."

Tang Yingjiao was a little disappointed and suspicious at first, but after seeing him say this, she never doubted him anymore, nodded gently and said, "Thank you, I am very anxious now."

"Huh? What about your students? More than forty, right? Where did they go?" Su Jin then remembered the business.

"let me tell you……"

Immediately, Tang Yingjiao told Su Jin the ins and outs in a long and short way.

It turns out that according to estimates, they should have descended at 4:30 in the afternoon. As a result, there was a red sky, and the wind was strong, so they hid on that hillside.

At that time, the storm and the rain. After hiding, they found the ancient Great Wall. Finally, inexplicably, they were swept outside the city by an abnormal whirlwind——

"Wait?" Su Jin was a little confused.

"What's the matter." Tang Yingjiao wiped her face with her arm, and looked at Su Jin, a little confused.

"You said it was blown by the wind?" Su Jin was weird.

"It was scraped away." Tang Yingjiao blushed. She knew that Su Jin would not believe it. It was a joke to say it, after all, she was blown away by the gale.

Su Jin's face was a little ugly--

Music teacher Tang Yingjiao and the others were brought here. No matter how they were taken, Su Jin was not surprised, but what did he rely on all the way from the Ancient Great Wall?

The ancient Great Wall has messy footprints of more than forty people!

Weird, really weird!

"Where are those students?" Su Jin faintly caught a little light in his mind, but he could only give up thinking temporarily, after all, asking about business matters.

"This is the point. When they appeared in front of the gate of Hanyu City, all the students seemed to lose their souls. They couldn't even speak, and walked in here after entering the city--" Tang Yingjiao pointed to the gate of the main hall. , Worried.

"Go in and take a look." Su Jin gestured.

"It's so dark inside, I'm afraid." Tang Yingjiao bit her lip with her teeth, as if complaining about her uselessness.

After following the students all the way to this moment, Tang Yingjiao had also walked in, but a passage was opened in the main hall, and the wind blowing out was unexpectedly cold to the bone.

Su Jin pressed her hands on her shoulders. The clothes she showed on her shoulders were torn, and there were a few bruises on her elbows, but for her, this experience was pretty good to be able to do so.

"It's okay, with me—" Su Jin encouraged.

"Let's wait for the police? But I can't make calls here. I don't know how the students are." Tang Yingjiao was very anxious. She didn't think Su Jin could get in.

"Listen to me, we can't wait any longer, let's go in first." Su Jin grabbed her hand and started directly.

Tang Yingjiao's hands are so slippery, her hand is soft and boneless, very comfortable, her hands are not big, and her beautiful fingers are thin and slender.

"Okay." Tang Yingjiao blushed a little, was pulled by Su Jin, and walked away.

Step into the ‘main hall’.

Su Jin clearly noticed something was wrong at this moment, he looked at a passage that stretched from the side, and a strong smell of blood exuded from it.

The stairs were densely packed. When Su Jin led Tang Yingjiao down, he glanced at her and found that this beautiful and sweet teacher put the free arm on his upper body——

It's cold, really cold.

Su Jin was stunned, nodded, took off the jacket, let her put it on, and saw her grateful eyes.

"You didn't follow, obviously it was the right choice." Su Jin said slowly.

"But my student--" Tang Yingjiao didn't say anything, to the effect that if something went wrong, her responsibility would be great, and she would probably not be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

"Some things are beyond the reach of ordinary human resources. Be careful." While comforting, Su Jin asked her to walk down the stairs.

"I do not understand what you mean."

Tang Yingjiao said, she couldn't help but said again: "But I feel so strange."

"Strange feeling being pulled by me?" Su Jin was soothing her nervousness.

"No, we originally planned to take a bus to go back. The sky suddenly became red, and then we came here somehow. Well, this is a very ancient city."

Tang Yingjiao's eyes were horrified, and it was okay outside. Now she was so dark that she couldn't even see her fingers. Fortunately, being held by Su Jin in her hand, she felt an indescribable sense of security.

"What you think is strange, in my experience, it couldn't be more normal." Su Jin said lightly.

"Oh? Really?" Tang Yingjiao said in a suspicious tone.

"For those of your students, you must be mentally prepared--" Su Jin did not say thoroughly.

Tang Yingjiao trembled, and she was most afraid of the word'mental preparation'.

As the atmosphere eased and the stairs went down step by step, the music teacher Tang Yingjiao felt as if she was stepping on the flat ground, but this ‘flat ground’ was a little strange.


When she was nervous, Tang Yingjiao took the camera hung around her neck, squatted down, and shone the ground under her feet with only a small amount of electricity, and immediately she trembled violently.

Paled face!

Tang Yingjiao stood up, trembling with her thin lips, grasping Su Jin's arm with her hand, and tremblingly said two words:

"is blood……"

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