My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1981: Blood altar

Sticky blood.

The smell has a strong fishy smell.

As a music teacher, Tang Yingjiao was vaguely aware of the fate of the students after all these battles, her delicate faces brought a lot of despair.


When Tang Yingjiao finished speaking, a dozen braziers suddenly appeared on the dark surrounding walls. The braziers turned out to be blood flames, not the color of normal firelight.

"Corpse oil."

Su Jin frowned as he spoke, and the stench was clearly emitted when the fire was lit, and it was a bit pungent.


Tang Yingjiao screamed. After the blood flame lamp was lit, she could see things more or less. She was scared to see the horrible scene, but in her eyes, there were no fewer than 43 students.

Not only was it not less, but it was all right, but this group of students looked dull, as if they couldn't hear the sound, they watched intently at the scene five meters away. Su Jin didn't even think of it.

In the underground dark room, a wet stone platform stained with blood was used five meters away.

The stone platform is three feet long and wide, and there is an old man on it, who is holding up a lump of blood and mud with his skinny hands, and pastes it on the three altars on the stone platform.


"Come on, just watch and study hard."

The stubborn old man's voice was very weak, he didn't even turn his head, as if he was expecting Su Jin to come, his **** hands rounded one of the blood altars.

Su Jin fixed his eyes on the three blood altars. When he rushed to the ancient Great Wall, he passed by and saw a similar altar under a dozen green dragon stone pillars.

At that time, Su Jin thought it was a clay altar, but he never thought it was made of blood mud.

"Grandpa, why did you bring my students here?" Tang Yingjiao wanted to step forward, but Su Jin held her shoulders--

"Don't come close." Su Jin said lightly.

At the same time of reminding, Su Jin saw the top of the stubborn old man's fingers, five nails measuring more than a dozen centimeters, in a **** state, he was very cautious.

"What's the matter?" Tang Yingjiao was puzzled.

"What do you say to a dead man."

Su Jin was very calm. Seeing that the students were still in good condition, he naturally felt relieved. After all, he was there and the other party might not be able to ask for a bargain.


Tang Yingjiao trembled in her heart, and took a step back, half of her body was hidden behind Su Jin, next to his shoulders, her body was trembling, and the mysterious old man appeared in front of her beyond her cognition.

However, Tang Yingjiao didn't know that she had an unimaginable trust in Su Jin who was also unfamiliar.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the old man did not expect to see a cultivator here, and he is not weak."

The old man didn't seem to care about it, his hands didn't stop, he kept his back to the two people from beginning to end.

"Who is the predecessor? Why did you lead me over—" Su Jin was somewhat wary.

Because of the tried and tested ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’, there was no way to find those students in the whole city, and all the way from the ancient Great Wall, those mysterious footprints seemed to be to attract him.

"For too long, forget the name."

The old man paused for a while and couldn't remember, so he shook his head, "Don't be so nervous, if I am malicious, how can I keep these children intact? I didn't do anything with this girl."

"Then what are you doing..." Su Jin narrowed his eyes, he didn't believe it, at least he didn't dispel his doubts.

The old man's long nails ran across the three blood altars one by one.

The blood-colored altar actually emitted a beautiful dazzling red light, surrounded by a little red light.

The old man coughed and said, "You guy, you are good at strength. How can I test you?"

"Please tell me." Su Jin hesitated first, not knowing the details of the old man, so he had to agree to see what medicine he sold in the gourd.

"Human race will eventually be wiped out. Why will it be wiped out?" the old man asked.

"Human heart." Su Jin replied without hesitation.

Tang Yingjiao looked at it inexplicably. The question asked by the old man was so difficult for her, but Su Jin could answer it instantly, although she didn't understand why.

"Yes, well said."

The old man made a sound of praise, and then said: "People are insatiable, and God has endowed them with wisdom, subtracted their lifespan, and given greed."

"Senior believes in God?" Su Jin asked.

"Initially believed, but God ruthlessly abandoned the believers who believed in it, and then he didn't believe it—"

The old man raised his head, Xu Xucai said again: "Perhaps you think you are an ancestor, powerful enough, but you don't know that the human race was born as an ancestor back then, helping to create the world and achieve the original appearance of the heavens."

Su Jinhu's body was shocked.

The words of the mysterious old man were too shocking. In the current human race, the ancestor is out of reach, but is the ancestor born in that year?

There was a sharp flash in Su Jin's eyes. In some of the gods' source stones that had been condensed by the heavens and the earth, they were extraordinary things.

It seems to be said to the mysterious old man, coincidentally——

So the question is, is there an unimaginable realm behind the Three Steps of the Way of Heaven?

Seeing Su Jin's silence, the stubborn old man said: "The Great China World used to be quite glorious. Now some people want to destroy my big world. I am an old fellow who can't come out."


Su Jin was a little unbelievable, this stubborn old man turned out to be a friendly army?

"The ancient Great Wall is the worst way to retreat, and they are the people I chose." The old man Huang Wei slowly turned around and pointed to the 43 students.

"But why didn't they talk anymore?" Tang Yingjiao asked urgently.

"The state of being away from the soul helps them look well and learn well—"

The old man sat on the floor with a skinny face, staring at Su Jin with his eyes, "Let me see your understanding, I will unlock the ‘Secret of Heaven’ and understand how much, only this time."

Second Olympics.

How does Su Jin feel that those more than forty students are the objects that the old man valued?

Of course, Su Jin will not let go of this opportunity, and nodded—

The old man who sat cross-legged, floated gently, and actually sat on the center of the three blood altars, and his figure appeared in the other two altars.

Su Jin was astonished. He had heard "One Qi Transformed into Three Clears", but the old man in front of him was obviously not inferior to the legend!

Forty-three students, a little confused appeared in their eyes, music teacher Tang Yingjiao also had a strange expression——

As for the stubborn Young Master Su, who thinks he is exceptionally talented, this stubborn old man tells him what ‘Secret of Heaven’ he must learn!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The old man was about to unlock the "Secret of Heaven" for Su Jin to understand, but the next scene that happened behind Su Jin made his eyes rounded——

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