My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1982: Tian Mi

The old man never expected--

Tang Yingjiao was also dumbfounded in an instant, breathing quickly, Su Jin's appearance of accepting the move, not only threw a Buddha lotus stand.

A fairy pond appeared behind Su Jin, and he was sitting under a tree in the fairy waves!

"Buddha Lotus is the treasure."

The old man was taken aback, "Why do you even have a tree of enlightenment--"

In fact, the old man really didn't think about it. He didn't wake up for a long time, and just as Su Jin thought, he actually wanted to train those students.

"The'Secret of Heaven' of the old predecessors is definitely an incredible divine method. Of course, it must be treated with snacks." Su Jin sat on the Buddha's lotus platform, propped his chin and said.

Now Su Jin has believed that this old predecessor is a friendly army. After all, the catastrophe has already begun, and some old people who are not dead should also collapse from the soil.

A rare opportunity!

"Unfortunately, the old man's secret technique, even if you have the tree of enlightenment, if you want to learn it completely, I am afraid it will be more difficult." The old man shook his head.

"Oh, the young master is not convinced." Su Jin's expression was calm, but his tone was a bit playful.

"Then you understand carefully--" The old man raised his hand with one hand, and Su Jin suddenly closed his eyes.

Boom boom boom!

Su Jin immediately fell into a state of being too imaginary, he condensed into himself with spiritual power, and saw that the surroundings had changed greatly—

A few majestic stars appeared all around, and many small meteorites slowly revolved, and began to sweep away along the star trails.

"Tian Mi, what do I need to understand?" Su Jin did not worry.

First of all, it must be a very good magical technique for the old man to teach the Fa. Since it is good, it must be difficult. If you get confused, if the time does not last long, you will lose.

As the three breaths passed, a huge star in Su Jin's eyes began to crack, and several continents collided with distant mountains.

Su Jin carefully captured--

And the tree of enlightenment began to emit a trace of enlightenment, lingering around Su Jin's body!

"According to the understanding of modern science, this situation in the stars is caused by gravity. These stars have their own gravity and tear each other."

Su Jin has a little clarity in his eyes, which seems to be a little enlightened, but he can only capture some context.

"The secret technique of the sky, is it a great technique used for'moving the sky'?"

Su Jin knew that among these stars, there was a smaller red star, which was torn and damaged the most.

It is good to say that it is to teach Su Jin, in fact, it is to let Su Jin understand, but this kind of comprehension method has never been seen before, and it may not be a little bit of benefit.

Tang Yingjiao was just next to Su Jin, and she is still, bathing under the tree of enlightenment, a hint of snowy brilliance appeared in her body.

"Huh? This kid is not good, you are a man of work." The old man looked at Tang Yingjiao, waved his hand, and branded an immortal technique into her mind.

Tang Yingjiao trembled and sat down cross-legged, and with the help of the tree of enlightenment, she started to comprehend as quickly as possible.

"Students, look well, study hard—"

The old man Hengdiao knew that there was a tree of enlightenment, so that they should also not miss the opportunity.

The secret of the sky, does it represent the stars?

Su Jin hugged the stars with both hands, and in an instant he felt a special feeling, and then his face showed excitement.

Gently put your hands together.

The old man looked at more than forty students, with a touch of relief on his face. These will be the pillars of China in the future——


The old man seemed to be aware of it, and then a situation that made him even more surprised appeared. This situation caused him to exclaim, "Wisdom Buddha! This kid is a talented monster!"

If the Buddha Lotus Terrace appeared before and surprised the old man, the appearance of the Enlightenment Tree would surprise him!

After all, in his time, he didn't know how many treasure trees there were, not short of this ‘tree of enlightenment’.

But at this moment Su Jin was in the state of golden body, and the "wisdom Buddha pupil" condensed again, and the old man had turned from surprise to shock.


Thousands of Buddha shadows came, not only chanting the sutra of the King of Life and Death, explaining life and death to the world, but also, under Su Jin's urging, began to fully comprehend the "Secret of Heaven"!

After all, the wisdom Buddha pupil is very helpful!

Chi Chi!

The wonderful voice circulated from the wisdom Buddha pupil, and a wonderful artistic conception burst directly from it.

"A ray of heaven is the natural way!"

While speaking, the old man fell from the blood altar...


After struggling to find more than forty students, the old man never expected that the real breaker was a cultivator, and it happened by accident!

What is this called?

The whole "Secret of Heaven", with the help of the "Enlightenment Tree" with all this wisdom, is it still difficult? The old man had no bottom in his heart, because he was in a state of learning while enlightening——

"The evildoer, it's definitely the individual evildoer." The old man couldn't calm the shock in his heart for a long time.


Around Xingchentian, under many blessings, the wisps of ‘Natural Taoism’ of heaven began to **** wisps of ‘Spiritual Sky Blue’——

The speed of comprehension is not unpleasant!

In the state of the golden body, the countless bergamot behind Su Jin is escaping, turning into a yellow light that shines all over the world. At the same time, the wisps of blue...

It was swept over and merged in the Buddha's yellow light!

Bang bang bang!

The real mechanical impact sounds constantly appearing, so a gorgeous scene, unprecedented in history, is being born——

Behind Su Jin appeared a ‘disc’, blue and yellow, like the color of ‘cloisonné’, in which the wheelbase was obvious, and it was slowly spinning in different directions!

"Damn~~~" The old man sat on the ground with a dull face.

At the same time, the old man didn't notice that the music teacher Tang Yingjiao was being surrounded by immortal power.

The tree of enlightenment helped her comprehend the fairy law.

Yao Chi is filling her with immortal power.

Tang Yingjiao got the fate of Tianda, and in this short time, her body surrounded two white fairy birds, which looked like a "lark bird".

The melodious bird cry is ringing!

Su Jin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, the yellow and blue complemented each other, and the whole person was extremely handsome.

Tian Mi, Su Jin hasn't fully understood it yet, and he is only close to the fur, but the benefits to him in the future are absolutely incalculable!

Of course, the ray of ‘Natural Taoism’ is still constantly pulling out the ‘Spirit Sky Blue’, he doesn’t need to understand it immediately, he just needs to get it!

Half a quarter of an hour

Half a stick of incense.

An hour has passed!

Su Jin has long been unable to maintain a golden body, but the yellow and blue behind him, turned into an erect roulette, still exist, and that roulette is at least 10,000 miles high!

As for Su Jin himself, as small as dust, sitting cross-legged on the Buddha's lotus platform with his hands folded, it made people feel that there is still such a magnificent scene in the world.

"Monster! Monster!" The old man slapped the ground with his hand. He was already shocked by Su Jin's talent to the point where he felt like he was dreaming.

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