My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1985: Handsome can contribute!

Of course, Mo Yulin had an accident, and Su Jin didn't know now.

He is troubled by one thing.

To be interviewed-

Tang Yingjiao, the music mm, dreamed of becoming a famous singer before graduation, but it went against her wish and became an ordinary teacher of the people. For interviews, she was willing to do so.

When descending from the mountain, more than 20 media rushed in. To know that more than 40 students are missing, I don't know how many people are worried about. Some media reporters even rushed in overnight.

Among them, there are several top-ranked media.

As a result, Su Shao, who had originally planned to slip away, was followed by some reporters.

"Are you nervous?"

Tang Yingjiao feels really exciting and terribly worried. She and Su Jin are now sitting in the bus. It is said that the press conference site has been set up.

"What's the tension?" Su Jin and Tang Yingjiao sat together, her long white legs immediately asked, lightly.

"Interview, so multimedia, it's the first time for others, I don't believe you are not nervous." Tang Yingjiao felt that Su Jin's calmness was too artificial.

"What else is your first time?" Su Jin blinked and asked.

"You--" Tang Ying choked.

"Say what you should say later, skip what you shouldn't." Su Jin glanced at her and exhorted.

When you say something, don't talk about whether others believe it or not. More things are better than less things. The more you say, the more flaws you have.

"I know, people are so nervous--"

Tang Yingjiao watched "Chen Jiazhen" not far ahead. Some electric motorcycles and a large number of interview cars were already in place. Seeing this kind of scene, her heart couldn't help but violently stir.

"Don't be nervous, it's the first time for everyone, and it will be numb if it is too many, and the interview is not as exciting as you think." Su Jin shrugged.

Five minutes passed.

The two got out of the car, and they were immediately surrounded by more than 20 media reporters. It was difficult for them to be guarded by a few people's policemen who maintained public order before they arrived at the press conference.

Tang Ying was very timid, looking at Su Jin who was'struck to be calm', thinking in her heart how this guy should tell about this experience later.

"Excuse me, do you have makeup?" Su Jin saw the eager media outlets and started asking questions.

"Great hero, do you want to wear makeup on the mirror?" A reporter laughed.

"Right." Su Jin nodded and said, "To be honest, I don't dare to record the show without a makeup artist."

"I think you are in good condition. You don't even need to change your dirty clothes. This is the most real thing, so that the audience can see the return of the hero." Another reporter mm said.

"The hero doesn't need makeup! You are too confident about your looks!"

"Yeah, you are worrying too much!"


After a round of chattering, Su Jin raised one hand to signal to be quiet.

Su Jincai said: "You guys think too much, I am not unconfident. The reason why I want to put makeup on the mirror is just to let the makeup artist make me look better."

Ugly, ugly?


music teacher:……

All speechless!

Tang Yingjiao bit her silver teeth, pouted her mouth, her lips moved and moved, Su Jin could be so thick-skinned in front of so many cameras!

Really! Su Jin is really not nervous, Tang Yingjiao believes it!

"Tell me, how did you do such shamelessness?" Tang Yingjiao lowered her voice and asked Su Shao in a faint way of mosquitoes.

"Aha? This is a fact." Su Jin glanced at her, a touch of joking in his eyes.

Tang Yingjiao had the heart to stom on her feet, she simply kept silently thinking, "I am not handsome or handsome, I have to say that I am handsome."

"Although some people say that I'm not handsome, I can't take it too seriously."

Su Jin squinted at the camera, holding his pocket.

Hearing this, Tang Yingjiao had already turned her face away, her cheeks bulged, she was holding back, and she was patient!

"It's okay! The handsome hero does not conflict, sir, please accept the interview now? The news of the children's safety has affected too many people's hearts. Let's report it as soon as possible."

A reporter suggested it.

Su Jin hesitated a little, and finally showed a "reluctant" expression, nodded and sat in the middle of the seat before the press conference.

Tang Yingjiao knew that his'reluctant to do it' was because there was no makeup artist who helped him'ugly'!

All kinds of supplementary lights were turned on, the photography machinery was all in place in the town hall, and the scene began to quiet down.

At the press conference, the situation of raising hands to speak was very grand.

"That person--" Su Jin randomly picked a female reporter and motioned for her to ask.

Tang Ying was very nervous, and she drank mineral water to conceal her inner tension.

"Sir, may I ask your last name." The female reporter asked first.

"My name is a bit dazzling." Su Jin said seriously: "Four words."

"What's that called?"

"Not handsome Su Jin." Su Jin nodded, his face very calm.


Tang Yingjiao almost squirted water out of her mouth, Su Jin, this guy just added "not handsome" in front of her name!

"The name is so unique, why did you name it?" the female reporter aroused curiosity and couldn't help asking again.

"Because of long-term insecurity, for example, when I walk on the street, I have to be very vigilant all the time. If there are beautiful women who come to me and ask my name, I said that I can remind them and also wake myself up."

Su Jin then said again, "You want to interview me. To be honest, my heart is actually broken. I am afraid that everyone will not see my talent and hard work because of my handsome appearance."

Tang Yingjiao fell into a daze.

Can this happen?

Not only her, but many reporters on the scene were already crazy, and even the corners of the questioning female reporter's lips twitched.

Immediately, the female reporter turned her attention cleanly and started the formal question and answer session. She asked: "Excuse me, sir, under what circumstances did you rescue them?"

Su Jin sighed long.

"Last night the moon was dark and the wind was high, and it rained again. I camped on the mountain and slept late."

Then Su Jin continued: "Because I spend many hours every night convincing myself that I am not so handsome, and then I barely fall asleep. Handsome is depressed. If you want to know what it is like to be handsome, you can come. ask me."

"Uh, I want to know how you saved people." The female reporter was a little crazy.

"Well, I couldn't sleep, I heard the call for help. As a Miyoshi citizen who often helps blind people cross the road, I went to find them." Su Jin said.

"Where is the location? The process must be very thrilling, right?" the female reporter asked again.

"The location is half a mountainside, it must be very dangerous, thrilling and dangerous, mainly because I didn't bring a flashlight—"

Su Jinzhen nodded, "I fumbled for the sound, two miles away, all the students saw my face, I was so relieved at that time, I didn't expect that the handsome guy could make a contribution!"

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