My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1986: Master leads the way

At the scene, various media reporters:...

Really nonsense! After two miles, the moon is still dark and the wind is raining. Can the students see your face? ?

Tang Yingjiao smiled bitterly, and bit her lip.

"That person--" Su Jin saw the hand raised.

"I want to interview this teacher Tang."

This male reporter has been following Tang Yingjiao for a long time, and said, "What situation were you in then?"

Tang Yingjiao rallied, "It was raining and my children and I encountered a rolling stone. I took the children to avoid danger there, and I couldn't find a way after dark."


Questioning sessions followed wave after wave, and many reporters found that Su Jin was like a piece of brown candy. He emphasized his high morale, and did not focus on answering at all.

The tug-of-war ended with Su Jin's victory, because all the reporters were defeated!

Tang Yingjiao still felt that Su Jin was so narcissistic at first, but when she answered, she realized that she was nervous, and her words were not slippery.

The interview lasted for an hour and seventeen minutes before it ended.

Eighty percent of the time, the cunning reporters that Su Jin talked and bluffed were taken aback.

After the interview.

Outside the town hall.

"You are so smart."

Tang Yingjiao was a little stunned, sitting on the stage, under the spotlight, she was a little at a loss, but Su Jin was always calm. Not the average person can compare!

"Seriously, this evaluation is a bit low." Su Jin looked at her and said.

"Come on! I can't stand you--" Tang Yingjiao was really convinced.


Tang Yingjiao's face blushed, and her voice came from her belly. From noon yesterday to now, she hasn't eaten, and it's normal to be hungry.

"Whatever you want to eat, this town is not big. It might be difficult to eat something good." Su Jin looked at the noodle restaurant diagonally across from him, and took Tang Yingjiao's hand.

"You are still pulling me." Tang Ying asked pouting.

"Are you reluctant?"


Tang Yingjiao felt that when she talked to Su Jinbi, she felt that she was not at the same level. She simply stopped tangling and went to the ramen restaurant with him.

Then the music teacher mm ordered a bowl of noodles, a big bowl, no coriander!

Su Jin casually accompanies her to eat, and tells her that he is leaving.

After devouring for a while, Tang Yingjiao touched her abdomen and asked, "You want to go home?"


"Where is your home?"

"Qin Cheng!"

"We are all in the same way. What kind of existence does the cultivator exist?" Tang Yingjiao said, "How many calls do you call, and you will take me out to learn more later."

Su Jin reported a list of mobile phone numbers, wiped his mouth with a napkin, threw it into the trash can, and said: "If this call fails, you can go to the Kunlun Sword Sect, which is 800 miles away. I will go there from time to time. "

Tang Yingjiao nodded and paid the money. The two of them walked out of the noodle shop, but they were hurriedly found and stopped by the mayor of "Chen Jiazhen".

"Hero, hero! It's great that you haven't left--" The mayor is a middle-aged man with an unbelievable appearance. Su Jin met him during the interview.

"Mayor Liu's advice?" Su Jin was stunned. The other party was in a hurry, blushing, obviously something important.

If the interview is still going on, Su Jin will definitely not answer and waste time.

"The phone above, someone is looking for you!" Mayor Liu took out his cell phone, dialed it, and handed it to Su Jin.

Su Jin put the phone to his ear, and heard a burst of switching sounds. It took about thirty seconds before he heard the familiar voice of the old guy——

"Old guy? How did you find me?" Su Jin asked.

"You're on TV! Skynet contacted local officials." The old guy lacked confidence.


Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows, what could make the old guy so violent.

Palace Master Zi Chen began to talk about Mo Yulin, Su Jin's expression gradually changed from calm to anger.

"Yes, my good master, I will give her to you, you don't even have the ability to protect her!" Su Jin has the urge to throw the phone, really angry.

At the beginning, Mo Yulin was rescued by Su Jin. The girl and eldest lady who opened a security company and thought to be terminally ill were a rare genius. If it hadn’t been for the old guy to beg him—

Su Jin would definitely let Mo Yulin stay by his side.

"Master is incompetent! But I can't help it when things happen, aren't you curious about'Zichen Tianfu', I went to'there' and I will give it to you!"

Palace Master Zichen's tone was old and he was very tired.

Su Jin let out a deep sigh, and hung up after asking the address.

It's useless to find responsibility if something goes wrong, he doesn't want to blame anyone.

"I'm going to the capital soon." Su Jin handed the phone back to Mayor Liu, turning his face to look at Tang Yingjiao and said.

"Ah? Can I go with you?" Tang Yingjiao immediately became excited when she saw that Su Jin was not going home.

"No way—"

"Huh! Stingy!"

Tang Yingjiao only knew that she was a monk, and Su Jin was too mysterious to her. She was like a young girl who knew nothing.

Su Jin was startled, and asked, "What do you do in class?"


When Tang Yingjiao heard that there was a play, her interest rose up, "I can be considered the focus now. It is not appropriate to go to school for the time being. I can ask the principal for leave."

Su Jin hesitated again and again, seeing Mayor Liu leave with a grimace, he immediately grabbed Tang Yingjiao's waist and disappeared in front of the'Ramen Restaurant'...

Not long after, the Nine Elephant Flying Boat swam in the void and drove in the direction of the capital!

Tang Yingjiao had never seen it before, and kept mumbling to herself, can this ship fly?

And it flies so fast! Tang Yingjiao suddenly knew that the world of the monks would open her eyes.


Two hours passed in a flash.

Beijing suburbs.

In the rare quiet mountains and forests, the summer resort where the old guy was located gradually became clear in the green mountains and green waters.

Su Jin didn't look pretty all the way, especially when he heard that Mo Yulin was chased away by someone wearing shackles, the anger in his heart began to surge.

Who! Who dares to treat such a kind girl like this!

Su Jin clenched his fists and muttered to himself: "No matter how high you are and how strong you are, I will let you know that if you provoke me, it will be the last thing you regret in your life!"

After clearing up his emotions, the Nine Elephants Flying Boat gradually drifted down and landed on the open space outside the Mountain Resort.

Palace Master Zichen's lips were white and the injury was not light, but when he saw the'Nine Elephant Flying Boat' falling, he still went out to meet his apprentice. He couldn't help Shao Su when Mo Yulin was taken away. !

Taking Tang Yingjiao with him, Su Jin took the Nine Elephant Flying Boat into the palm of his hand, turned his hand and disappeared, and put it into the bone ring.

"Old fellow, you are not hurt." Su Jin saw the state of Palace Master Zi Chen, and the complaints in his heart disappeared in an instant.

"It's okay, just raise it for a few years, but unfortunately I couldn't save Yulin's disciple--"

Palace Master Zi Chen shook his head, his face was full of guilt when he spoke.

"I will help you heal, and then go together, then I will kill them all." Su Jin's tone was very gentle, with a cruel expression on his face.

Seeing Su Jin's face, Tang Yingjiao couldn't help but burst into her heart, where she dared to speak.

"It's too late, my injury..." Palace Master Zi Chen hadn't finished speaking, his watery eyes began to widen, and he was shocked~~~

Su Jin slowly folded his hands together, and the rich Buddha light shone, and Palace Master Zi Chen directly felt that his injury was getting better!

This, this is too terrible!

Less than thirty seconds! Healed completely! This makes Palace Master Zichen a little unbelievable.

Su Jin was so angry that he lost his temper, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Master leads the way--"

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