My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1987: Renzu Bridge

lead the way--

Palace Master Zi Chen was quite relieved. He knew that Su Jin's disciple was an ancestor, but he had never thought that he was so outstanding, so he nodded immediately.

Take Su and Jin to the dark room of the bedroom!

"Not in this world?"

Su Jin felt the fluctuations of the teleportation gate, and when he looked closely, he found that the dark room was covered with patterns, which was actually a long-distance teleportation gate.

And this formation gate hidden by the old guy is probably the only long-distance cross-border formation gate in the domain that Su Jin currently knows——

"Yes." Palace Master Zi Chen nodded.

"Where is it?"

"Panfu Great World, Zichen Tianfu is there."

Palace Master Zichen said with a solemn face. Although this disciple is strong enough, it is not uncommon for the ancestor to be there. I don't know if it is right or wrong to take him there.

Su Jin suddenly.

It's no wonder that Fairy Zijun mastered the method of going outside the territories, the old guy was obviously very tempted, and made Zijun think that he could only control it, but the old guy was shady!

"Go--" Palace Master Zi Chen opened the portal of the teleportation formation.

Array patterns everywhere began to light up, damn! It was the first time that Tang Yingjiao held Su Jin's arm nervously. She vowed not to do this, but...

The excitement of the music teacher was all written on her face. Before she exclaimed, the three of them had disappeared in the capital.

It took a quarter of an hour, a full quarter of an hour, to reach the end of the Void Transmission Channel!

Tang Yingjiao's vision gradually returned to clarity, and she stared around in shock.

I only saw that the surrounding area was very empty for 2 miles. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that someone had the skill to cut off the top of the mountain and built this large formation gate.

In the distance of this big mountain, the sea of ​​fog is permeated, and it is infinite at a glance, and the green peaks and green mountains are faint, and there are several ancient two-corner buildings on the mountain.

Tang Yingjiao's eyes widened. For the first time, she saw that fog and clouds could be so close--

"Look! What a big bird!" Tang Yingjiao pointed to the rolling sea of ​​clouds on the west side, where there was a red bird comparable to a ship, making her exclaimed.

"That's Dapeng." Su Jin looked at him speechlessly.

"How do I know, I don't understand~~~" Tang Ying blushed irritably.

Su Jin looked at Palace Master Zichen, and stopped talking to the music teacher who felt novel everywhere, and asked the master: "Old fellow, let's go into details, why was Yulin caught and who was the one who took her!"

"It's all due to talent and appearance, and being unfair to others—"

Palace Master Zichen said: "Half a month ago, the youngest son of the Great Emperor Panfu got married and married the goddess Ji Tianmeng. It happened that Yulin disciple came here and had a good relationship with Ji Tianmeng."

"Then?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"The Ji family is the only family here. At that time, Yulin was so talented and already well-known that he was secretly recommended by the Ji family as a maid—" Palace Master Zi Chen sighed and shook his head.

"What a dare! Whoever gives them the right, dare to influence other people!" Su Jin laughed angrily.

Your own woman, recommended as a waitress? Isn't that a dowry?

The dowry maid has no human rights, and people of low status don't know how much to wait!

"Yulin Tuer didn't know it. After Ji's family found someone to paint a portrait and recommend him to him, the younger son of Emperor Pan Fu was very tempted."

Palace Master Zichen nodded and said: "When Yulin knew, he naturally sweared to death, and finally got into big trouble this morning."

"What's the trouble?" Su Jin was already furious.

"Hide the emperor's decree, she didn't make a dowry maid, the youngest son of Emperor Pan Fu sent someone to--"

"Then was taken to his place?"

"No, it's that simple!"

Palace Master Zichen took a deep breath and said, "After being caught, they will take Yulin's disciples to the'Tianxu River' to fill the river and serve as Renzu Bridge."

"Ren Zuqiao?" Su Jin's eyes widened, not knowing what it meant.

"Recently, it's quite strange. I heard that many big world powerhouses have brought sinful ancestral realms and plunged into the Tianxu River."

Palace Master Zichen explained: "The Tianxu River is difficult to cross even the world realm. It is necessary for the ancestors to support the ancestral realm world, and let the strong step on it to cross—"

"Is there any danger?" Su Jin valued Mo Yulin's safety.

"As long as you open the ancestral realm in the Tianxu River, it is almost impossible to live in the ancestral realm." Palace Master Zi Chen said with a solemn face.

Su Jin clenched his fists, "Go save Yulin first, and the Ji family here will settle the matter when they come."

Although Su Shao wanted to make trouble now, but Mo Yulin was arrested, the current situation is still unknown, as soon as possible, as soon as possible, and must not be delayed!

"But I have only heard the rumors of Tianxuhe, but the specific location is not clear." Palace Master Zi Chen was slightly embarrassed.


Su Jin's eyebrows wriggled out of a divine eye. If he was in the golden body state, this would be the ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’, but in his current state, it was the mysterious and unpredictable ‘Maha Prison Eye’.

Chi Chi ~~~

Through the state of reversal, Su Jin swept the surrounding area for thousands of miles, and he turned back to the scene this morning.

The prison eyes of Mohe Town saw Mo Yulin's jade neck with shackles around it, like an ancient torture instrument, with a blood-colored chain between his feet.

Not only that, Mo Yulin's mouth was bloody, his hair was scattered, and his embarrassed miserable situation made Su Jin's heart sting.

Except for Mo Yulin, there were six strong men who escorted her, each with a clown mask and red robes, walking on the path of the void.

"Follow me—" Su Jin felt cold in his heart, and took Tang Yingjiao's tender hand and walked towards the void.


It was the first time for Tang Yingjiao. After the chance of last night, she almost became a celestial being, which was equivalent to the ‘Holy’ among the monks. When Su Jin pulled her into the void, she would not walk in the void.

Su Jin understood in an instant and directly told her how to control it. Fortunately, Tang Yingjiao, who had a sweet voice, could stabilize it in a minute.

In three minutes, she could be proficient in walking the void, which made her extremely happy.

Palace Master Zi Chen didn't know much about Su Jin's abilities.

But when he saw that this disciple could find the passage where Mo Yulin was taken away under unknown circumstances, he suddenly felt a little confidence.

Long way to the void-

The Su Jin trio followed the route of escorting Mo Yulin and walked half a stick of incense before opening a void passage and passing quickly.

This process of tracing continued until dusk, and a scattered ‘blood forest’ appeared in front of him, and every tree was not small.

And just to the south of the'Blood Forest', a super big city came into view. In the northwest part of the city wall, a line of brown Tianhe was seen by Su Jin.


Through his divine eyes, Su Jin was directly ecstatic, and saw hundreds of thousands of people by the river where there were many ‘sinful ancestors’ who were taken there.

"Hide the underside, I have fought with them, I am afraid I will recognize me." From the storage instructions, Palace Master Zi Chen took out a cloak and covered his head.

The change in Su Jin's face was not that big, and he took the two of them away in silence.

The tranquil Mo Yulin did not look afraid, she knew that the master had gone to Su Jin——

But is it too late?

Mo Yulin saw a young man of similar body proportions. He walked over with a beautiful girl and a mysterious man in a cloak.

To the young man, Mo Yulin only felt a little familiar, but after carefully distinguishing it, a deep disappointment was born in his heart.

not him.

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