My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1988: Disappearance before death

Disappointment in Mo Yulin's eyes.

Similarly, Su Jin has a panoramic view, but it is not important, the important thing is that she has not been filled yet——

"Four World Realms!"

There was a strange color in Su Jin's eyes, and there must be some fear. Although he saw Mo Yulin, he still couldn't act rashly.

"Could the legend be true?" Palace Master Zi Chen's tone of voice was very surprised.

"What legend?" Su Jin asked.

"According to legend, every five thousand years, a'Red Lin Immortal Palace' will rise in the center of Tianxu River. It is a gift from God. In addition, the river is difficult to cross. There are limited records of several times, and there is no opportunity to open the Immortal Palace. "

Palace Master Zichen's old voice trembled slightly.

"It doesn't matter what immortal palace is, it's important to save people."

Su Jin and the old guy secretly communicated, "Fill the river with the ancestral realm, how will those ancestral realms die?"

"The body and true spirit will be melted away, and the'Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth' will be preserved. Have you seen it over there? That is the'Human Ancestral Bridge' used to fill the Ancestral Realm in the past 100 years." Palace Master Zichen reminded.

Just now, Su Jin didn't pay attention, because all his attention was on Mo Yulin.

Sure enough, under the reminder of the old guy, there were bursts of purple light shining by the river ten miles away.

In the first paragraph, the 500,000 ancestral realm strong man, the ancestral realm is sluggish.

In the second, fifth, and 100th paragraphs, Su Jin discovered that the strongest ancestral realm who had filled the river in the past had a full 8.92 million imaginary appearances, which lasted a long distance.

Su Jin is not surprised to think about it.

Most of the ancestors who fill the river are ‘sin ancestors’, and their strength is strong and normal. Maybe the ‘ren ancestor bridge’ has been built and many strong people will have the opportunity to open the immortal treasure.

At this moment, the four world experts, their faces calm, began to discuss.

"Venerable Shangshan, the Lord of the Panfu has 25 ancestral realms, and I have brought fifteen from the "Great World of Qingni". The others are almost enough when combined."

A young man, carrying a trident on his back, had already known his identity and came from the world of ‘Chenni Realm’.

"When the blood moon rises from the river, the Chilin Immortal Palace will be manifested. The time is only two hours. It is better to prepare more ‘Sin Ancestor’."

Venerable Shangshan glanced at the speaking young man and spoke calmly.

"The ancestral realm is enough, if you have to, you can grab some on the spot..." Another female of the world realm could not see her face clearly, and her face was blurred to people.


"When will the Lord of Pan Fu arrive? Although the Zhen family is a landlord, it is not good to do so, right?"

"Come on, the Zhen family of the Panfu Great Emperor recently married the Ji family. Not long ago, those sinful ancestors have already been brought in, so there is no delay."


The four world-level powerhouses are not comparable to other people present, and they are in a circle of a great realm.

The old face under Palace Master Zichen's cloak was very ugly, and said, "No wonder we waited for half a month before arresting people. The purpose is for the appearance of the'Chilin Immortal Palace' tonight."

"Watch the change." Su Jin felt the pressure.

"It's difficult, one of those four people is a world-level powerhouse. If they can stand together, they should all be of the same level." Palace Master Zi Chen sighed.

Su Jin was silent, a sharp flash in his eyes when he raised his head.

Since it is here, you can't fail!

At this moment, more and more people were on the scene, breaking through a million in a short time! With the appearance of horse fleas, Su Jin was also attracted.

"That's the youngest son of the Lord of Pan Fu! He is called'Shao Di Zhen', and he has not practiced for a long time, but he has reached the peak of the ancestral realm."

"Yes! He is here with his new wife Ji Tianmeng! Is the young master Ji Tiandong of the Ji family next to him?"

"Yes! Ji Tiandong!"

"Floating Cloud Boat, that is the Emperor Ji Family’s treasure, it was the Emperor Ji Family who brought them here--"


There were waves of wonder and admiration from the crowd. The Ji family was regarded as the most top-notch family in the Panfu world, and the status was impressive.

The Great Emperor Ji was a middle-aged man who seemed to be fifty, with blue beard and hair, and with his son, daughter, and son-in-law, he took the lead to the four world realms.

"Ji Hai leads his family, see the four seniors." The great Ji family bowed directly to the four world realms, his expression respectful.

Including Zhen Shaodi, Ji Tianmeng and Ji Tiandong all doing the same action.

"Haha, Zhan Kuang Ji Hai?" The world-level female veteran who concealed her appearance, glanced at Ji Hai, and had obviously heard of this emperor.

"It's under—" Ji Hai nodded.

After a senior asked the Ji family to get up, Ji Hai was asked why the Panfu Great hadn't arrived yet, and the Ji family said he didn't know.

"Several seniors, my father is ill. He ordered me to report to the seniors. I may not come." At other times, Emperor Zhen was blinded and invisible, but the person in front of him was different!

Those are the four world powers!

With the gathering of top-ranking people, Su Jin also discovered a lot of mysterious powers here. I really don't know where the Chilin Immortal Palace is, and it can attract such great attention.

Time flies quickly in a tense atmosphere.

The evening passed, and the night opened.

The number of monks who finally arrived outside the Tianxu River reached five million!

There is no star tonight, and the brown Tianxu River is shining red light, and the **** night seems to complement the sparse ‘blood forest’.

The moon in the Panfu World is much larger than that in the Huaxia World. When Su Jin saw the red moon rise, he felt that half of the sky was covered!

The Tianxu River began to show waves——

In the center of the river, a huge fairy hall of yellow and red faintly appeared!

"Start to continue, fill the river! The Renzu Bridge must extend to the Immortal Palace!" There was a blue brocade robe in the world, bursting out.

The scene was a sensation!

There are a total of sixty-three ‘sinful ancestors’ who have been ordered, including Mo Yulin.

Although Mo Yulin was embarrassed, her mentality before death was still calm. She glanced at the people around her, closed her eyes, and got up and walked ten miles away.

There is an ancestral bridge there, but you can’t get to the middle of the river. Now the location is determined. These sin ancestors will not escape to death——

Su Jin squeezed his fists secretly, and the knuckles made noises.

"Master, you can't get your hands on it. Take care of Tang Yingjiao here. I'll look for a chance." Su Jin said through sound transmission.

"If things can't be done, you have to learn to give up." Palace Master Zi Chen knows Su Jin's nature well and exhorts him, because he knows that it is unlikely to be saved.

Su Jin didn't respond, and walked through the crowd without looking back.


The first ‘Sin Ancestor’ at the forefront had been thrown into the ‘Tianxu River’, uttered a scream, and disappeared on the river.

What's strange is that his ancestral realm's imaginary appearance continues to the forefront!

The second, tenth, and thirtieth place.

Mo Yulin's weak and calm attitude in the thirty-third position attracted many people's attention and couldn't bear it.

The thirty-second ‘Sin Ancestor’ has been pushed into the Tianxu River under the eyes of the four world-level powerhouses——



Mo Yulin shed tears. For the man, she worked very hard to practice, so that she could meet again one day, but it is impossible now.

Seeing the previous step is the end of his life, how much Mo Yulin wants to see him again!

"Go down!" An ancestral realm powerhouse stepped on the Renzu bridge and pushed Mo Yulin behind.

A string of crystal tears, slowly falling——

Mo Yulin was pushed down!

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