My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1990: Why not dare!

Although this momentum is good.

However, in the eyes of millions of onlookers, Yizu Bodi can only say that he is courageous!

Ji Tiandong was already at his father Ji Hai's side, no longer backing away, on the contrary, seeing Su Jin rushing up made him happy.

Su Jin’s approach is undoubtedly looking for death——

"Break it to me!" Zhan Kuang Jihai's emperor directly grabbed it. He wanted to grab Su Jin to avenge the murder of his son-in-law.

Whoosh whoosh~~~

The emptiness of the ancestral realm suddenly appeared one after another, great ascension technique!

Juxia soars!

"not good!"

Ji Tiandong's face changed wildly, and when he saw Su Jin Juxia's ascending position, his heart was filled with despair.

Side rear!


Su Jin slapped Ji Tiandong's shoulder blade with a palm, and leaned on the back of his heart!

Ji Tiandong only felt that his eyes were completely black, and his whole body could not be described as pain. The entire bones in his body were shattered in an instant, just like his brother-in-law's condition.

The bones of the ancestral body are already strong enough, and some can even build human-shaped weapons.

But after Ji Tiandong's bones shattered, Qi Hai was also shocked!

Su Jin succeeded in a blow and blinked away. He wasn't afraid, but he didn't want to get blood on his body!

Flesh and bone **** splashed, and the corpse cicada shook happily and flew up to greet it~~~

When Ji Tiandong’s true spirit floated out, he kept cursing silently, his eyes were very vicious, but Su Jin's flick of his fingers wiped out the true spirit of the young master of the Ji family——

"Dong'er!" Zhan Kuang Jihai was like a roaring lion, watching Ji Tiandong being shot to death, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

Ji Tianmeng's face was pale and her lips trembled.

"Oh my God! He killed Ji Tiandong in front of Zhan Kuang Jihai--" The scene was mostly air-conditioned voices.

"Emperor Ji Hai failed to protect his son, causing Ji Tiandong to be cut off by an ancestor realm."

"Pan Fu's most favored Emperor Zhen Shao, the blood inheritor of Zhan Kuang Jihai, was all beheaded to death in just a few breaths, who is this Mu Ziye~~"

"Does he really have the ability to fight Emperor with Zu?"

"Never possible!"


The sky is falling apart, and the son of the Lord of Pan Fu dare to kill! Rumor has it that the Zhen family's world is still in retreat. It can be said that the most terrifying thing in the Zhen family is not the Panfu Great, there are even stronger ones!

Palace Master Zichen's old face was pale. His "Zichen Tianfu" has been in the Panfu Great World for many years, and he doesn't know the situation. In his opinion, Su Jin is now in great disaster!

"Slicing your heirs and son-in-law is just the beginning. If you dare to frame my woman, I will kill you Ji family and Zhen family."

After speaking, Su Jin looked at Zhan Kuang Ji Hai with a cold face.

"I, Ji Hai, made an oath that you will not die today. When the Chilin Immortal Palace disappears, you will definitely trace your family's ancestral land in the future and punish your nine races!"

Ji Hai had never been so angry before, and the dazzling red light radiated from him, glaring at Su Jin.

"A great emperor like you, I can't remember how many cuts." Su Jin sneered.

Zhan Kuang Ji Hai's heart burst.

Palace Master Zichen's eyes widened. Although he knew that Su Jin had the identity of Emperor Su from outside the China Territory, it was not easy to find out once, but he knew that he could fight the Holy King at that time!

But now! Palace Master Zichen is not sure if Su Jin is bragging!

After Su Jin's voice fell in the audience, there was an uproar.

When Su Jin dropped two ancestral realms in seconds, many people there had already speculated that this young enchanting ancestral realm might have the ability to fight the emperor.

However, when Su Jin uttered this sentence, many people still did not believe it.

Is the Emperor Realm so easy to kill?

Really thought it was cabbage, so you can cut it with a knife?

"Then you try, come and kill me the great emperor!" Zhan Kuang Jihai felt that Su Jin was farting, and directly refuted.

The master of the Ji family, known as the ‘War Mad’, one can imagine how enchanting he was when he was young, but in his ancestral realm, he could not achieve the level of cutting the emperor.

Can he be bluffed by Su Jin?

Su Jin stared at Ji Hai coldly, and immediately didn't intend to hide it, rushing forward with a big stride.

"This little guy is a bit interesting--" said in the world realm of Qingnier, with a face of a young man, carrying a trident on his back.

"It's true that there are some differences, but Yizu Bodi is arrogant." Venerable Shangshan shook his head.

"Zhan Kuang Jihai is notoriously ruthless, this Mu Ziye will face him, and the end will be miserable." The Biyu Female Venerable of Ding Xianjie covered her mouth and began to hesitate.


Who knew at the scene that Su Jin had taken the heads of the two great emperors who had committed infringement effortlessly in the China City of the "Tai Xu Divine Realm"?

Who would know that Su Jin had gone to the "Tai Fan" to face more than a hundred emperors, and his face was so discolored?

Zhan Kuang Jihai did not support the big, he walked all the way to the emperor realm, in addition to super strength, there is also cautiousness, even if Su Jin is the ancestor now, he will do his best!

Seeing Su Jin rushing, Zhan Kuang Jihai directly displayed the emperor's body, and the emperor's pattern all over her body was flying around him. His body was many times stronger than before!

"You dare to take a punch from me!" Zhan Kuang Jihai raised his fist, and carrying the strength of Mang Mang Emperor Realm, he greeted him with a roar.

"Why not dare!"

Su Jin's momentum is not diminished, and he also raises his fist, the distance between the two is quickly narrowing——

In a short distance, under the trajectory of two rainbow lights, the fists came together!


The vast majority of the monks on the scene were stunned by the loud noise, and they were deaf to varying degrees. Some were far apart, and the weaker spectators had blood in their ears.


After the loud noise, the screams seemed familiar. Ninety-nine percent of the millions of people at the scene were frightened.

Some people feel like they have misheard? But upon closer inspection, it was Emperor Ji Hai who screamed.

The arm where Zhan Kuang Jihai punched, when he flew upside down, turned into an upside-down state, obviously broken bones, connected to the flesh!

Su Jin was slightly surprised.

This fighting mad Jihai is really powerful!

You must know that Su Jin is now infinitely close to the emperor realm. If it is possible in the future, he will ‘four ways to become emperor’. Originally, he estimated that with this punch, Zhan Kuang Jihai’s emperor body should be shattered.

A cold light flashed from the corner of Su Jin's eyes, and the giant sage soldier was taken out, which appeared beside Ji Hai in the blink of an eye~~~

Bang bang bang...

Zhan Kuang Ji Hai was able to resist, and his injuries became more and more serious. His daughter Ji Tianmeng was worried.

"Send you a ride!" Su Jin leaped up, with a two-handed giant sword, slammed down~~

The emperor head was severely chopped off!

Bichen was so horrified that she was so shocked that she stared blankly at the young man who seemed to be invincible. After killing the two ancestors in a second, this person killed Zhan Kuang Jihai with sharp means!

"Awesome." The Qingni world realm carrying the trident, nodded repeatedly.

"I wasted some time, let's do it together." Venerable Shangshan was expressionless.

"Let's shoot together? You seem to be teasing me~~~" Bihu Nvzun laughed.

Another strong man in the male world who hasn't said anything for a long time, looked at Su Jin, and only said two words:


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