My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1991: Three tricks for you!

"No kidding?"

The Biyu female veteran was stunned. In her opinion, Su Jin Yizu's fight for the emperor was the limit, and any one of them could destroy him without any effort.

However, Venerable Shang Shan actually wanted four world realms to kill Su Jin together!

If it is spread out, this is a big joke——

No one knew that the destiny gourd was in the bone ring and was quickly transferring items, even the goddess holding the lotus map was no exception, and got in.

When the four world realms seemed to work together, Su Jin saw everything clearly, and made Miss Liu Changjia hide in a gourd.

Soon the goddess holding the lotus picture began to manifest a scene, it was the scene of Su Jin fighting!

When Mo Yulin was taken in, he met Liu Changjia and found that she turned out to be the person in the painting, which was more shocking than unexpected.

After Liu Changjia explained, they knew each other.

"World Realm." Mo Yulin's pretty face was pale, no blood.

Just when Shaodi Zhen and Ji Tian made a move, she was shocked and worried. Fortunately, Su Jin's performance exceeded her imagination and reached the point of killing the ancestral realm.

Then Ji Hai's shot made Mo Yulin worried again, desperate and even not losing the state of mind when he was pushed down the Tianxu River.

But Su Jin immediately decapitated the head of the Ji family!

"It would be nice to say if it is one." Liu Changjia made a voice and sighed.

"Can Su Jin defeat a world realm?" Mo Yulin started breathing quickly.

"We can't fight, but it's okay to escape." Liu Changjiaming didn't say anything, but in his heart he felt that Su Jin was a little reckless.

Four, four in the world, how to fight?

Once the other party makes a move, it will not give you a chance to survive. The terrible level is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Mo Yulin fell silent.


At this moment, Su Jin's heart is like still water, not moving.

With the greater the ability, the more difficulties he will face. Su Jin naturally understands this truth. If he is given another chance to choose, he will still do it!

"I fought against the world realm twice, without losing every time!" Su Jin said lightly, facing the four world realms squarely.

The four world realms were stunned to varying degrees.

Even the world has been defeated by him?

Not long ago, Su Jin defeated the blood-clothed lord, but in that world, he was restrained by the natural "Dao of Heaven" contained in Taoism, and his luck was very bad.

The second is the Zen Snow Woman, but it is above the Buddha's soil, and with the blessing of 20 million Buddhas, he can overcome it.

The four world realms here will not be naturally restrained by his Taoism.

There are not so many Buddhist blessings.

So Su Jin said this, thinking that he had some bluffing plans in it.


Su Jin's arrogance aroused the boos of millions of monks at the scene.

Although Su Jin's combat power is at the level of defying the sky, he completed the second kill of the two ancestors and completed the ability to fight the emperor with the ancestors, but with the ancestral realm to defeat the world realm?

It's so crazy that even a three-year-old doll can't help it!

"This person is powerful enough, but the world is not that you want to win, you can win if you want to win--" A monk sighed Su Jin boasting of first-class skill.

"Can you wake up? Are you dreaming? Fighting the emperor with your ancestors, count you as powerful, but don't be so arrogant that you can defeat the world."

"it's so funny."

"Be quiet, people are going to start killing the world."


Many viewers were reluctant, and laughed constantly. Some of them wanted the four worlds to come out and directly kill the arrogant youth. Of course, it was mostly out of jealousy.

The sound was gradually suppressed.

Among the four world realms, the world realm of ‘Cleannier Realm’ with a youthful face, took the lead and said lightly: "I’ll try your jinliang first--"

The color of vigilance in Su Jin's eyes quietly flashed.

It seems that I can't bluff the other party——

Only fight!

"You go together." Su Jin felt very ridiculous when he said this.


At present, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to resist the offensive of the four world realms, and he will undoubtedly lose.

"You can stop me with three moves and I won't die, count me as losing. Introduce myself, my name is Lan Yueya and I come from the Great World of Chennai."

Lan Yueya gave a lot of respect, because he was an ancestor that couldn't do the battle. Those spectators laughed at him, but he didn't laugh, and he didn't underestimate it.

"Three tricks, three tricks for you!" Su Jin nodded solemnly.


The millions of cultivators who watched the battle erupted with a loud boo, so mad to this point, there is really no one to make Blue Moon Cliff's world realm three tricks——

"Friends, please!" Lan Yueya held the trident and made a'please' gesture with the other hand.

This kind of gesture is nothing more than to make Su Jin retreat a bit, giving this ancestral realm time to resist.

Su Jin didn't move half an inch of his pace, and what was even more shocking was still behind——

The seemingly extraordinary giant sage soldier was actually put away by Su Jin! What does this mean?

People have to use their bare hands to make Lan Yueya three moves!

Su Jin naturally heard the boo, and he felt a little inexplicable.

The reason why he said to let Blue Moon Cliff have three moves, because he knew that he couldn't kill Blue Moon Cliff——

Putting away the sage soldier is because the giant fault is useless. Should you take it to kill the world? So, the same is useless.

Palace Master Zichen heard Su Jin's words and almost didn't spray out a mouthful of old blood.

As a master, he knows Su Jin's madness, but you can't be so arrogant!

Will die!

At the moment, there is one more person who wants Su Jin to die!

That is Ji Tiandong's sister, Zhan Kuang Jihai's daughter, and Zhen Shaodi's new wife Ji Tianmeng!

Ji Tianmeng's tears were dry and she sat on the ground with her silver teeth still biting.

She couldn't wait to throw Su Jin down! This person has died thousands of times.

People with ridicules, sarcasm, and doubts on their faces, all doubts seemed to disappear when they watched Su Jin's hands together!

The prosperous Buddha light shines in an instant!

Reflected a radius of five thousand miles!

At the same time, the four white, one yellow, and two black wells behind Su Jin turned and manifested, especially the Buddha yellow well ring. The Buddha power gushing out directly covered Su Jin——

look up!

Never give up!

Lan Yueya opened his eyes wide in shock, and said in amazement, "Golden body!"

The golden body of Buddhism and Taoism is rarer than any supreme treasure. Lan Yueya instantly understood why Su Jin was confident that he would not die in three ways. It seems that this brother did not brag!

"This, this--" The female veteran Bichen trembled back softly, stammering speechless.

"This son must be destroyed." Venerable Shangshan's face was gloomy, and he could no longer remain calm, and the sound was transmitted to the blue moon cliff on the battlefield and the two world realms beside him.

No one dares to underestimate Su Jin, no one! !

Venerable Shangshan believes that it is very easy to get rid of the enchanting ancestral realm of Su Jin with the power of four world realms. If this kind of person exists, it will be a disaster.

Elimination is the best policy in the bud-

However, the Bi Hun female veteran adjusted, and the next second an even more incredible scene appeared in the eyes of the world!

When Su Jin was in the golden body state, a Buddha's eye was lightly opened between his brows.

Seeing that Venerable Shangshan almost jumped his feet, he said in disbelief:

"Wisdom Buddha pupil!"

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