My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1997: Heaven deceives me, I destroy the sky!


The whole piece of void earth began to sway, and there was an extraordinary smell in the air. With the rumbling sound of the trembling soul, a wolf whale appeared!

That whale actually has a wolf-like tail, with a layer of half an inch of shallow hair on the surface, and four ferocious canine teeth in its big mouth, with a sharp gloss~~

What's more frightening is that this wolf whale doesn't seem to be a manifested vision, it looks like a terrifying behemoth that exists!

"There is a record of this beast in ancient books!"

Bixun's pretty face was horrified, and she gasped in a cold air: "This is a wolf whale that can be compared with the mythical beasts such as'Kunpeng','Gourmet','Candle Light', and'Youying'!"

"Wolf whale! How can the legendary beast be in his hands!" The Zen Xue female was mad, her face was full of fear.

"It's not good—" Venerable Shangshan's pupils were full of surprise, his old face turned black, and he screamed strangely.

By now.

The four world realms already regretted a bit, especially the Biyu Female Venerable. Originally, she could stand aside like Lan Yueya, watching the battle without pressure.

Helpless to make a big step wrong, now the four world realms are very clear, Su Jin now wants to kill them very much, and take the initiative!

"Brother Yueya!!" There was despair in her voice.

Lan Yueya hesitated a little on his face. At the critical moment, he was not hard-hearted, and tried to say: "Brother Midnight! I believe that at this moment, they have already known their mistakes. Can you let them go?"

"Let it go?" Su Jin's mind was a little unconscious, but he still heard what Lan Yueya said.

"Yes, I promised my life, Lan Yueya, if Brother Ziye is willing to let go of the past, I will save Brother Ziye away safely--" Lan Yueya arched his hands.

"Haha~~~" Su Jin laughed miserably.

"It really doesn't work, Brother Ziye once again suppressed the Zen Snow Female Venerable, and if Bi Hun, Venerable Shangshan and others dare to be malicious, I will kill them together with Brother Midnight!" Lan Yueya said with solemn expression.

"She saw that I was powerless to suppress her." Su Jin shook his head.

The actual situation is the same. Su Jin is not only fighting wits and courage in this battle, but also has poured all his strength into it. Lan Yueya has come out to reconcile, and he can only fart!

In the world of the strong, don't believe anything!


Lan Yueya sighed, and then asked: "Don't you think Brother Midnight doesn't want the Four Dao to become emperors?"

"Brother Yueya, do you have any principles--" Su Jin turned his head and glanced at Lan Yueya.


"What is your principle?"

"Why not be ashamed!" Lan Yueya nodded.

"Okay! What a worthy one!" Su Jin's face became cold, "Do you know my principles?"

"Brother Midnight's principle?" Lan Yueya was startled.

"God insults me, I cut the gods! The sky deceives me, I destroy the sky!" Behind Su Jin's "Wheel of Heavenly Secret" gradually flickered, after speaking, he could no longer maintain the Wheel of Heavenly Secret!

As long as the Wheel of Secrets of the Sky disappears, the four world realms of Zen Snow, Bi Hun, Shang Shan, and Da Er Zun will definitely kill him in an instant, and will not give him the slightest chance!


At Wanli's ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’, a wolf whale was cruising, Su Jin raised his arms and shook slightly!

The huge wolf whale swooped down and directly held Su Jin in its mouth.

The two female veterans of Zen Xue and Bi Hun directly screamed to finish, the wheel of the secret of the sky completely dissipated, and the four world realms began to degenerate from the bottom to the top.


The world-shattering magic "Wolf and Whale Overlord" showed the dominance that should have been. At the moment when the wheel of the secret of the sky finally dissipated, Su Jin was controlled by Su Jin and swallowed four world powers in one gulp!

"Friends of Taoist go well!" Lan Yueya bent down and bowed, arching his hands to bid farewell.

There are few people who make Lan Yueya perform this kind of action. From this action, we can see how pity he is. If Su Jin is immortal, in the future, "Four Dao will become emperor", or the Four Dao will become a world realm——

Thinking about it is very admirable!

At the scene, there was no sound!

When millions of spectators watched the giant beast with wolf tail and swallowed the four world realms, their faces were full of shock.

"The giant beast swallowed the four world realms, this midnight saint ancestor is actually going to throw into the'Tianxu River' and completely destroy the powerful enemy--" a monk stunned.

"I'm afraid that Venerable Shangshan didn't expect that the opponent would be so against the sky, fighting four world realms one person, and any means, all at the level of the sky."

"This man has courage and strategy, and has an unyielding body. The blame is the high world and despise him!"

"What a pity! What a pity! I'm going to die together."


When the wolf whale swallowed the four world realms in one bite, no one knew the state of mind of the world realms like Bihou.

Hesitation, helplessness, fear!

The Zen Xue Nu and Bi Xu Nu are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of tragic death, especially they are all beautiful women, as Su Jin said, falling into Tianxu Hanoi will undoubtedly die!

Melt the skin first, then the bones of the gods. Afterwards, the scum will not be left. Some people will not feel this way when they die accidentally. The most terrifying thing is knowing how to die—

"Su Jin, you can't die!" The Zen Snow Woman screamed.

"If you give me a chance to survive, I will destroy you forever! Let your true spirits fly away and cut your way to reincarnation!" The Biyu female cried her face and cursed again and again.

Don't blame her for being angry.

From the beginning to the present, they have no world realm cultivation base, but they have never been able to cut Su Jin, knowing that the other party is just the ancestor! Can you die like this without being aggrieved!

Who has never died since ancient times?

But the two women didn't count the way to die like this!

"When I die, my last wish will be passed on to the Hui clan. No matter who you are or where you are from, your clan will be hunted down forever until it is destroyed!" Venerable Shangshan couldn't keep calm anymore, angrily.

"I--" Da Erzun's lips moved, and the petrified skull was generally not degraded.

At this moment, the wolf whale soared into the sky!

Su Jin looked at the blood forest not far away from the wolf whale's mouth. Although the color was like blood, this might be his last scene in the world.

Those people in the brown and magnificent city will have nothing to do with him anymore.

Su Jin saw that Lan Yueya was not straight, but still bowing.

He also saw millions of people, with a look of awe in his eyes——

Strength is the most important for a person to live forever! Su Jin didn't want to do this either, but there was no option to retreat.

The four ways become emperor, and finally become empty.

The road against the sky, after all, can't.

There are regrets, dreams, and lovers, but things are counterproductive.

Su Jin's brain was chaotic, his eyes blurred, his true spirit began to diffuse from his shoulder inch by inch of fine cracks, and the knife of the big ear zun almost shattered his true spirit.

Ignoring curses and nothing, Su Jin now has only one purpose in his heart!

The deceiver die!

Staggering and turning around, the wolf whale seemed to make a unique cry, like a wolf like a bird. Su Jin gently closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were all fierce inside, and he shouted with all his strength:

"Four! Get on the road together!"

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