My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1998: Run out of oil!

Get on the road together!

The world-shattering behemoth, under the control of Su Jin, gave a long cry, and its magnificent body was pulled up, setting off the ‘Tianxu River’ with waves and waves——


The wolf whale plunged into the endless Tianxu River. Seeing this millions of people, most monks couldn't bear it.

The death of the evil evildoer is a pity.

Although the weak is sympathetic, Su Jin proved that he is not weak. On the contrary, his stubbornness and unyielding are deeply remembered.

If the only joy at the scene, it is probably Ji Tianmeng.

This widowed newlywed lady, in this battle, died of her father, brother, and husband!

Many people were embarrassed and sighed.

"God's life is better, the sky is difficult to pass, this magical river that can't even enter the water of the'world realm' and'three steps of heaven', today a shocking evildoer was buried."

As someone said, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

"The ancestor crosses the Xuhe River through a bridge. This midnight ancestor realm has done something that ordinary people would not dare to do. People will remember it."

"Our Panfu world has never seen such a powerful and terrifying evildoer. Although he does not know his identity, even if he is an outsider, he deserves my applause."

"Who will preside over the overall situation of the Chilin Immortal Palace and throw it into the ‘sinful ancestor’ so that the ancestral bridge can be built smoothly?"

"There must be, the secret of the fairy palace, many people in the dark are just about to move."


Although after this episode of Su Jin, people die and die, the Chilin Immortal Palace is right in front of them, who can not be tempted?

For the time being, people's attention turned to the "Red Lin Immortal Palace" on the ups and downs of the Tianxu River.

Someone has forgotten Su Jin.

I temporarily forgot the four world realms.

But what is Su Jin's situation at the moment? Did he die?

The shocking scene made Su Jin stunned. When the wolf whale dived into the "Tianxu River", it closed its huge mouth, and the brown turbulent water outside was clearly visible——

People talk about the discoloration of the Tianxu River, but it is unable to erode the "wolf whale body" transformed by magical magic!

Su Jin feels very absurd. If I knew it, why bother to fight the true spirit to shatter? To the point where the oil is exhausted?

"We are not dead!"

The Zen Snow Female Venerable was pleasantly surprised. They seemed to exist in a glass room, and the brown river water could be clearly seen.

"Wolf whales are ancient strange beasts, I'm afraid that kid didn't expect to be like this--" Venerable Shangshan laughed.

"Master Er wants to find him and smash him into pieces!" Da Erzun couldn't forget his previous shame, and uttered a harsh word.

The four world realms knew that Su Jin was now at the end of his life and could no longer live. The only thing he was worried about was how long this magical technique could last.

"Find Mu Ziye and force him to speak out this magical technique, otherwise he will die and the magical technique will naturally be lost, and we still can't live!"

Bi Hun female veteran felt that the situation was still quite dangerous, and immediately reminded her.

The four of them communicated, but then a terrifying scene appeared!

I can't see Su Jin, but his voice is like in my ears!

"Until now, you still want to survive." Su Jin's voice reached the ears of the four.

"Mu Ziye!" Female Bi Xu clenched her silver teeth and observed the isolated surroundings.

The surrounding Tianxu River is ‘alive’, and obviously wolf whales are swimming at the bottom of the river——

"If you have the ability, Master Er will teach you how to be a man with a knife!" Da Erzun was extremely vigilant.

"On the shore, I admit that I can't compete with you, but here, your destiny will be in my control!"

Su Jinfa made a weird voice, "Whoever I let you die will have to die!"

"Fart!" Da Erzun retorted without thinking.

Gu Gu Gu~~~

Su Jin did not respond.

However, the mysterious sound of ‘cooing’ was heard by the four world realms, causing a scene of Da Erzun’s fear to appear——

A rotating air column, like a small tornado, envelops Big Ear Zun. Above this rotating air column, there is a whirlpool that pulls his body!

"What's the situation!" The Zen Snow Woman took a step backwards and said in amazement.

"No! No! Save me~~~"

Big Ear Zun yelled in fear, his whole person was rolled up, and then he was thrown out of the eye hole behind the wolf whale!


Bi Hun's eyes widened and she stood stupidly. The brain is blank~~~

The Tianxu River water wrapped the Big Ear Zun, although at the moment it was thrown out, there were world realm Dao marks around him, but the Big Ear Zun could not resist, even he didn't even scream!

skin! meat! bone!

All disappeared in two breaths, and finally the true spirit of Big Ear Zun could not escape and was melted into the water.

On the forehead of Venerable Shang Shan, the fine beads of sweat began to condense into drops and flowed down.

"Tao, fellow daoist! Have something to say!"

Venerable Shangshan felt that some kind of gravitation was affecting him, and immediately knew that his destiny would be the same as that of Big Ear Venerable. It would be swept into the air hole, thrown into the Tianxu River, and contact with the river.

"Old miscellaneous hair, you also die for Lao Tzu!"

Su Jin said angrily, he felt that fate really made people, he had known so, and directly used this technique, who could hurt him?

Regardless of the begging of Venerable Shangshan!

After a few breaths, Venerable Supreme was heavily thrown out of the stomata behind the wolf whale. The moment he was in contact with the river, he opened up the marks of the world realm!

However, no matter what method the Venerable Shangshan uses, he cannot withstand the erosion of the river!

After the big ears, the Shangshan has fallen!

"I don't want to die like this!" Bi Hun Female Zun's face was pale and she shouted.

"Su Jin! Kill me if you have the ability! I have my own coffin, and I don't want my body to disappear like this!" The Zen Snow Girl was also afraid.

There is really nothing left of flesh and bones--


Regardless of how Bi Hun and Zen Xue shouted, Su Jin did not respond.

The oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, and the eyes are dim.

Su Jin can no longer see things with his eyes, and is enveloped by the black energy dissipating from his fate. He tries his best to open the "Mahe Prison Eye" to replace the invisible eyes.

I staggered a few steps~~~

Not far from the two girls!

The duration of the magic and wolf whale dominance will disappear as Su Jin dies.

"You... your life is exhausted." Bi Hun Female Venerable looked at Su Jin blankly.

"You are going to pull us up to death!" The Zen Snow Girl was very weak and her tone was full of despair.

"Two little sisters, I still have one hour of birthday, let's chat for a while--" Su Jin exhaled, unable to support, and sat on the ground, closing his eyes to feel a little better.

"Brother Daoyou, this way of death is too tragic, you will be like just now, don't you have any taboos?"

Bi Hun female respect pretended to be aggrieved.

"Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil, I don't care." Su Jin felt that his power was being lost as the soul of life dissipated——

"You let us go, we can find a fetish to treat you as soon as possible." The Zen Xue female's eyes blinked.

"Yeah, we swear to God, we will definitely save you~~~" Bi Hun Female Venerable's lips moved, with a strange phantom sound, as if she wanted to confuse Su Jin.

"Up to now, none of you have given up."

Su Jin wanted to have a chat before he died, but now he was so disappointed that he couldn't help but raise the head of his dim eyes and said:

"Princess Bichen, you are the third to die--"

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