My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2001: Give it a try

Immediately, Su Jin explained again.

Although in Su Jin's opinion this is a competition in pediatrics, in Feng Lao's eyes, Su Shao is like a god!

The two female veterans of Bi Hun, Tankou lightly opened, and immediately understood the problem.

In the eyes of the two women of Zen Xue, the weakest against the strongest, even if they lose, the last two hands can counteract, Su Jin's wisdom makes the two women feel terrible.

"Good, good! Although your cultivation is not good, it is quite rare to have this wisdom."

As Feng Lao spoke, joy overflowed, especially when he saw Dongchen Xian Lao suffocating his old face, his heart became more and more proud.

"I don't have much time, so I ask Senior to start the road to the'Red Lin Immortal Palace'."

Su Jin wants to live! Every second is precious, and I don't want to delay with two old fools here.

Old Feng nodded and said, "There are four paths in the Chilin Immortal Palace: life, death, immortality, and desolation. Which one do you choose?"

"What's the difference?" Although Su Jin cares about time, he still needs to know what he should know.

"very big difference."

Feng Lao stroked his white beard and said, "Shengluo Road, there is no risk, there is a chance to find a fairy at the end, but there is also a possibility that nothing can be found."

"Go on." Su Jin directly gave up this ‘Shengluolu’. ’

"Dead Spirit Road, according to your current situation and cultivation base, nine out of ten will die in it. There are several evil death gods in there. Of course the rewards are very rich."

Feng Lao thought for a while, "Zhixian Road, don't think about it, you can't go in for a moment, there are fairy herbs everywhere, and there are millions of years of immortal medicine."

"Can there be a fairy medicine for my injury?" Su Jin asked.

"Nonsense, there must be--" Feng Lao continued: "But I advise you to dispel this idea. Even if you get lucky, you won't be able to get the elixir."

"Where is the last way?" Su Jin felt pressured and asked lightly.

"The last way, that's awesome!"

Feng Lao scratched his head, "The fourth road is the most difficult. It is called the'Huangtian Road.' Even our second envoy Chilin doesn't know the deep situation, but only knows that it is a road of tempering."

"Is there a fairy medicine?" Su Jin asked.

"Your kid is just asking this question. There are immortal medicines in the four roads. It depends on whether you can find them. I think you helped me win Dongchen Immortal's share. Friendly reminder. Simple~~~"

"Help me open the'Huangtian Road'." Su Jin arched his hands.

For him, since there are immortal medicines on every road, the most difficult ‘wild road’ must be taken.

"You, are you sure--" Feng Lao looked at Su Jin unexpectedly.

"Of course it is!"

"Where are your two partners?" Feng Lao looked at the two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun.

"Senior, let's go on the road to life~~~" Bi Hun Nv Zun communicated with Zen Xue and said something.

"Huangtian Road, I'll take you there." Dong Chenxian looked at Su Jin coldly. He singled his finger to shake the sky, and wisps of fairy laws revealed a formation out of thin air.

Su Jin made a decisive decision, looked at the formation, and walked in without looking back.

The two females of Bixun were worried. If Su Jin couldn't get through the barrier, she would have a hard time with their ‘blood swear’ before death.

"Let's go too~~~" Zen Snow Girl sighed.

Immediately, the veteran Feng's "Shengluo Road" opened and let the two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun walk in.


Old Immortal Dongchen brushed his hand into the void, and half of the sky showed Su Jin's state of breaking through the barrier, and the Renzu Bridge was almost erected outside the Chilin Immortal Palace.

"Dong Chen, how many levels do you think this kid can pass?" Feng Lao felt very strange.

"The first level can last a long time, it's pretty good." Old Dongchen snorted.

"But don't you feel weird? The two world-level women are obviously headed by this ancestral young man~~~" This is where Feng Lao feels strange.


Tick, tick.

Su Jin walked on the ‘Desolate Road’, and when the ‘Prison Eye of Maha Town’ could see, the ticking voice seemed very harmonious.

With the brown sky and the earth, the "Desolate Road" of the Chilin Immortal Palace was actually a small world one step away from the world. Su Jin saw the dense leafless red woods and felt very strange.

The east side is covered with woods, while the northwest side is wide open, with faint red mountain shadows entering the field of view. The open northwest direction is all barren and there is no grass!

Su Jin stopped, looking at the rich lifelessness surrounding him, his expression hesitant.

Looking for the elixir to heal myself, walking in those mangrove forests seems to be more sensible——

"Give it a go!" Su Jin gritted his teeth cruelly and walked toward the deserted brown northwest without hesitation.

However, Su Jin regretted this way as he went.

In a blink of an hour, Mao didn't see one, except for the stone, which was mud, but he found that the farther he went, the hotter the air became.

Su Jin was walking towards the mountain, but the red mountain shadows were not as close as imagined.

"That's—" Su Jin's eyes brightened, and he finally approached a mountain, and his feet were hot and unbearable, but he didn't care about it and saw a figure appearing not far away.

It was an old man, he was dressed in gray linen, barefoot, and he was about 1.6 meters tall.

At the foot of the red low mountain, many furnaces were opened up, and the fire blew up. Su Jin knew that it was not a "furnace" but a "kiln".

As Su Jin walked past, he still sighed that he seemed to be walking in a great wasteland, returning to the ancient stone age, to the ‘kiln fire’ tempering place at the beginning of human civilization.

"Senior, my name is Su Jin! I'm here to break through the barrier--" Su Jinqiang endured severe discomfort and bowed his hand to the old man.

The one-meter-high mysterious old man did not turn his head, but when he heard Su Jin's words, he stopped what he was holding.

That is a very ordinary stone hammer~~~

"There is a basic'Pill of Hammer' on the stone inscription on the left. Casting an immortal pill within a day is a pass." The mysterious old man still did not look back.

Su Jin:...

He bit his head and nodded, and walked to a kiln on the left. Sure enough, he saw densely packed with thousands of words on it, and there were more than a hundred humanoid action lines painted beside the remarks.

Su Jinhu's body shook, and the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" between his eyebrows turned into a bleeding-colored light curtain, and all those fonts were in sight. Every word was not forgotten, and it was deeply imprinted into the sea of ​​spirit.

"Senior, I have learned." Su Jin arched his hands and said to the mysterious old man.

The old man Mai was shocked and still didn't turn his head. He said, "Those words of Taoism are not lost in your mind? Oh, so you have a **** pupil."

Su Jin nodded and looked at the stone platform next to the kiln fire. There were at least a hundred stone platforms on the spot, and each stone platform contained some medicinal materials, animal bones and other materials.

Of course, there is also a stone hammer.

Su Jin was deeply surprised.

Some alchemy masters often use cauldrons or furnaces to make alchemy, but here they are ‘forged alchemy’ by hammering them out! Simply unheard of-

Time is running out!

Su Jin is going to give it a try!

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