My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2002: I feel bad

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Su Jin's fingertips swept across the materials on the stone platform one by one, and the colored glaze suddenly appeared. He took a black keel, a half-fist-sized purple toad corpse, and a piece of scorched wood.

He couldn't name these materials.

Just passed the test and learned the attributes they should have.

"Lightning strikes the wood, the corpse of the purple thunder toad, and the thunder dragon is against the bones. Why did you hold it so big when you first used it?" The old man Mai said with his back to Su Jin, and the beating of his hands stopped, and asked lightly.

"Dare to try!"

Su Jin threw the materials into the kiln fire. These kiln fires burned for countless years, passed countless human civilizations, and are still strong today~~

Fortunately, Su Jin had already studied the "Pill Casting" before and learned the preliminary method of beating.

Seeing those terrifyingly tough materials burned by the kiln fire, Su Jin's face was expressionless.

A trace of destruction emanated from the kiln, and traces of blue-gray brilliance floated!

It's this time!

Su Jin held up the materials in the kiln in one hand, and those materials were already melting quickly, while in the other right hand he picked up the heavy stone hammer, which was no more than one meter!

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Su Jin was very focused. In the eyes of Mahe Town Prison, a ray of ‘Natural Law’ came into play. He forgot that his life was at stake, and began to beat with one hammer and one hammer.

A quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye~~~


It wasn't until Su Jin spit out blood that he realized that he couldn't be immersed in it for too long, he didn't have enough time!


Su Jin is a little disappointed, is he going to fail? He looked at the kiln fire, the mottled mass that had been beaten into a rudimentary shape, and it was already difficult to calm down in his heart.

"You have already noted down in the Alchemy Part. Why don't you know the materials with the same attributes, and they are extremely unstable when they are tempered together? The three kinds of thunder attributes converge, and they will tear you into pieces after exploding.

The old man Mai did not care about Su Jin's life and death, and seemed to be berating this young man's stupidity in his tone.

"Couldn't the predecessors do it?" Su Jin closed the eyes of Maha Zhen prison. His eyes had lost their function. He tried to breathe slowly, so that the soul of life dissipated more slowly.

"It can't be done. This is a rule given by God, it is impossible at all—" The old man Mai did not turn around and said lightly.

"I'm about to die, and the immortal medicine into a pill will not save me! What kind of **** God gives rules, if I can live, I will give the sky a red!"

Su Jin's breath is unstable, but still very unyielding, said stubbornly.

Immortal medicine is difficult to cure him, this is the truth, the past immortal, but equivalent to the monk's ‘sage’, he is just deceiving himself and others.

"Since you know your destiny, why are you still struggling? You are not suitable for my ‘Alchemy Road’, my alchemy is forged in Shuntian--" The old man Mai shook his head.

"Then I want to cast pill against the sky!"

Su Jin threw the stone hammer, and said "disrespectfully" to the predecessor, directly condensing the hand of Zulong~~~

Catch into the kiln fire!

An ancestral dragon hand transformed with strength, the top of the dragon arm has six claws!

The five fingers covered are missing, but the six fingers covered can cover the sky!


The violent aura spreads from the three types of thunder-attribute materials that have been knocked into ‘lumps’. The purple, blue and gray thunder brilliance seems to want to tear the six fingers apart——

Su Jin coughed up blood again and again, and the blood stained his clothes.

The old man in Mai fell silent while carrying him.

After ten breaths passed, the old man Mai said calmly: "It's impossible to succeed."

"Just like my generation of cultivators who are against the sky will step on and against the sky, the pill I cast will also become a pill against the sky!"

Su Jin’s ancestral dragon hand was squeezed fiercely, and the sky-covering dragon hand squeezed the unstable block material, squeezing and rounding it continuously, removing the impurities in it——

After half a minute, Su Jin trembled all over, staggered, and almost fell to the ground, but he still took the phantom Ancestral Dragon big hand back.

A pure blue pill, which is larger than soybeans, was displayed flawlessly on the hand.

The pure blue, like the blue sky in a sunny day, is perfect~~~


Around the blue pill, a thunder dragon spirit came out, and the demon shadow of thunder toad floats and rises in it, and there are willow branches that constantly attract thunder and lightning, seeming like living things~~~

The old man Mai finally changed his face and turned around abruptly.

Su Jin slightly opened the "Mohe Town Prison Eye" and was shocked in his heart. He didn't have time to think about it, but the old man Mai is really mysterious and looks like~~~

It turned out to be a "red pottery man"!

It’s hard to imagine that the person wrapped in sackcloth turned out to be a ‘pottery man’ with red skin and stone-grey eyes. Could this be a person?

"Guardian Leiden——"

The old potter's voice trembled a little, he moved his hand and looked at the terrifying pill, "Dzogchen's best elixir, if it is not limited by materials, it has definitely broken through to the Wang Dan level."

"The sky is irreversible, I will reverse it! I will do the impossible!" Su Jin sat down, still full of determination when he raised his head.

"You have passed the first pass. This is the complete "Pill Alchemy Avenue"."

The old potter in Mai gave a dazzling brilliance, and on his face, the densely packed Jin Liang began to show the marks of Jin Liang, and soon a complete alchemy was branded into the sea of ​​Su Jin's spirit.

Su Jin was horrified in his heart after sweeping this ‘Pill Casting Avenue’, but he did not have time to figure it out.

"Why tell me, I can't get through the second level anymore, Shouyuan will be exhausted here—"

Su Jin smiled miserably, and the facts were true, he could no longer move forward, and the road against heaven ended.

"The rules are like this, you have nothing to do with me, and whether you can move forward has nothing to do with me."

The old pottery made of red clay tightly tightened his sackcloth and his tone was calm.

Su Jin saw a crack in Old Tao Ren's neck and was curious about the origin of the crack. Although he was curious, time did not allow him to think about it.


Outside the Chilin Immortal Palace, the scene where half of the sky manifested was taken in by everyone.

"Mu Ziye turned out to be a cultivator against the sky. The cultivators didn't end well. Shouyuan was exhausted on the way to the Chilin Immortal Palace." After a war-watching cultivator finished speaking, he fell silent.

"Death has almost completely wrapped him up, hope is not great—"

"Yes, even if it is a powerful man with three steps of heaven, it is difficult to save him. The lifelessness of his body has completely spread, and his life will die."

"A strong man worthy of praise, although it is difficult to live anymore, we still have to applaud him and give him a ride!"


Feng Lao and Dongchen Immortal, in front of the Chilin Immortal Palace, their faces became more solemn. They were able to cast the perfect elixir by learning'Pill Alchemy Avenue' for the first time. His performance was really surprising.

Of course, Su Jin no longer knew what these people thought and said.

Su Jin has been in a state of dying, but not once has it been so serious. He can even know exactly in which second he will fall~~

"I feel bad, I still have to live!"

Su Jin supported the ground with both hands, an action that usually takes almost no time to do. He persisted for several times before standing up.

Then, he made an action beyond everyone's imagination——

The kiln fire is beautiful and gorgeous.

Su Jin became dizzy and walked to the kiln fire, arms spread out~~~

Jumped into the kiln fire~~

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