My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2003: That furnace is gorgeous

The old clay potter seemed to notice Su Jin's movement and turned around abruptly.

It looked in disbelief, at the kiln fire.

"The cultivation against the sky, the sky will not let him live, it should be the way of life, but why—" the old clay pottery said to himself.

The unique glaze color makes the red clay old pottery look quite mysterious. His eyes do not blink, and the Mai is blown by the hot wind. The low body shape seems to be the only unique existence in the world.

How could the clay potter not be surprised.

When Su Jin didn't hesitate and jumped into the mouth of the kiln, the entire red mountain range seemed to tremble slightly.

Outside the Chilin Immortal Palace——

Feng Lao and Dong Chen Xian Lao were silent for a while, and half of the sky revealed the scene of Su Jin breaking through the barrier just now, but who would have thought he would do this!

Renzu Bridge reached the'Chilin Immortal Palace' only a hundred meters away. The people on the bridge and the millions of people who were still waiting in line for repairs exclaimed when they saw this scene.

"Mu Zi's night soul is gone, I am afraid that he has fallen and died, but before he died, why would he have to suffer such unimaginable physical pain?" Some monks were puzzled.

"The cultivator against the sky is really shocking. Is Mu Ziye dead, and he won't be harvested by the sky and burn everything God has given him?"

"Unfortunately, if this person does not die, he will definitely become an extremely prominent power in the future, but fighting against the sky is really unwise and will be punished in the dark."


I don't know how many people were frightened by this scene, and while their faces were terrified, more of them were embarrassed, because more people thought that Su Jin would die.

But I didn't expect Su Jin to be thrown into the furnace alive~~~


No one knows, just at the scene of the old clay pottery.

"what happened?"

The old clay pottery man suddenly covered his heart, but his face was shocked, "Why was the red lotus cleans the fire underground, why was it alarmed?"


No one knows the secrets of the red clay pottery here. This red mountain is wild, and no grass grows. It is entirely because a kind of divine flame is buried in the ground. The fire in the kiln mouth is only the heat of the red lotus clean fire.

Only the heat energy of the Red Lotus Purifying Fire is transformed, far less than the real "Red Lotus Purifying Fire" in case.

Just like a heartbeat, there was a pulsation from Honglian Jinghuo. The old clay pottery became more and more nervous, his face was solemn and uneasy, but his eyes were fixed on the kiln entrance.

Although the old clay potter did not know why Su Jin did that step.

Because no one can resist the kiln fire, even if it is not the real red lotus pure fire, it is indeed related, and the non-physical body can resist it.

"This, this is a golden body!"

The old clay potter took a step closer, and the fire waves inside were rolling and beautiful, the red flames kept glowing, and in the kiln fire, waves of heat were sweeping over Su Jin~~

Su Jin is using the Buddha's golden body to drag time!

"May I have the Three Bodhisattva of Agudoruo in the next life. I am bright and radiant. Illuminating countless boundless worlds."

"May I have Bodhi in the next life. If there are sentient beings. They have no inferior roots under them."

"May I have Bodhi in the next life. Make all sentient beings. Come out of the magic net. Free from all the entanglements of the outside. If you fall into all kinds of evil, see the thick forest."

"May I get Bodhi in the next life..."


The old clay pottery sat on the ground with a fright. It stared at the kiln fire blankly. The fire in the kiln was gorgeous, but the golden body of the Buddha yellow was even more dazzling.

Back then, God bestowed the body of Old Tao, but now I don’t know how many years and how many civilizations the heavens have experienced. It has seen countless passers-by, but none of them shocked him like Su Jin.

Su Jin in the state of golden body, like a bitter Buddha who understands the world, kept the golden body and was buried in the kiln fire.

"Does he want..." The old clay pottery muttered to himself, thinking of a terrible word.

How much wisdom is there in the world?

The old clay potter didn't know, he only knew that Su Jin had just finished learning the "Pill Casting Avenue", and no one had jumped into the kiln fire here.

Who knows the consequences?

The result is probably just a dead word.

But the old red clay potter felt that the immortal "Red Lotus Purifying Fire" appeared strange when Su Jin jumped into the kiln fire, which shows that Su Jin wanted to recast the "True Spirit" and rebirth from the fire!

The old clay potter shook his head, and the short-term horror disappeared on his face. In his opinion, Su Jin was actually stupid to do this, but it was really desperate.

If it is not the last step, who wants to do this? The old clay potter even now hopes to see Su Jin succeed, he will be the first witness!

It is a pity that the chance of this kind of success, in the eyes of the old clay pottery, is very small.

The Sanskrit singing in the dark is still there, and there are countless "May I be a Bodhisattva in the next life"~~~

Outside the Chilin Immortal Hall, Feng Lao and Dongchen Immortal opened their eyes.

"Golden body! He wants to fight for some last hope!" Feng Lao said in surprise.

"It's really rare. Buddha and my immortal are very prosperous in the world of heaven, but the golden body of Buddha Dao is extremely rare, even rarer than our immortal Dao's immortal immortal." Old Dong Chen was shocked. .

When they first saw Su Jin, the two elders saw Su Jin only as a young ancestor.

I didn't care at all, Feng Lao felt that Su Jin was very smart, but in the eyes of Dong Chenxian, this kind of smartness was clever, and he was a little disdainful.

but! These disdain, when Su Jin appeared in the state of golden body, disappeared~~

"Do you think he can succeed?" Feng Lao felt a little cherished.

"If it succeeds, I will eat this table. If he commits a crime, he will definitely die."

Old Dong Chen shook his head and snorted.

"I think so~~~" Feng Lao said with regret.

So what is Su Jin's status now?

The golden body of the Buddha of Life and Death, lowered the Brahma to sing, and the Buddhist scriptures made him pure, even if all kinds of heat were added to his body, his heart was clear, but he was still.

"The Avenue of Pill Casting is a unique one." Su Jin clasped his hands together, but his mind was running wildly.

Even during the analysis, his ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’ also opened up, watching the fire waves around him, something faintly wrong.

"Even the worst result, I will survive." Su Jin immediately made up his mind.

Golden body into shape!

The worst plan Su Jin said was that he would use this ‘Making Alchemy Avenue’ to build himself into the Buddha’s golden pill, so that no matter how bad his true spirit is, he could become a pill soul.

Of course, this is just the worst plan. If it were not for despair, I would definitely not take the path of no return.

"Cast my damaged true spirit first -" Su Jin began to try, closing his eyes.

The terrible scene was seen in his inwardly looking state.

Some parts of the true spirit have become powdery, and even the luster is no longer there. Other parts that emit sacred glory are also broken into granules, and those dead energy are spreading~~~


Su Jin gave birth to strands of strength, condensed into a hammer, and beat on the damaged true spirit.

"Puff~~" Su Jin still squirted blood out in a golden state.

In the strange silence, the fire was brilliant, but Su Jin was already desperate--

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