My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2005: Roar the sky

Live for faith!

Su Jin is really crazy to the extreme.

It can be said that he can persist until now, endure the unbearable suffering of the audience, and has nothing to do with the wife in the workplace in his heart. She is waiting for her return!

There is only one person in the three thousand reincarnations, Su Jin can't bear it.

The sky is not afraid, the earth is not afraid, Su Jin is afraid of falling into darkness forever, afraid of not being able to think of her again, afraid of not seeing her face again!

Outside the fairy hall, there was silence. The hot wind blew the hair of millions of cultivators, and some people were greatly affected, not knowing what happened to Su Jin.

"He seems very painful—"

"He is fighting against the sky, how can he not work hard."

"There are many heaven-defying monks like Mu Ziye in the whole world. The end and the result are the same, it's impossible."


The so-called numbness of pain did not happen to Su Jin. That kind of pain was not in the physical body, but from the true spirit!

Su Jin roared again and again, not to mention this in the golden body state, if it were normal, he might have given up the idea long ago.

Bang bang bang!

With a loud explosion, a well behind Su Jin vibrated out——

Four whites, one yellow, and two blacks, these seven well rings that have been owned for a long time were shaken out, and there was a touch of red next to that black well ring! Flaming!

Circles of fire waves converged, forming a circle of bright red well rings, and at the moment of formation, the Void God in it was faintly manifested.

The Void God is actually a tangled fire lotus!

The Fire Red Well Ring is different from the others, it seems to be a living thing, and when it trembles, it wraps Su Jin in the golden body state——


Su Jin raised his head and roared!

This roar has changed the sky!

The tangled lotus swayed its branches, rolled up a pillar of fire tens of meters wide, and rose straight up into the sky, seeming to outline the pattern of entangled branches, clearly visible on the pillar of fire.

The entire void seemed to be turned into a real object, burned into a solid shape of black and red, and the pillar of fire was solidly above the sky, and the rumbling sound spread!

"Red lotus cleans the fire and helps me seize the vitality!" Su Jin yelled wildly, and wisps of Bixia began to linger all over his body.

Big life technique!

The wisps of green clouds make people fascinated, but Su Jin does more than this!

"Daoxin breeds demons! I want demons to become ancestors!" Su Jin spit blood——

What kind of picture should the blood fall to the ground~~~

The red soil wasteland that was originally set off fell to the ground with this bit of blood, and the blood seemed to be like a living thing, and it began to swim when it landed.

The fierce blood flow has turned into a blood pool with the word ‘devil’ on the vast land. The devil wants to live with the sky and plunder the vitality!

The operation of the exercises and the great life technique are breaking through the profound meaning of "life" that Su Jin understands. The sutra of life and death is appealing to what is life and what is death——

At this moment.

The mangrove forest a hundred miles away, as if blown by the evil wind, turned into a puff of soot, and its vitality was taken away!

If anyone doesn’t know the situation, I’m afraid that there are only two female venerables of Zen Xue and Bi Hun who are next to "Born Luo Tian".

Entering here, there is no need to worry about falling. Since entering, the two girls seem to have fallen into a real fairyland, a real fairy tale world, and the scenery is beautiful.

"Is there a possibility that Su Jin suddenly died suddenly, and it was too late to use my two blood swearing sacrifices to refine the evil curse?" Biyun asked absently.

After several Zenxue reminders, the Bixun woman learned that Mu Ziye's real name was'Su Jin'.

"I hope it's the kind of possibility. He's sure to die. I'm afraid this stupid boy doesn't know. The vows I'm waiting for are only useful to the living--" Chan Xue was very relaxed.

This kind of oath will disappear after the master's death, and death will disappear, and she will no longer be able to restrain her two.

"That's good, let's take a fight now, he will die suddenly." The Bi Hun woman was in a good mood.

The colorful flowers around were also very beautiful in the eyes of Bi Hun, and she couldn't help but squat down when she said, touching the flower branches with her fingertips.


The sky above the void is like a piece of scorched earth, in which red and black are distinct. The two female veterans Bi Hun and Zen Xue paused, their eyes widened, and their pretty faces were dumbfounded.

In front of the fingertips of Bi Hun, the black flower plant, bends down in an instant, wilting, and in the blink of an eye, it has withered into powder——

Booming vitality was swept away in'Sheng Luo Tian'!

"What happened?" The female veteran Bixin reacted, her pretty face changed drastically.

"Could it be because of Su Jin..." The Venerable Zen Snow Girl had this terrible thought when she was nervous.

"Snatching vitality, what is he doing? Is it going to kill him?"

"There is a fairy medicine on the road to Shengluo, how did he do it!"


The hearts of the two women were shocked unprecedentedly, and ordinary vitality was useless, but this is one of the small worlds in the Chilin Immortal Palace, especially this Sheng Luo Lu, which is a great tonic fairy!

Haoran’s vitality was engulfed on Su Jin, the red lotus purifying fire and the true spirit had been fused, and the damaged true spirit was growing rapidly!

The pain is alleviating!

Su Jin's body was dead, but his eyes were in a fiery red state——

"what happened?"

Su Jin panicked. He raised his head, and the vision in his three eyes found that the old red clay pottery man in a daze in the distance was just a target with gold rims.

"Honglian Jinghuo sublimated my eyes--"

Su Jin couldn't believe it, "Who am I, the original me?"

This idea breeds in his heart, making Su Jin feel fear.

The most mysterious "good luck fairy pupil", through living together with Sakura, coupled with the connection of good luck longevity, he can use it, although it can't break good luck, but it can use the "destroying fairy light".

Another is the ‘Maha’s Prison Eye’ in the physical state, which has a lot of mysteries and helps him a lot.

Since he obtained the golden body, he has given birth to the ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’.

The three were originally terrifying, but the combination is unbelievable.

But now when Su Jin asked himself who he was in the beginning, it was already obvious, because a more terrifying situation had happened to him.

"Fire-eyed golden eyes, the'fire-eyed golden eyes' stronger than Ah Dou!" Su Jin muttered to himself in a daze.

Thinking too much is useless.

Su Jin raised his head and let out a long roar. The two pillars of fire were lifted up, converged from both eyes, and sprayed out——


The void boundary wall on Huangtian Road was pierced again!


The road to Shengluo was empty, and two eyes of fire ran across!


In the dark ‘Dead’s Road’, two torches drilled like a broken bamboo! A black crow on an old wood was stunned.

Zhixian Road~~~


Finally, the Chilin Immortal Palace began to tremble violently, Feng Lao and Dongchen Immortal looked up fiercely——

Millions of monks lifted their heads at the same time, with their mouths open, staring at the two torches in amazement, crossing the sky over the Tianxu River~~

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