My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2006: Six Dao Ancestors, Wild Bridge

"Honglian Jinghuo served the Lord, and helped him regain his Shouyuan. Who is he!"

The old pottery man in Mai looked at the two horrible pillars of fire, incomprehensible, the thought had been lingering in his heart, puzzled, and his thoughts were very confused.

Su Jin dissipated his golden body and put away the torch eyes. He reappeared in his usual state, and even he couldn't help but look at his hands. The feeling of recovery was obviously very good.

"I want to become the emperor of the six ways! The wheel of the secret of heaven!"

Behind Su Jin, a roulette wheel with a height of ten thousand li appeared in an instant. Immortal, Buddha, holy, and ghost, the four realms have already become ancestors. Just now, the magical way he has been short of for a long time has already reached the ancestral realm.

This is already five ways.

But Honglian Jinghuo is a rare way, not even losing any road to the heavens!

The three cities were transformed into three cities, and the Demon Realm of the third city appeared, and there were countless **** demon heads and corpses floating among them——

On the Wheel of Secret of the Sky, the Demon Realm contained all of them, and a rule was gathered, running against the fairy rule, slowly rotating.

Soon, the tangled red lotus purifying fire, near the center of the ‘Blue of the Sky’, turned into a wheel base, the bright flame became the most eye-catching link, and the flame rose.

Six ways!

There are six paths, three forwards and three reverses, staggered into orbits slowly rotating. There seems to be endless Dao hidden on the roulette wheel, and the blue of the sky is contaminated with it, which is gorgeous and dazzling.

Outside the fairy hall, there is a hustle and bustle!

There was a bead of sweat on Lan Yueya's forehead. Su Jin and Tian struggled to regain Shou Yuan, not to mention, they opened two more ways to become the "six ancestors".

"The Six Paths are the ancestors, God's will is hard to violate, Chengdi Lu Yao--" Lan Yueya waved away his sweat.

It’s not that there are many ways to become ancestors in history, but there are too many art but no good, even if it is evil, several mottled ways will naturally not be able to prove the way.

Those monks who raised their heads like frogs in groups were amazed.

"The six ways have all become ancestors. Legend has it that the six ways can be transferred to reincarnation and become the lord of one party. I don't know if it is true or not." A monk said blankly in his brain.

"His longevity is restored, and he becomes the ancestor of six kinds of Dao. With all his strengths, he should be able to fight a world."

"Yes, but it is limited to this. The Six Dao Ancestors cannot become emperors. The rules given by God."

"Have the Six Dao Ancestors ever existed?"


No matter what other people say, Su Jin is as small as ant dust under the wheel of heaven.

But Su Jin's eyes became clearer and clearer, and he muttered to himself: "The great world of Yuanshi, the Brahma and the vast land of God, I will become your nightmare!"

Su Jin could not forget.

His mother is still in the Mogu God Prison. On that day, the clan ancestor burned the Jiuli God's coffin and sent him away. The Brahma Emperor and Tyrant Capital were all his enemies.

Su Jin still couldn't forget that the Yuanshi female realm master angered his Ni Lin more than once, using despicable and shameless methods, trying to drive his women to death.

As for the vast land of the gods, although Su Jin didn't know where it was, the Zen Snow Girl came and wanted to destroy his great Chinese world, so he was also a great enemy!

Keep grudges, Su Jin is very grudges——

"From now on, I will call you the "Red Lotus Fire God Dao"." Su Jin really felt the existence of the red lotus pure fire, and when the name was spoken, waves of joy and intimacy appeared.

That fire lotus seems to like the name very much.

Su Jin looked indifferent, put away the ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’, step by step, showing his mighty posture, walked not far in front of the old clay potter and stopped.

"How did you take away the red lotus clean fire?" Mai old Tao Ren asked with a curious voice.

"I'm willing to ask, it's willing to go, how can it be said to be'taken away'?" Su Jin asked back.

Mai old potter:...

Very speechless.

After silence, the old Taoist Mai said: "The Six Dao Ancestors cannot become emperors, not to mention that you have no hope of becoming an emperor if you don't conform to God, so let's do it yourself."

"Don't bother--" Su Jin shook his head, "Can I pass this level?"

"Naturally pass."

"Where is the next level."

"Go north, but I advise you to stop here." Mai old Tao Ren said inwardly, persuaded.

"Why did you say this?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"The second level is'Desolate Sky Bridge', which is different from'Red Lotus Purifying Fire'. That bridge was manifested together with the time of God, with the corpse of the deity staying on it."

The old Taoist Mai went on to say: "Those who follow the sky will prosper, and those who defy the sky will die. You can't get through."

"I'll get through it." Su Jin said coldly, looking at the old potter in Mai.


The old Tao Ren stretched out his hand and gave out the top grade Lei Dan made by Su Jin, then turned around rather lonely, and walked towards the distance step by step.

Honglian Jinghuo disappeared on the road to the deserted sky, and the civilized kiln fire that has been passed down for generations is all extinguished today. He stays in the bitter kiln, but he does not feel bitter, but more reluctant to give up.

Su Jin watched the old Tao Ren disappear, stood with his hands behind, and walked towards the second pass without thinking much.

All the way north!

After walking in this way for more than an hour, Su Jin ignored the changes in the sky. It turned out that there were nights on the deserted road, and his steps were as firm as his will.

Unconsciously, the brown soil is not there, and the north is an endless white desert.

The sand there is not yellow, but white!

Being immersive can only be described in one word, that is ‘black sky and white desert’!

Su Jin walked through the Gobi, and the scattered rubble on the ground was so literally stepped under his feet, he seemed to have noticed something. Before walking into the white desert, he turned his head and looked at the huge boulder not far from his left hand.

Baisha buried the bones, and there was only a white arm under the boulder. He gestured to pull the boulder. The bones of his hand were mottled, and I don't know how old they existed.

Unknowingly, the wind blew up.

Su Jin turned his head and no longer looked at the bones of his arm, his hands clasped together, as the Buddha sang, he was wrapped in the light of Buddha's yellow, and completely walked into the white desert——

Soon, the wind was still the same, but Su Jin had disappeared from the periphery and penetrated completely.

The white sand sea does not look back, the Buddha's light is like a beacon, illuminating the way forward.

During this period, Su Jin stopped more than once. In the white desert, he walked through many ruins of ancient city ruins. The most impressive thing was seeing several fallen stone horses.

Those stone horses don’t know the ages, but today, from the ancient times, the stone horses are lifelike. Even though they fall, their majesty and prestige still exist.


Su Jin finally saw the huge building that formed a bridge with sand and narrowed his eyes.

The white bridge has nine hundred and ninety-nine holes. It is not as high as the top, far from the end, and I don’t know where it ends.

Desolate bridge, arrive!

And in front of the bridge, there was a scene that appeared in Su Jin's eyes. A very familiar ‘Long’s Head Ancient Coffin’, lying across the bridge on the road, was the real dragon’s head ancient coffin!

Once three sacred mountains revealed the ancient dragon head coffin, he was going to go to the distant star road and buried him in the void of eighty ancient coffins. What does the ancient dragon head coffin on the deserted bridge now represent?

it goes without saying!

In the distance, in the broken black ancient robe covering his body, there was an unimaginable strong man coming with a stick, and a strange voice came from his mouth:

"Su Jin, quickly enter the dragon coffin, I will carry your coffin, and go to your graveyard—"

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