My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2007: My lord ups and downs

The scene is very weird.

Su Jin is puzzled, why come to this Panfu World, and encounter a "Chilin Immortal Palace", you will encounter the real ancient dragon head coffin.

Before he changed, Su Jin might be angry. After all, the other party carried the coffin and said he was going to bury him.

Go to the distant star road cemetery.

But now, Su Jin has experienced too much and can already treat it with a calm heart.

"Why do you know so much--" Su Jin asked calmly at the mysterious person.

"This is destined in the dark, arranged by heaven." The man in black in the ancient robe looked up slightly.

"Presumably you are the corpse of the **** of heaven that Old Tao Ren said, today I will cut the corpse of the **** of heaven to prove my imperial road soon!"

Su Jin simply revealed the identity of the other party. He was at the peak now, but he didn't care about it at all. Just as many people thought, in the great world of heavens, there were too many people who could kill him.

There are countless people who are better than him.

"Neither do you want to take the initiative to enter the dragon coffin, then I, Suo Lun Tianshen, will cut you to death and put you in the coffin." When the corpse of Suo Lun Tianshen looked up, he looked at Su Jin completely.

That pupil--

Baizhong was wearing a thin circle of red, and when the words fell on Suo Lun's corpse, his whole body trembled, and his black robe began to shake out a corpse insect.

The corpses and insects are so dense that they fall on the ground and quickly pile up into a small mountain of insects!

Su Jin's face was cold, and there was a stubborn sneer at the corner of his mouth. The Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth was opened by him in an instant, and the nearby thousands of Dao Ancestral Realm virtual appearances were all hitting different punches!


Su Jin raised his hand, and the "Great Collapse Divine Fist" lifted from the ground!

What kind of scene is that! Although Su Jin hasn't broken through the'Emperor Realm' yet, his momentum is like a rainbow, and his strength is at his peak. His skills and profound meaning are quietly sublimating as his cultivation level increases.

The current ‘Great Breach Divine Fist’, when he was a beginner with Su Jin, was simply a different skill. On the giant fist that was manifested, the red lotus net fire was burning--

"Boom!" Su Jin violently hammered over.

Like a balloon, the entire mountain of insects disappeared in a flash, and those corpses turned into black dust and fell to the ground, while the corpse of Suolun Tianshen disappeared!

The flesh is not there, but Su Jin's eyes are shrinking at this moment. He knows the power he just used, but Suo Lun's corpse, in this state, still has a golden skeleton!

Su Jin remembered.

When I was at the bottom of the "Tianxu River", I had seen many "golden skulls" forgotten under the water. I thought it was because the "Red Lin Immortal Palace" rose to the surface of the water.

But I never thought that Suo Lun Heavenly God's corpse had the same golden skeleton body and spiritual wisdom!

Creak creak--

The golden skull was full of flames, suddenly its eyes dimmed, but the entire skeleton fell down.

"The corpse of the gods, how could it be so bad?" Su Jin palpitated, staring at the golden skeleton, already having a bad feeling.

Su Jin, who possessed the ‘wisdom **** pupil’, was already surpassed in wisdom, but wisdom belonged to wisdom. He also didn’t know why Suo Lun’s corpse was like this.

Su Jin fell silent in front of the horrible and ferocious dragon head ancient coffin.

When a person sees his own coffin, it may be unbearable to endure the fearful thoughts in his heart. This is due to human nature. Su Jin is not afraid, but he will not be happy because of it.

Desolate bridge.

Su Jin closed his eyes and looked up at the white arch bridge that was not far away.

In fact, the most correct way now is to leave this place. Su Jin knows this, but the troubles that should be there will always come, not here, but also elsewhere.

He is a monk against the sky!

Don't be afraid of everything!

Su Jin straightened his body, without any hesitation anymore, strode to the Huangtian White Bridge——

The old Tao Ren, who hadn't appeared for a long time, appeared inexplicably next to Bai Mo. Although they were far apart, they seemed to have seen Su Jin's actions.

"When you step on the deserted bridge, your life will no longer belong to you."

Facing the wind, the old clay potter turned lonely, shaking his head slowly before leaving, and muttered to himself lonely: "Black sky, white desert and deserted bridge, dead people do not return..."

In fact, everyone outside the fairy hall was very confused.

Especially Feng Lao and Dongchen Xian Lao, these two are the only ones who know the real situation.

"Shouldn't the second level be'Blood Nether Suffering'? How could it become the last level'Wild Bridge'?" Feng Lao was puzzled.

"I'm also very surprised, look at that ‘Long’s Head Ancient Coffin’, when did it appear?" Dong Chenxian stared at his little watery eyes.

"The four roads of life, death, immortality, and wilderness. I know all the other three roads. Only this ‘desert road’ has an endless mystery.”

Feng Lao felt the pressure, his eyes flickered, and finally he couldn't help but ask again: "It is rumored that the end of the deserted bridge can worship God and give the supreme treasure, but is it true or false?"

"It's true, but this kid is a cultivator against the sky, who knows what the result will be----" Old Dong Chen was worried.

"How many ‘holes’ do you think he can walk on the deserted bridge?"

"I don't know, it's probably a few holes."

"Prepare to attract those cultivators, what's wrong with the human world now, the cultivation base is so bad, um... there is a world realm, which is not bad."

Feng Lao saw Lan Yueya with a serious attitude.


Naturally, Su Jin didn't know this, he felt the difference when he stepped on the "Desolate Bridge".

The avenues around his body seemed to be blocked. He closed his hands and failed to display the golden body. It was difficult for him to perform longevity.

Just like Fan Xiu.

Su Jin's heart sank. Old Tao Ren said that this bridge was manifested together with God in the time of God. At first he didn't care about it, but now he faintly believes it and pays attention to it.

Su Jin immediately tried to communicate with the ‘Secret of the Heavens’ without believing in evil, and found that the Wheel of the Secret of the Heavens could still communicate, and was overjoyed immediately. The ‘Wheels of the Secret of the Heavens’ were very mysterious.

With the breeding of the ‘Blue Sky of Secret’, which can absorb all the Taoisms, Su Jin has this blessing, and his strength can be displayed somewhat, but there are still limitations.

When passing two Kongqiao holes, Su Jin seemed to be aware of--

Turning his head fiercely, Su Jin's eyes shrank sharply, and he saw that his own "Long Head Ancient Coffin" rose up unexpectedly.

Do not!


Su Jin's eyes were sharp, and he watched the "Golden Skeleton" that Suo Lun's corpse turned into. The golden light was so great that the skeleton body soared, and the other party carried the "Dragon Head Ancient Coffin" on his shoulders!

At the same time, Jin Gulu looked at Su Jin, grinned, and took a powerful step forward and stepped onto the "Desolate Bridge"!

Su Jin's face is solemn. Now that he is restricted by this white bridge, it is difficult for him to perform perfectly, but it is clear that Suo Lun Jin Skull has not affected——

"God is merciless! Since I want to destroy me here, then I will walk to the end of your deserted bridge, step on your heavens, and proclaim my will to the heavens. In the future, my lord will rise and fall!"

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