My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2008: Five Horses

My lord ups and downs--

How overbearing!

After Su Jin finished speaking, even if he was unswerving and striding forward, no one could stop it!

"This road is your funeral road." Suo Lunjin Skull opened his mouth, and his voice reached Su Jin.

"Fuck you shit!"

While Su Jin responded, he paid close attention to other places, because he knew very well in his heart that this ‘desolate bridge’ was not just a bridge, it would never be that simple.

"You are familiar with a star road, where there are eighty divine coffins, nine or nine return to the truth, you are the person in the eighty-first coffin." Jin Gulu said Mixin, who didn't know except for Su Jin.

Su Jin's heart was stunned.

Looking towards the far end, bad thoughts have been growing in my heart.

According to the words of Suo Lun Jin Skull, could it be that the shot of the "Desolate Sky Bridge" leads to that piece of star road?

Most likely!

Su Jin felt a little regretful in his heart. At the beginning, he lit three sacred mountains and the ancient coffin with the dragon head wanted to take him away, but he never went.

Because he knew his true identity back then, it must be unimaginable. Therefore genius wants to accept him.

The current situation is very embarrassing.

There is no road behind Su Jin, the vast white desert disappears, and Suo Lun Jin's skeleton must have extraordinary combat power, and at the end of the road, if it is the place where the ancient coffin of the ‘eighty mouth’ dragon head is placed, isn’t it the cemetery?

"I am looking forward to it!" Su Jin did not forget to respond as he moved forward.

"Are you looking forward to the burial?" Golden Skull Suo Lun laughed mysteriously.

"Your mouth is very cheap. I just have doubts. I want to open the eighty-head ancient coffin one by one to see if it confirms what I think!"

Su Jin has doubts.

In that piece of star road shots, 80 dragon head ancient coffins were buried. He guessed that the 79th ancient coffin was buried in the "Huangquan the Great" and the 80th ancient coffin was buried in the "Chu Gongzi". .

That year, Emperor Huangquan was reduced to Lord Chu's death surrogate.

But Young Master Chu thought he was smart, but the Skynet was so strong that he couldn't hide it from the sky.

Of course, this is just Su Jin's guess. The truth may not be the case, but this possibility is very high.

"You can't open it, because you will die on the way, and I will be placed in this coffin and plunged into the darkness of eternity--" Golden Skull Suo Lun laughed.

Su Jin suddenly turned around, raised his arms, and suddenly a ‘woo woo woo' sound appeared, and that arm turned into a dragon arm and patted Suo Lun directly.

Too sudden!

Golden Skull Suo Lun was slapped in the face before he could react!

"Reward you for scratching your ears, and tell me to pay attention to your words!" Su Jin succeeded in hitting his hand and squirted.

"You, you really are not easy."

Golden Skull Suo Lun seemed to be a little angry, but immediately he put away his emotions and said indifferently: "When I catch you and cut you into eight pieces, you must know that this is a punishment that God cannot forgive you."

Su Jin still has combat power. This is obviously something Golden Skull Suo Lun didn't know. Of course, he saw clearly at the end of that dragon arm, it turned out to be six fingers--

Six fingers can cover the sky! I'm afraid this is the only method that Su Jin can use, and Suo Lun, the Golden Skull, knows it well, and is naturally not afraid.

Su Jin now automatically blocked Suo Lun in the rear and stopped playing with him.

Worries are always lingering in my heart.

There is a cemetery in the front, and Suo Lun the **** corpse in the back. The experience of Su Jin after climbing the bridge is not very good.


At one hundred and thirty holes, Suo Lun, the golden skull, grinned and said quietly: "The nine'headless generals', according to the will of the sky, drive the five-flower god's carriage and cut you against the sky for repair."


The dragon head ancient coffin slammed on the bridge, and the surrounding scenery seemed to disappear in the dark. Su Jin had been alert for a long time, and it was about to begin—

The road under your feet is still the same road, but it is dark all around, and nine headless and heavy armored men have manifested around a hundred meters!

"Carving on the bridge!"

Su Jin opened his eyebrows and raised his eyes. Now that his golden body can't be displayed, the Wisdom Buddha Eye can't appear naturally, but the eyes of Maha Town can still be used.

Different from the wisdom Buddha pupil of Buddhism and Taoism, Maha Prison Eye does not belong to ‘Tao’, it is a purer ‘skill’.

And the "Fire Eye Golden Eye", although it is the "Red Lotus Fire God Road", but this is only the name of Su Jin, this flame is unruly, and if used properly, it may not be impossible to get out of this deserted bridge.

Just now, nine headless powerhouses in heavy armor emerged from the wall of the deserted bridge.

Five of them, riding on five-flower horses and carrying heavy chain hammers, appeared silently.

"If you don't want to suffer the pain of dismemberment, I still advise you to lie down in the ancient coffin."

Golden Skull Suo Lun put down the ancient coffin of the dragon head and pushed open the lid of the coffin, and a strange voice reached Su Jin's ears.

"I want to kill all of you!"

Su Jin screamed, the tiger's body shook, his pupils were red, and the two pillars of fire burned away——

Bang bang bang.

Like the sound of popping beans, the void was scorched and turned into red and black lava cracks, but the damage caused by these two "fire eyes and golden eyes" should have been very impressive.


But when the glasses were broken, when the two pillars of fire hit nine headless and heavy armored men, they seemed to pass through water mist, without causing any damage!

Su Jin's face changed wildly.

"It's useless, it's all in vain." Golden Skull Suo Lun said with a smile.

Did not sit still, Su Jin did not retreat but instead advanced, rushed to the headless powerhouse one hundred meters in his left hand, the ‘Juque Saint Soldier’ appeared in his hand, and he directly jumped and slashed down!

"Dang~~~" There was a spark on the headless and heavy armored man.

Second Olympics!

Su Jin’s scalp was numb, he had never been so strenuous, the other party did not fight back, just with this defensive power, he shook him back to the center place——

No one dares to imagine.

Everyone knows that the head is the most vulnerable part of the human body, and the head is no longer, which means that there is a weakness. Su Jin took a blow, and the opponent was not hurt at all.

"Do it!" The golden skull Suo Lun quacked.


There are five headless powerful men in heavy armor riding on the ‘five-flower horse’ around them, seeming to have enlightened their wisdom, and rushing towards Su Jin from the surroundings, riding the horses violently.

The five strong men have no heads, but their hands are raised, and the chain hammers in their hands are thrown out of the circle~~~

"not good!"

Su Jin's face changed wildly, and those chain hammers seemed to wave an inexplicable way, he lowered his head and looked at his left arm, the chain hammers entangled!


Su Jin was a little anxious, unable to calm down anymore, and during this short breath, his right arm was also entangled in chains——

Left leg, right leg!

All were entangled by the chains of the chain hammer, Su Jin's brain was blank, and he struggled to escape, but did not move!

Su Jin was close to death more than once, but this time he was really helpless, unable to use all kinds of Taoism, even the ‘Great Ascension’ technique.

Golden Skull Suo Lun smiled strangely, and the voice of the dark test drifted away:

"Tsk tusk tusk, do you know what it's like to divide by five horses?"

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