My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2015: Taijingtian

Dream girl's delicate body trembled slightly-

Xueyi wrapped her beautiful body, and a touch of doubt appeared in her eyes that seemed to be able to speak, and she walked over to Su Jin.

Raising her hand lightly, she gently tried Su's head, and the girl Meng was surprised: "Sick?"

The palms are warm.

Su Jin stared at Sister Meng in a daze, and his melancholy continued to linger in his mind. He knew that what he said just now was a bit hurtful. This was a sign of distrust.

Su Jin's heart is extremely complicated in the gentle hands of Mengmeng.

The truth now is that Miss Dream is long gone, and the real body is already in the 80th coffin, but who is the ‘dream’ in front of her?

Can't ask, can't speak.

"Maybe it's my illusion--" Su Jin closed his eyes, and the look of Meng Meng's sadness for him kept wandering in his mind, that kind of sadness would not be fake.

"It's too stressful. Get on the boat. Sister will make a pot of tea for you. Tell Sister about your experience these days." Miss Meng stayed on Su Jin's arm.

Gentle and tender.


Su Jin chose to believe it, and was brought to the color boat by Meng Sister. Her tea art was really top-notch. After a while, the fragrance of tea wafted out. With the fragrance of beautiful tea, there was a beautiful scenery that could not be hidden, and came to mind.

There was a chat without a word, time slowly passed by——

Half a pot of tea from the nose has passed.

"Six Dao Ancestors?" Miss Meng exclaimed and heard Su Jin talk about her experience of the Six Dao Ancestors.

"Well, what's the problem?" Su Jin asked.

"Oh, nothing... It's just that there is an unwritten secret among the cultivators. The Six Dao Ancestors cannot become emperors, never, and no one has ever done it yet." Meng Girl's face darkened.

At present, Su Jin's combat power is definitely the strongest in China, and the catastrophe of the world is about to be destroyed. It is definitely not good news to become the ancestor of the six daos, and it is not even as good as him.

"The record is broken by people. No one has done it before. It doesn't mean that I can't do it. My six ways will definitely become the emperor!" Su Jin grabbed Meng Meng's hand.

Snow white, tender and warm. Su Jin grabbed her hand naturally to comfort her.

"In that year, the emperor created the six reincarnations of the'Huaxia', and he was not as against the sky as you did. The six paths used were created with other Taobao and spar."

Miss Meng's expression became weird, "No one knows the combat power of the Empress of the Six Paths, but there is no doubt that a reincarnation can be established with her own strength."

"I will take that path. My journey is not just an emperor!" Su Jin pointedly said clearly, "I not only want to become emperor with six daos, but also with six daos to become a world realm, and a heavenly realm!"

"Well, sister is very optimistic about you—" Miss Meng smiled, and the surrounding scenery began to fade.


Gentle Township, Hero Tomb.

The time spent with the beauties always passed quickly. Su Jin and Ms. Meng said goodbye, stepped down from the color boat, opened a passage, and appeared directly beside the sea of ​​suffering——

There is the Eastern Region, Zijie County, and it has already sunk to the west.

Before Su Jin left, he did not agree where to meet the two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, but he knew where the two women were.

He must be waiting for him in the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom, after all, the underground there is where the Zen Snow Girl placed the Jingshi Ant——

Su Jin took the teleportation formation from Zijie County to the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom. He had to go from the gate of Jingshiyi to Tai Brahma, which was far faster than taking a ghost ship.

Banzhuxiang passed by, and Su Jin's figure appeared underground in the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

"See the master." The two female elders, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, knelt down immediately.

Su Jin held his pocket and looked at the scorched black appearance in the distance. Jingshi ants had already turned to ashes, but he did not expect that in such a short period of time, the area where Jingshi ants gnawed would have expanded tenfold. more than.

this is too scary!

"Get up." Su Jin glanced at the two females and said indifferently.

"The master's red lotus cleansing fire can actually burn the cleansing ants. If this is spread out, it will definitely be an incredible event." The Bihu female elder snuggled up.

"Venerable Zen Snow Girl, if I read right here, it should be a long-distance teleportation array. Can you go directly to the Brahma?"

Su Jin grabbed the Nine Elephants Feizhou and let Tang Ying stagger and fall down, and he was hugging her waist.


The Zen Snow Woman shook her head, "The farthest you can go to Taijingtian, there is a Mogu Sky Sea, and few formation gates can cross."

Su Jin frowned.

Of course, his brows stretched slightly, and he nodded: "Too pure heaven is too pure, anyway, two big worlds are next to each other."

When he was in Taifan, Su Jin had heard of Taifan Taijing. The two are opposites. There must be a way to "Taifan" from Taijingtian, and it must be much faster than taking a ghost ship.

"it is good--"

There was a slight shock on the Venerable Zen Snow Woman's feet, and the lines of the door began to light up, and they gathered in a very short period of time.

Tang Yingjiao narrowed her eyes into crescent moons, looked around, her mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape, but as her body became lighter, she became nervous again, and just hugged Su Jin’s waist~~~

The four streamers disappeared on the gate——

A moment!

A full quarter of an hour!

Su Jin could gradually see things. The time for this teleportation was definitely not short in his experience, but when the four appeared, the other two women were very strange except for the Zen Snow Girl.

The sound of Haitao appeared in the ears of the four of them just now. It turned out that this long-distance teleportation array was alive in the sea, and the huge void vortex sent them out.

"Still sealing it?" The Zen Snow Girl was shocked.

In that sky, a gray-blue giant formed, covering half of the sky, and on the horizon, a gleam of blood-colored void cracks were extremely eye-catching.

"Have you been here?" Su Jin asked.

"I have come to do the task." The Zen Snow Woman was unwilling to reveal her identity.

"When I was in Taifan, I never saw the blood-red void crack." Su Jin felt very strange.

The Zen Snow Woman nodded and said: "Taijing Tian and Tai Brahma, the reason why the two realms have become rivals, the biggest contradiction comes from the void battlefield——"

"Let's talk about it," Su Jin said.

"It's a long story, let's put it simply. In the last ten thousand years, the blood-colored cracks have continuously poured out big devil gods and big evil spirits, originally too Brahman."

Zen Xue Nuo thought for a while, "Tai Fan Tai Jing two big worlds, so many ideas have been made for this, and even a lot of effort is spent looking for materials to make up for the void and sky. Later, for some reason, the materials fell too far. Brahman's hands."


"Yes. Cooperation, Tai Brahma has filled up the void battlefield in its own world, and only promised to continue to maintain the "Mogu God Prison" and assist in the management." Zen Xuenu said.

Su Jin's heart was shocked. Could this be the origin of the "Mogu God Prison"?

"This trip needs to destroy the powers of the Fanatics in order to repay the hatred of that day!"

Su Jin secretly swears in his heart, of course, his main purpose is to save the mother who was never seen——

And domineering.

Too Brahman!

You are all going to die!

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