My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2016: Hero save the beauty! !

"Brother Su——"

Music mm Tang Yingjiao, watching Su Jin in a daze, couldn't help asking: "What are we doing here?"

"I have no revenge." Su Jin stretched out his fingers, scraped her Qiong nose, and smiled slightly.


The Biyu woman was startled and asked, "Are you in the Brahma?"

"Yes, since it's so close to the void battlefield, let's go take a look." Su Jin looked at the **** crack in the distance, the bright light that kept shining, and was curious.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Tang Yingjiao didn't think it was too big to see the excitement. Su Jin shut her down so badly today, and now it's time to join in the excitement and relax.

Immediately, Su Jin put his arms around Tang Yingjiao's waist, opened a void passage, and the two females walked in one after another——

Void Battlefield~~~

In the darkness, the gray-blue stars intertwined with the blood-red crack, bright and dazzling.

There are many mountains here, but apart from some leafless trees and vines, there are very few living things.

When Su Jin and the four walked out of the void passage, they saw the blood-colored crack ten miles away, and a feeling of majestic waves grew in their hearts.

The battle is fierce!

The precious lights of various colors blasted through the blood-colored cracks, and millions of monks on the scene continued to recite spells, and a layer of purple light rose around——

Seeing the purple brilliance, Su Jin was a little surprised.

"Confucianism and Taoism became the ancestors, is Taijingtian still so powerful?" Su Jin directly saw an old gentleman, holding an ancient book, and sincerely admired in his heart.

Su Jin's Confucian and Taoist strength is low, and compared with this old man, he can't get on the stage at all.

In the world of monks, only one ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism can change the situation of the battle, but this approach is too difficult, too difficult!

In addition to the cultivators gathered in the formation, Su Jin also saw that there were many Saint Kings and Ancestral Realms who were fighting face-to-face with those big monsters!

Those demon heads are all large and small, some of them are covered with red hairs and are like apes, and there are also great demons with scales on their bodies. Su Jin even saw a stone demon wielding a red hammer and fighting the monks. .

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Fifty miles away, a multicolored brocade was waving, and a saint queen nun, brocade like a whip, smashed the red-haired devil heads.

Su Jin touched his chin and was deeply attracted to him.

Every beauty has her own temperament, some Xiaojiabiyu, some heroines, some overbearing and aggressive, and the female saint king, graceful figure...

Wartime is like dancing, the posture is like a crescent moon, and the waist is twisted like a vine~~~

In the red crack, countless monsters are still pouring out, and all the powerhouses have exhausted all means to resist, and they can withstand this wave of offensive.

"It's so lively~~~" The music mm Tang Yingjiao, she was dizzy and envious.

She only became a fairy not long ago, and it was equivalent to the holy realm on the scene, not too powerful. If she entered the battlefield to fight, the track would not last a few breaths, and she would be beheaded.

"I haven't been this serious before." Zen Xuenu said with a cold face.



Some big demon died, and at the same time, some monks were exhausted. They were severely torn to pieces by some big demon, and their flesh and blood were scattered all over the place. The scene was quite tragic, but the formation of monks seemed to be commonplace.

"Senior Brother! I'm fighting with you filthy things!"

Not far from the young man who had just been torn apart, a girl rushed away and rushed into the group of red-haired demon heads, struggling to kill, but was buried in by the demon head like an ant colony, and could not even scream.

Such cruel scenes abound!

Tang Ying squeezed her cuffs with fright, and covered her small mouth. She had seen this kind of scene for the first time and felt cruel for the first time.

"Brother Su, can you help them?"

Tang Yingjiao was almost scared to cry, and there were scenes of tears everywhere, making her, a beautiful woman who was a little fainted when she went to the hospital to get blood, looked uncomfortable.

Su Jin frowned slightly and looked at Tang Yingjiao and said, "There are countless people in the world who need help. If you say this, I can help?"

"But, but you can't die without saving--" Tang Yingjiao said with a pale face.

"Sure enough, Yingjiao, who knows me, is actually the kind of good man who sees uneven roads, draws a knife to help, and still helps grandma across the road at the crossroads."

As Su Jin was talking, she didn't feel any change in her taste, but Tang Yingjiao moved her lips and covered her face, as if telling others that she didn't know Su Jin.


The millions of monks who clumped together let out an exclamation--

"The Yunyun fairy of the Lu family is in danger!" A male repairman on the scene became anxious.

"There is a Demon God there, it's so deep hidden!"

"Be careful~~~"

"not good!"

The woman who was holding the brocade and evading constantly was cared by millions of monks at the scene. The Great Demon God is the ancestor according to the realm, and Lu Yanyun is a female saint king who cannot be beaten——

The situation is extremely urgent!

Tang Yingjiao happened to see in Yu Guang, she was about to turn her head to speak, only to find that Su Jin had disappeared beside her!

Indeed, the Yunyun fairy of the Lu Family is very dangerous. Reasonably this kind of situation often happens here, whether it is the fairy or the holy realm, even the ancestral realm has fallen too much.

So it’s not uncommon, nor coincidentally—

Fairy Yanyun was retreating steadily, the big demon **** opened his fangs, his red hair was dazzling, and the needle-like red hair directly sprayed over.

A brocade spines a flower, Lu Yanyun is resisting with all his strength, but there are still a few red awns scratching her pretty face~~~

Bloodstains ooze!


The big demon beat his chest, and flicked more and more, his fist was like a basin, and he slammed into the bleeding fairy Yunyun--

Even Fairy Yanyun didn't think he could live, but in that instant, the world seemed to be quiet.

The void cracks like blood, the gray-blue stars exude a faint light, and even every wind that blows over the body becomes so real.

Twenty centimeters in front of Fairy Yanyun, a young man appeared shocked and raised a punch with one hand~~~

That young man's fist is nothing compared to the fist of the big demon!

But when he confronted, the young man stood in the void, his whole body didn't move a bit, but the big demon screamed and flew out!

In the inverted posture, the big demon's burly body began to see an inch of flesh and blood with the naked eye, all of which was shattered, rustling and falling, and finally the skeleton was disintegrated in the void, throwing away!


Shatter the devil with one punch!

The Yunyun Fairy of Taijingtian Lu's family opened their beautiful eyes, and their thoughts became blank in an instant. In her opinion, a great demon of this level must be killed by the emperor.

However, Lu Yanyun did not think that the Emperor Realm would be so young, and he would easily appear--

"Watch it well." Su Jin tilted his head slightly, only let Fairy Yanyun see Wei Side's face.

At that moment, it seemed eternal--

Su Jin looked at the dense demon head in the distance, gently raised his hand and waved his cross-arm~~~

A ‘Red Lotus Clean Fire’ that resembled a red sea wave was waved by Su Jin’s hand!

This scene silenced the millions of monks on the scene!

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