My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2017: My name is Su Jin!

The fire roars!

That blazing fire curtain, like a rising sea wave, swept everything in front of you!

The densely packed great demon, the catastrophe, and even a few hidden, commanding great demon gods have not escaped, all have evaporated into the world!

The fairy misty cloud of the Lu family suddenly fell into a brief loss of consciousness.

The devil is hard to kill, and the little devil is hard to deal with. In the past few days, Lu Yanyun has set off from home and has felt particularly profound.


But what is this young man? ?

"Wow~~~" A brief silence passed, and the millions of monks on the scene roared in shock.

"Who is this person, young, so capable?" There was an immortal great power in the distance, with a blood-stained sword on his back, covering his heart, his face couldn't hide his surprise.

"Waving a hand to cut away a million demons, there is even an ancestral realm great demon **** in it, is this young man a great emperor?" Another beautiful woman exclaimed in a gray-headed state.

If the beautiful woman is cleaned, she is definitely a beautiful and charming woman, but this battle is bitter, and she has been fighting for several days without stopping.

"Oh my God, this is probably the quietest time in a month since the tide of demons came in--" Someone sighed with emotion as they looked at the empty battlefield that had been swept away in front.


Su Jin put his hands in his pockets, turned around slowly and handsomely, looking at Lu Yanyun in a state of absent-mindedness~~~

At close range.

Lu Yanyun wore the gray Lingluo ancient clothes, with ink hair on the back like a waterfall, and the front neckline was staggered, with fine brown-black lace on the edges, and a three-inch black stone buckle belt, which made her come out vividly.

"Is the fairy okay?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"Thank you Senior for helping me, Yanyun is okay--" Lu Yanyun lowered his head slightly.

In addition to being slightly injured, there is also exhaustion. If in normal times, with the strength of Lu Family Yanyun Fairy, it would be difficult for the ordinary Ancestral Realm to kill her, and she could escape.

But just now it was really impossible.

As he lowered his head, Lu Yanyun was relieved and was about to retreat instinctively, but Su Jin had already taken a step forward and provoked her chin with one hand~

There were a few slender scars on Wu Fangwu's face. Su Jin was a beauty-loving person. Now seeing those wounds, his heart really hurts.

"Your face--" Su Jin smiled slightly and said calmly.

However, Lu Yanyun's face flushed.

Men love beauty, and women cherish looks the most. This is especially true for a beautiful and famous woman like Fairy Lu Jia Yanyun, but this face is hurt a little, which is not what she wants.

"Senior." There is no dislike or disgust in Lu Yanyun's heart. It's just that millions of monks are watching, Su Jin picks her chin, a bit that~~

Su Jin understood, nodded, retracted his hands and looked at tens of thousands of people who were seriously injured, and countless slightly injured. With his face silent, he looked at Lu Yanyun and said, "I will heal the scars on your face."


Before some people were wondering, Su Jin folded his hands gently, reflecting the Buddha's light in a radius of five thousand miles, and he appeared peacefully!

In the void, the Buddha's light became a circle with Su Jin as the center. Being seen by all beings, there are faint Buddha's singing becoming stronger and stronger.

"Not all sentient beings, but those who are predestined with the Buddha of Life and Death."

"The heavens and humans have not broken away from life and death in stages, and have not yet been saved, but there is a predestined dharma meeting, so it is said to be saved, not saved."

"Within the three seas, there is a great hell. There are hundreds of thousands of them, and each is different."

"The so-called big one has eighteen and five hundred times. Bitterness is infinite, and times there are thousands. There is also infinite suffering."


A sing of the Buddha purifies the soul, drives away the hostility, and overcomes the evil in the heart. The place where the Buddha's light shines is like a piece of bliss!

Under Lu Yanyun's beautiful ancient clothes, the wrapped body trembled again and again, with incredible eyes! The immortal power she exhausted was quickly being made up for.

Several scars on her face were also plated with a little Buddha light. Within a few breaths, the scars healed quickly and recovered as before!

And those tens of thousands of people who were seriously injured and countless slightly injured were also rescued by the Buddha of Life and Death!

The female veteran Bichen looked stunned, she knew that Su Jin's path to perfection had long become a rare peak Buddha!

But he didn't expect that the reflection of his Buddha's light could save so many people just by singing the Buddha's light.

"Ah, my injury has recovered!" Someone was still in disbelief, got up from the ground and said excitedly.

"I'm fine too, the wound is healed."

"Earlier, I was injured by the demon snake. The elders took the bone spirit pills and couldn't heal them. I was helpless. I didn't expect that I would survive--"


Only Fairy Yanyun touched her face with bare hands and touched with her fingertips. It was as smooth as before. Although she had a ‘Ling Yan Pill’, the effect could only reduce the wound. She never expected her face to be intact.

"Senior kindness, Yanyun is unforgettable!" Lu Yanyun was about to kneel down, but Su Jin held his arm.

"I am not a senior, and I have only cultivated for a few years, so I don't have to call me like that--" Su Jin said with a smile.

several years!

Lu Yanyun was stunned.

Is there such a blow?

From the perspective of Fairy Yanyun, I guess that Su Jin is in the ancestral realm, and it is still that kind of very unsimple ancestral realm, otherwise, how could he kill the great demon **** equivalent to ‘ancestor’ with one punch?

And for existence like Su Jin, it is impossible to lie, but this is only a few years! so horrible!

"Did the senior reincarnate and rebuild it?" Lu Yanyun opened his eyes wide.

"Perhaps--" Su Jin laughed bitterly.

Su Jin is also looking for this answer. Maybe no one believes it. He doesn't even know who he was in the first place.

"We have a few Buddhas in Taijingtian, but the Dharma as superb as the predecessors does not seem to exist." Lu Yanyun guessed that Su Jin was not from this world.

"Also called Senior?"

Su Jin glanced at her helplessly and said, "My name is Su Jin."

Suddenly, Lu Yanyun's face was flushed, and Xin Xia was added. In the monk's world, the strong is always the greatest. Lu Yanyun himself is a female saint's cultivation base, so why don't you call his seniors?

"Brother Su, Su." Lu Yanyun didn't know how to call him, Su Jin liked it or not, so I can't call him Brother Su!

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, the fairy should leave."

Su Jin kindly reminded him that it was not because he had taken a fancy to her. Although he had swept this place once, it was conceivable that the demon in the depths of the void battlefield would make a comeback.

He cannot be here all the time.

"I need to cut down my feats. I'm still a lot worse." Lu Yanyun said with an embarrassed smile, but his expression became more hesitant.

After all, Su Jin's suggestion was indeed right in her opinion.

"What does it mean to cut the merits?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"I want to go to'Qiankun Tian'."

Lu Yanyun told the truth.

After talking, Su Jin didn’t know, because he, the swan fairy was on the verge of death several times, and has been fleeing in the Brahma—

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