My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2018: Consecutive shocks

This is, the not-to-distant border of Brahma—

A very quiet seaside town, emitting a faint glow, and on the edge of the town is the ‘Mogu Sky Sea’ illuminated by gray and blue stars!


The sporadic dog barking adds a little warmth to the town.

In the dilapidated inn, there is a "Swan Fairy" hidden. At this moment, the curtain is dim, and the Swan Fairy is in the wooden barrel, picking up strands of clear water.

Wash away the embarrassment.

"What's the noise?" The swan fairy screamed as she rushed outside the door.

"Master, don't panic, there is a dog barking~~" The fairy waiter outside the door comforted.

"Yes, Big Brother Bai Zhan is sitting in the woods in front of the town, very close to here, don't be afraid of the master--" Lingyou, the immortal attendant also said to comfort him.

After a while, the swan fairy took a bath, changed her clothes, and sat at the wooden table, looking at the red paper lamp.

I kept thinking about it, where the frustrated swan fairy shed tears in her eyes. On that day in Taifan, Su Jin was sent away and completely disappeared, the nightmare of her family began.

The imperial palace was occupied, and Xingdi's father and fairy mother disappeared. The father's most loyal subordinate, Bai Zhan eldest brother, protected her all the way away, hiding in Tibet!

Originally, she had hundreds of immortal servants in the imperial palace, and she took 19 of them when she left. These days, only two of them were left, all of them were chased to death by the "Blood Charm" sent by the Supreme Brahman.

Compared to her, Ying Ruxue was better, but she was restricted from going out in her boudoir. The Qingzhou City Lord didn't help Su Jin that day, and it seems that she is not feeling well now.

Blowing out the lamp, the swan fairy lay on the bed.

I closed my eyes and forced myself not to think about it, but the tears were still rolling down--


Now, at the invitation of Su Jin, Lu Yanyun has joined the team, and with the respect of millions of monks, heading to the nearby "Devil Town".

I plan to cross the Mogu Sea again when it is light tomorrow morning.

"Brother Su is going to Taifan?" Lu Yanyun looked at Su Jin with weird eyes.

"Hmm -" Su Jin nodded.

"I heard that Tai Brahma is not peaceful recently, of course, with the strength of Big Brother Su, there must be no problem."

As Lu Yanyun said, he glanced at the two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun.

If Lu Yanyun saw that Su Jin was the ancestor, then she could not see through these two powerful women at all! During the chat, Su Jin called these two strong men "females."

Lu Yanyun is still wondering that only the strong women of the world will be revered as "females," but she feels that the two strong women named Su Jin should not be in the world?

Not sure!

"How? Of course? Of course, no matter what is not peaceful, I must go too brahman, rain or shine." Su Jin's tone is firm. He is just taking a trip to the sky, and the purpose is naturally too brahman.

"Some time ago, a young strong man named'Mu Ziye' climbed to the top of'Blue Sky Ladder' and passed the potential of the three steps of heaven."

Lu Yanyun continued: "Then facing more than a hundred emperors alone, it almost fell out of the Brahma, and then he was sent away, and the people who helped him were in trouble."

Su Jin:...

Tang Yingjiao:...

Bi Hun Female Sovereign:...

Zen Snow Girl:...

All speechless.

Everyone was surprised. Tang Yingjiao was surprised because the name "Mu Ziye" is very familiar, isn't it Big Brother Su?

Bi Hun and Zen Xue were surprised. They were not surprised by the three words "Mu Zi Ye". She was surprised because Su Jin faced more than a hundred emperors alone!

The Zen Snow Girl is very clear that when Su Jin was outside the realm of the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, the strength that Su Jin showed could not challenge more than a hundred emperors.

In her world, it is impossible to defeat the joint efforts of more than a hundred emperors!

Why is Su Jin surprised?

It’s just because I didn’t expect that only the Star Emperor would help him. If the Star Emperor suffered because of him, the Swan Fairy——

Thinking of this, Su Jin's face changed slightly.

"Brother Su, isn't Mu Ziye the pseudonym you used?" Tang Yingjiao looked at Su Jin suspiciously, moving away from Lu Yanyun's face.


Lu Yanyun was dumbfounded, stunned and stopped, his tone was full of shock, an incomparable shock!

Simply fainted! Who knew that the original reminder was intentional, but he learned this big secret! It turned out that the hero who saved her was the hero who made a fuss!

"Yes, the purpose of my trip is to come for the sake of being too brave." Su Jin looked at the shocked and pretty faces of the women, with some wry smiles at the corners of his mouth.

"No wonder. The master always does big things unexpectedly." The Bi Hun woman admired her.

If Su Jin can become the emperor in six ways, Bi Hun will definitely serve him with all her heart, and will follow him by the side of such a powerful person without any price drop.

"Fairy Yanyun, since your information is so good, can you help me find out where is Taifan's "Swan Fairy" so far?" Su Jin said.

He really has no intention of harming others.

"Let me ask the Lord of the Town Demon to help Big Brother Su inquire--" Lu Yanyun laughed.

Just a word of ‘let’ is the nobleness that can show her identity. After all, Taijingtian’s ‘Lu’ family is a golden sign, and Taijingtian is the most advanced existence.

"Thank you! Besides, how do you cross the Mogu Sky Sea? How long does it take to cross?" Su Jin asked.

"There are merchant ships that trade with Taifan, and it will take half a day to get there." Lu Yanyun said seriously.

"it is good--"

The original plan to leave tomorrow morning was changed by Su Jin. If the first news comes out, he will go to Brahma overnight.

A hundred miles in front of him passed by, and Zhenma City was a big city, named after the "Void Battlefield". Lu Yanyun had a servant in the city for less than half a time.

Brought news--

At present, the swan fairy is likely to be in Taifan’s "Baiqiu Town", and the area is no more than three thousand miles!

Su Jin was sitting on pins and needles. After learning the news, he was curious how the "Devil Town Lord" was so clear!

"I guess that my realm is not in harmony with Taifan. The swan fairy appeared in the Mogu Tianhai on the other side, and might pass there to find a chance to take refuge in Taijingtian." Lu Yanyun gave an explanation.

Why is it so clear to the Suppression City Lord?

Su Jin nodded and walked outside the restaurant. A night black boat floated out of his hand. He watched Lu Yanyun and said, "Will Fairy Yanyun go together?"

"Can I?" Lu Yanyun Xiafei nodded her cheeks.



Taifan, Baiqiu Town.

There were several pools of blood around the dilapidated inn last night. At dawn, the swan fairy had suffered from insomnia for a long time, and fell asleep only an hour and a half ago.

Not sober.

Outside the door, the two fairy servants turned green, and they had died silently.

It was still dark, the door was quietly pushed open a gap, two more fingers in the gap.

Opened, the door was completely opened.

"Jie Jie Jie, it would be a shame if Swan Fairy was killed like this."

The mysterious man in the black red-patterned robe hides his face in the'red and white facial makeup', with a different kind of fluttering tone in the yin smile, and walks to the bed of the swan fairy step by step.

Raise your hand and reach out~~~

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