My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2019: Save the swan

On the bed, the swan fairy is quiet and beautiful.

In the recent state of being surrounded by plants and trees, even though she was sleeping, she was very haggard, and she couldn't feel a strong enemy entering the house.

The red-and-white striped facial makeup was wrapped in a black robe and hat. Two greedy red eyes showed hot gazes. He was not impatient or impatient, and continued to stretch out his hands~~


A strange voice came from behind, and the mysterious man in black robe with facial makeup immediately stopped. At this moment, his hand was only three inches away from the swan fairy——

Turn around slowly.

The cooing sound became louder and louder, and then almost turned into a rumbling voice, the black robe masked person turned around and said unbelievably: "You deserve to be a great general of a hundred battles. I can still stand after being defeated by my five poisonous spiritual arts. stand up."

Outside the door, there was a man of about 30 years old, staggeringly holding the door frame, green light emitted from his body, and those green lights seemed to be everywhere, floating out of every pore.

When this situation was reached, on his arms and neck and face, but on all exposed skin, green sores had begun to appear, ulcerated, and the entire pair of eyes were turning white.

"Wake up~~~"

Two words that were so hoarse that they did not sound like a human voice came out of Bai Zhan's mouth. He looked at the sleeping Swan fairy on the bed with a little anxiety on his face.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~ The famous ancestor of the Hundred Wars, didn't even ask for a living at this moment, but dared to come here to protect this swan fairy." The black robe masked people kept making evil smiles.


Seeing that the swan fairy could not wake up, Bai Zhan, while the true spirit had not yet disintegrated, exploded with astonishing strength while dying, and rushed forward in one step!

A punch!


A dull voice appeared between the two fists, and the black robe masked person didn't move at all. The power released by the two fists shook the entire dilapidated inn into powder!

But seeing the swan fairy, the Xia Yi on her body was shining, and she was unscathed in the blow, because she had to put on this treasure even if she was sleeping, but she did not think about it but saved her. Life!

The swan fairy woke up from a dizzy state!

"Big Brother Bai Zhan!" The Swan Fairy looked surprised and exclaimed.

"After a hundred battles, he can no longer protect my lord. The lord flees. I will disarm the ancestral body, but I can hold him for a moment!" Bai Zhan looked deeply at the swan fairy, and a red brilliance appeared on his forehead——

I remember that in Wangguigu that year, I first saw Swan Immortal. She was only fifteen years old and called his uncle.

At that time, the swan fairy was already a well-known beauty in the world, able to communicate with the natural gods and call the true spirits of plants. That was the year that Bai Zhan volunteered to follow the star emperor.

"Does the emperor really want to kill them all?" The swan fairy looked at the mysterious mask man coldly.

This mysterious person obviously has the characteristics of a ‘blood charm’, and he can beat the ancestral realm's Hundred Wars brother like this, at least as an outstanding existence among the ancestors.

"Tsk tusk, don't blame the emperor for being cruel, who made you fight against him, if you successfully cross this Mogu Heaven Sea, and go to Taijingtian, our blood charm will probably be dissolved--"

The face of the mysterious black-robed man was shocked, and his tone was extremely uncomfortable.

The swan fairy bit her lip with her teeth.

Very helpless!

This kind of era is the era when the strong is the fish meat. She is just a girl whose father is the star emperor, who has grown up among the nobles.

Even if it is reasonable, even if the other party is very shameless, but there is no way...

"The Emperor of Heaven is not afraid that the little thief will come back in the future!" The Swan Fairy was aggrieved.

During the embarrassed escape, the spirit had long since collapsed, and now to say such a thing to a strong man who cannot be defeated, it can only make people laugh.

As for the little thief--

It was the big villain who peeked at her on the advice of the lake **** that day!

"He doesn't dare to kill him again. Of course, maybe one day, but you definitely won't see it."

The mysterious mask man laughed, and suddenly surprised, "Huh?"

The swan fairy's body trembled, watching Big Brother Bai Zhan's body no longer green, but muscles and bones began to grow.

"Big Brother Bai Zhan!" A tear came out of the eyes of the fairy Swan, she was holding Tan's mouth, crying when she spoke.

"The soldiers of the God of War clan? It's really unique--" The mysterious mask man obviously paid a little attention, and his mocking expression gradually faded.

The physique of the hundred battles is nearly twice as strong as before!

When using the military solution technique, the spirit sea shattered in an instant, but at this moment, Baizhan knelt down on one knee to the swan fairy, once the military solution was irretrievable.

No longer can he protect the people he thinks are important in life——


After a hundred battles disappeared in place, it turned into an afterimage that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. Before the brilliance of life was fading, he exploded with unimaginable astonishing combat power!

With constant rumblings, the mysterious mask man opened up the ancestral world and repeatedly dealt with the bombardment of hundreds of battles.

The swan fairy is in a hurry~~~

The biggest drawback of the military solution is that the offensive is getting weaker and weaker-

Thousands of miles away, the black boat shuttled at speed, with several people on the deck, led by Su Jin.

"Swan fairy is very famous in our Taijingtian." When Lu Yanyun was on the boat, he almost answered all questions. Tang Yingjiao was always able to ask strange topics.

While chatting, music mm Tang Yingjiao glanced at Su Jin standing on the bow of the ship, and sighed quietly in her heart. She did not expect that Big Brother Su was such a person with a story!

Su Jin’s eyebrows, the ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’ constantly reveals the mysterious Taoism, and collects it--


Bai Zhan is getting weaker and weaker, and the speed of punching and body technique is approaching the lowest. The mysterious Facebook man's last punch is raised, directly blasting Bai Zhan~~~

Seeing Bai Zhan's heavy fall to the ground, her body constantly twitching and unable to get up again, the swan fairy was desperate.

Before Bai Zhan eldest brother let her escape.

How to escape?

That’s just to lie to myself. Even a hundred battles have been killed. How could Swan Fairy himself escape——

"You, don't come over!" The swan fairy kept going backwards, her face pale and looking at the mysterious mask man.

"Fairy Swan, you have fallen into the hands of my Master Blood Charm, you better be obedient~~~"

"I won't go with you when I die!"

"Do you think you can live?"

"Then what do you want to do!" Seeing Master Xuemei rubbing her hands, the behavior of the Swan fairy made her feel scared.

"The emperor is far away, and it will take me six days to get to the Tiandi Palace. In these six days, if you serve me well, I may be able to plead with the Taifantiandi——"

"Asshole! If you dare to touch me, my father will kill you! Ah!" The swan fairy finally screamed, frightened at a loss, and watched Master Xuemei approach her.

The swan fairy looked at the red and green hands, and she couldn't help but feel a disgusting feeling, this master blood charm wanted to hug her!

Time seems to stop at that moment~~~

Master Xuemei paused, and the open hug gesture stopped!

On the right shoulder of Master Xuemei, a broad sword with a mountain pattern was put down!

The swan fairy was stunned, seeing that indifferent face, she felt like she was dreaming——

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