My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2021: Yamaoni Raid Bureau

Zhantai Brahma Emperor——

Is it so urgent?

The two females, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, had their clothes rustling in the wind, and their fairy postures were extraordinary. When the two women heard Su Jin's urgency, they coincided with each other and were a little solemn.

Slashing the lord of the world is not a trifle. Not to mention the realm master, even the monarch of any country in the realm belongs to the ranks of the emperor, and belongs to the disrespectful behavior of God.

"It's good to go now, but how do you find him?" The Swan Fairy asked with her eyes wide open.

The swan fairy is eager for the whereabouts of her parents, whether it is life or death, while Su Jin is taking revenge, and then enters the Mogu Prison to rescue her mother. The two naturally feel that the sooner the better.

"Do you know the location of the Heavenly Emperor Palace?" Su Jin looked at the swan fairy and asked this question.

"I know, I have been with my father no less than five times." The swan fairy nodded.

"Well, that's good, we will set off now in the Heavenly Emperor Palace——"

"I know you are not what you used to be, but if the Brahma Emperor walks away or hides elsewhere, it will be useless for you to go to the imperial palace." What the Swan fairy said is true.

"He will come out, I promise." Su Jin's eyes flashed with cold light.

Hearing this, the women shuddered, feeling that Su Jin might have a cruel plan.

Soon, Su Jin took the restless daughters, boarded the "Nine Elephants Flying Boat" and began to go north!

Su Jin did not know that the turbulent undercurrent seemed to be constantly fermenting!

At this moment, there is a mountain dome in the extreme north, and there are no less than a thousand high mountains around the dome!

On each mountain, the vegetation is luxuriant, and there are even some spiritual herbs growing in it, running like a living thing, swallowing clouds and fog.

There are thousands of high mountains standing in the sky, mostly by bridges, and the mountains are connected by cable bridges. The two highest mountains are the most famous ‘Baidi Bridge’——

And with thousands of mountains as the center and spreading out thousands of miles around, it is Taifan’s most prosperous and core existence... Heavenly Emperor City!

On the emperor peak, the palace is re-elected, the blue stone fairy spring is exuding the fragrance of the nose, and the sea of ​​fog not far away is like a living creature that can swallow mountains, constantly flowing slowly——


There was a winged fish and bird whose scales exuded glazed brilliance, fluttered out of the blue stone fairy spring, holding a two-finger-wide brown scroll, and fell into the hands of Emperor Tai Brahma.

"Blood charm died in Baiqiu Town, and the catastrophe appeared."

Such a sentence appeared on the scroll letterhead, and the eyes of Emperor Brahma shrank sharply.

Su Jin appeared!

The Emperor Tai Brahma fiercely squeezed the brown scroll, wrinkled it, almost fold it in half, with a fierce expression on his face, muttered to himself in a low voice: "Little beast! You dare to come! This time, you will definitely have to go. No reply!"

After all, Emperor Brahma turned around, walked into the huge palace, and opened the dark room——

The dark room was dark, with formation patterns engraved on the ground and walls, and three urns of corpse oil and three wicks directly above.


The Emperor Tai Brahman swung his sleeves to light the wick, bowed down without thinking, and stuck to his forehead: "Ling Wish Dao Sovereign is on top! The Tai Brahma disaster has arrived, and the disciples are dull, and there is no solution. He also asked Dao Zun for instructions. Ming Road!"

Three corpse oil lamps flickered in a state of no wind. Under the shining of this light, nine bone-colored altars were enshrined in the upper front!

Even nine skulls, eighteen flames jumped out of their eye sockets at this moment——

The Emperor Tai Brahma listened carefully, and only he could understand the unpredictable voice. His eyes were getting brighter, and even his face couldn't hide his excitement, and said, "The disciple has already known."

At noon of the day, heavy rain fell in the'Tiandi City', and a hint of restless agitation was revealed in the dark clouds.

The rain has stopped for two hours. But Lei kept knocking on this land, and never left--

But the dark clouds seem to have no meaning to stop. In the north, in the sky dark clouds in the void, it seems to have opened up an area, where there are horizontal and vertical rows, there are millions of evil spirits floating among them.

When Su Jin departed from Baiqiu Town, he took the Nine Elephants Flying Boat, but the area of ​​Taifan was simply described as terrifying, which was equivalent to hundreds of Chinese Great World.

After several twists and turns, Su Jin chose the long-distance teleportation array and came to the Tiandi City early to observe the situation.

"The weather here is really bad~~" Tang Yingjiao opened the window in the restaurant room, and her voice appeared in Su Jin's ear.

Su Jin sat on the roof of the restaurant, staring at the evil ghost area opened up for two hours.

"Four'Dragon Head Phoenix Head Coffin', but why are there four——" Su Jin's eyes flickered.

"Advise you to evacuate here." Su Jin moved from the fate gourd to Liu Changjia in the bone ring, making a sound in the goddess holding lotus picture.

"Oh?" Su Jin's tone was calm, raised the hip flask in his hand, and drank a sip from the sky, with a dismissive tone.

"That is the legendary'Mountain Ghost and Thunder Bureau'. Only if you anger the gods, can it come down." Liu Changjia said in a doubt.

"There are indeed familiar friends—" Su Jin glanced at the four coffins and said indifferently.

In front of the coffin, the vague red shadow was precisely the existence that had shot him in front of the eighty-one mysterious cemetery on Xinglu not long ago. At that time, he was in great power, and this woman could not be left empty and turned into a ghost to leave.

Now Liu Changjia is answering him, Su Jin feels that this red shadow woman is definitely not easy.

"Big brother, can I call you big brother?" In his mind, the voice of the Nine Dragon Umbrella appeared.

"What's the matter with you? A crying feminine tone, I'm not dead yet--" Su Jin communicated with Xiao Umbrella.

"Before you had a conscience, you didn't bury this emperor in that piece of star road cemetery, now I beg to let Miss Sister take me away again!" Ji Mie Long Umbrella said seriously.

"Sooner or later I will throw you into the cesspit and brainwash you..." Su Jin chose to ignore the small umbrella.

Get up slowly.

After breaking the hip flask with ears, Su Jin stepped out of the void and said quietly, "You two will go with me."


The two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, immediately became guilty. They looked at each other in the room, and finally they could only walk into the void and came behind Su Jin.

"Why, you two seem reluctant?" Su Jin didn't look back, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Jin could see the four ups and downs of the "Dragon Head and Phoenix Head Coffin" of the evil spirits, and he thought that these two females of the world realm would definitely be able to see them.

Do the math, Lu Yanyun, Tang Yingjiao, Swan Fairy, plus Su Jin himself are exactly four mouthfuls, but the two female veterans of Zen Sprite are the only ones missing. This is strange—

"Slaves obey orders~~~"

Bi Hun and Zen Xue said something together.

In fact, the two women have already cursed in their hearts. Su Jin is a man who can turn on the wisdom of the Buddha's pupils. He has infinite wisdom. Now that this situation occurs, I definitely don't want to let them go!

Su Jin walked through the void with his hand, and then his voice was not loud, but he could be heard by all the creatures in the Emperor City:

"Emperor Brahma, get out for Laozi quickly!"

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